KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(TE_selectText,"selectText(TQString widget, int paraFrom, int indexFrom, int paraTo, int indexTo)",i18n("Select a block of text using the paragraph number and character index of the line. You can use the cursorPositionChanged(int, int) signal to get this data in real time into a script."),5);
KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(TE_findText,"findText(TQString widget, TQString Text, bool Case-Sensitive, bool Forward)",i18n("Search for text from the cursor or a specified position. You can specifiy case sensitive search and forward or backward."),5);
// KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(TE_findText, "findText(TQString widget, TQString Text, bool Case-Sensitive, bool Forward, int Paragraph, int Index)", i18n("Search for text from the cursor or a specified position. You can specifiy case sensitive search and forward or backward."), 5, 7);
KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(TE_paragraphs,"paragraphs(TQString widget)",i18n("Get the number of paragraphs in the widget."),1);
KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(TE_length,"length(TQString widget)",i18n("Get the total length of all text."),1);
// KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(TE_getCursorPosition, "getCursorPosition(TQString widget)", i18n("Get the cursor postion in the form of paragraph and postion integers."), 1);
KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(TE_paragraphLength,"paragraphLength(TQString widget, int Paragraph)",i18n("Get the length of the paragraph."),2);
KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(TE_linesOfParagraph,"linesOfParagraph(TQString widget, int Paragraph)",i18n("Get the number of lines in the paragraph."),2);
KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(TE_VAsuperScript,"setSuperScript(TQString widget)",i18n("Use to set superscript."),1);
KommanderPlugin::registerFunction(TE_VAnormalScript,"setNormalScript(TQString widget)",i18n("Use to revert from superscript to normal script."),1);