<string>Select or enter in this spin box the number of list entries or steps that should be created by the wizard. After using the wizard, you can add (or remove) more entries or steps manually.</string>
<string>Select or enter in this spin box the number of list entries or steps that should be created by the wizard. After using the wizard, you can add (or remove) more entries or steps manually.</string>
<li><b>variablelist:</b> a list with two sections for each item: the term and the definition.</li>
<li><b>itemizedlist:</b> a list used when the order of the items is not important.</li>
<li><b>orderedlist:</b> a list used when the order of the items is important (for instance, a list of things in order of preference). Do not use orderedlist to describe the steps required to perform an action.</li>
<li><b>procedure:</b> list of an sequence of ordered steps, describing to the reader how to perform a task. You can add substeps later.</li>
<string>Select this option to create a procedure. A procedure is a sequence of ordered steps, describing to the reader how to perform a task. You can add nested substeps.
<step><para>First substep of the second step.</para></step>
<widget class="RadioButton" row="1" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<property name="associations" stdset="0">
<string>echo '<itemizedlist>'
echo ''
while [ $l -le @sb_lin ] ; do
echo '<listitem><para>'
echo 'Text entry '$l'.'
echo '</para></listitem>'
echo ''
echo '</itemizedlist>'</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string>Select this option to create a itemizedlist. A itemizedlist is a list used when the order of the items is not important.
Here is one example of a itemizedlist:
First item.
Second item.
<widget class="RadioButton" row="0" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="enabled">
<property name="focusPolicy">
<property name="text">
<property name="checked">
<property name="associations" stdset="0">
<string>echo '<orderedlist>'
echo ''
while [ $l -le @sb_lin ] ; do
echo '<listitem><para>'
echo 'Text entry '$l'.'
echo '</para></listitem>'
echo ''
echo '</orderedlist>'</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string>Select this option to create a orderedlist. A orderedlist is a list used when the order of the items is important. A number will be associated with each entry, in order, starting from one.
Here is one example of a orderedlist:
First item.
Second item.
<widget class="RadioButton" row="0" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="focusPolicy">
<property name="text">
<property name="checked">
<property name="populationText">
<property name="associations" stdset="0">
<string>echo '<variablelist>'
echo ''
while [ $l -le @sb_lin ]; do
echo '<varlistentry>'
echo '<term>Term '$l'</term>'
echo '<listitem><para>'
echo 'Definition '$l'.'
echo '</para></listitem>'
echo '</varlistentry>'
echo ''
echo '</variablelist>'</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string>Select this option to create a variablelist. A variablelist is a list with two sections for each item: the term (the tag used is <term>) and the definition (the tag used is <listitem>). To mark each entry of the list, the <varlistentry> tag is used.