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xsldbgdebugger.h - description
begin : Tue Jan 1 2002
copyright : (C) 2002 by keith Isdale
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqevent.h>
#include "libxsldbg/xsldbgmsg.h" /* needed for XsldbgMessageEnum */
#include "libqtnotfier/xsldbgdebuggerbase.h"
#include "xsldbginspector.h"
*@author Keith Isdale
class QStringList;
class XsldbgWalkSpeedImpl;
class XsldbgDebugger : public XsldbgDebuggerBase {
/** */
void setInspector(XsldbgInspector *inspector);
/** Get the name of source file from xsldbg*/
TQString sourceFileName();
/** Get the name of data file from xsldbg*/
TQString dataFileName();
/** Get the name of output file from xsldbg*/
TQString outputFileName();
/** Tell quanta to move its cursor to file and line number supplied */
void gotoLine(TQString fileName, int lineNo, bool breakpoint = false);
/** Set a xsldbg option */
void setOption(const char *name, bool value);
bool event(TQEvent *e);
void timerEvent(TQTimerEvent *e);
void setOutputFileActive(bool b) {outputFileActive = b;};
/* helper function to handle differences between URI's in Qt/KDE and libxml2 */
static TQString fixLocalPaths(TQString & file);
/** */
bool outputFileActive;
public slots:
/** start xsldbg */
bool start();
/** stop xsldbg */
bool stop();
/** send text to xsldbg, if wait is true then wait for the reply */
void fakeInput(TQString text, bool wait);
/** Display configure dialog */
void slotConfigure();
/** Config window closed */
void slotConfigClosed();
/** Step to next instruction */
void slotStepCmd();
/** Continue to next break point */
void slotContinueCmd();
/** Restart xsldbg with selected xsl/xml file */
void slotRunCmd();
/** Walk throught shtylesheet at a fixed speed
@param speed : Must be a value of 0 to 9, where 1 mean fast, 9 means slow, and 0 means stop
void slotWalkSpeed(int speed);
/** Present a dialog for use to choose walk speed */
void slotWalkCmd();
/** Stop walking imediately */
void slotWalkStopCmd();
Start xslbg's trace mode, where output will be sent to to message window.
Can only be be stopped by using "exit" tool button and killing xsldbg */
void slotTraceCmd();
/** Add breakpoint at given file and line number */
void slotBreakCmd(TQString fileName, int lineNumber);
/** Add breakpoint at given template name*/
void slotBreakCmd(TQString templateName, TQString modeName);
/** Toggle the enabling of break point at given file and line number */
void slotEnableCmd(TQString fileName, int lineNumber);
/** Enable break point for given breakpoint id */
void slotEnableCmd(int id);
/** Delete break point at given file and line number */
void slotDeleteCmd(TQString fileName, int lineNumber);
/** Delete break point for given breakpoint id */
void slotDeleteCmd(int id);
/** Switch to view of XSL source */
void slotSourceCmd();
/* switch to the output document */
void slotShowDocument();
/** Switch to view of XML data */
void slotDataCmd();
/** Stop xsldg, must use start after this command */
void slotExitCmd();
/** Print the result of evaluating xPathExpression to the message window */
void slotCatCmd(TQString xPathExpression);
/** Move to line specified by xPathExpression */
void slotCdCmd(TQString xPathExpression);
/** Set a libxslt variable to xPathExpression */
void slotSetVariableCmd(TQString variableName, TQString xPathExpression);
signals: // Signals
// generated after first message is received from xsldbg
void debuggerReady();
bool initialized;
/* xsldbg config and inspection dialog */
XsldbgInspector *inspector;
/**Walk speed dialog */
XsldbgWalkSpeedImpl *walkDialog;
bool readMsg;
bool procMsg;
/* copy text to output only if no furher output us requested */
XsldbgMessageEnum lastType;
int updateTimerID;
bool addMsg;
TQStringList commandQue;