<h2><spanclass="firstchar">1. W</span>hat is Quanta Plus?</h2>
<p>From http://quanta.sourceforge.net/:<br/>
<i>Quanta Plus is a web development tool for the K Desktop Environment (KDE). Quanta Plus is designed for rapid web development and is quickly becoming a mature editor with a number of great features.</i></p>
<i>Quanta Plus is a web development tool for the Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE). Quanta Plus is designed for rapid web development and is quickly becoming a mature editor with a number of great features.</i></p>
<p><i>Our objective remains to create the very best web development tool anywhere. We realize that we will need many more people active to accomplish this so we are in the process of developing enhancements geared toward making it easy for web developers to customize, extend and enhance Quanta Plus. Then we will be asking you, the web developers, to contribute your feature enhancements. We will organize these so that Quanta Plus web developers can find just the resources, extensions and custom plug-ins they need to be the most kick butt developers ever!</i></p>
<p><spanclass="firstchar">Q</span>uanta Plus is a web development tool for the K Desktop Environment (KDE). Quanta Plus is focused on productivity and power and is build for and by professional web developers. While maintaining this focus, Quanta Plus is also what our friends and families use to do their first home pages too. The main goal of Quanta Plus is to empower people at every skill level to build pages better and faster than with less focused tools.</p>
<p><spanclass="firstchar">Q</span>uanta Plus is a web development tool for the Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE). Quanta Plus is focused on productivity and power and is build for and by professional web developers. While maintaining this focus, Quanta Plus is also what our friends and families use to do their first home pages too. The main goal of Quanta Plus is to empower people at every skill level to build pages better and faster than with less focused tools.</p>
<p><spanclass="firstchar">W</span>hy work from a text based editor? Because static (dead) web pages are quickly fading into obscurity. In their place are PHP, Zope, ASP, HTML::Mason and other forms of dynamic pages. Our personal focus is PHP, but Quanta Plus can be extended for any development language. PHP can be as simple as a few tags in your (X)HTML, full of tags, using templates, classes, and cached pages... all hooked to databases and becoming chameleon like in selectable styles. Like we say: Static (X)HTML is going the way of the dinosaur and we are working to build the tool to make you more productive than you ever could be drawing pictures.</p>
<pclass="minihdr">Available documentation packages for Quanta Plus:</p>