You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

212 lines
10 KiB

2005-02-20: Andras Mantia <>
* Added the possibility to select the encoding of the files and a warning about
the possible damaged result if the wrong encoding is chosen
2005-02-16: Andras Mantia <>
* Accept paths as command line arguments
2005-01-29 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* Cleaning up.
2005-01-23 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* Some clean up.
* Now the text 'captured text "blabla" at line...' etc. is substituted with
'Line:xyz, Col:abc "blabla"'
* Fixed a bug in the string view, that cause KFR to crash if the string list is empty
and the user click on it with the mouse.
2005-01-17 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* Now it should be possible to handle other characters encoding, like japanese.
* Added, but still buggy, a "replace confirmation" option.
* Now when open KFilereplace as standalone application it uses
this "*.c*;*.h*;*.sh;*.txt*;*.p*;*.java;*.log" string as default filter.
2005-01-14 Andras Mantia <>
* Don't show the cannot open file dialogs for directories
* Don't create a backup for every scanned file, only for those that were modified
* Don't update the timestap for every scanned file
* Fix installation of the icons (they go to the part's data dir now)
2005-01-13 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* I added some other infos to the docbook manual, I hope to complete it as soon as possible.
* I added a new command: [$mathexp:some_expression$]. It uses the bc calculator to
compute the result of an expression.
2005-01-11 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* Fixed a bug in KAddStringDlg: now when we want edit a string the search-only mode and search-replace mode
don't merge.
* Modified KFR file format: I added the tag '<mode search=""/>' just after the root <kfr> to allows
tdefilereplace to recognize if the list to load is a list of only search strings. I added some lines of code
to permit users to load files that don't have this new tag.
* I'm writing docbook manual.
2005-01-10 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* The KFilereplaceView widget has been modified. Now it change the layout of tdefilereplace depending of the
value of m_option->m_searchOnlyMode.
* I fixed a bug in the backup file option.
2004-12-13 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* I modified the way we can open files in quanta. Now we can select one or more entries
in the QListView that store the results, and open several files, at the same time.
For selecting more than one file, we must press CTRL button while clicking with mouse
on the entry we want open.
2004-11-10 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* I added a graphical file counter.
* I added a semaphore to notify user about the state of the search.
* I improved a little the speed.
* I made some cleanup.
2004-09-27 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* I fixed a bug that affect some strings in case of translation.
* I fixed a bug that affect "Create backup" option, I think that now this feature should work
2004-09-26 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* I did some cleanup.
2004-09-11 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* I added the class ResultViewEntry in configurationclasses.(h,cpp) to make the replace algorithm more clean.
* I make multiline text searching more useable.
* Now the file entries in the result view are shown with descriptive icons.
* I'm trying to write some documentation, in the meanwhile a tutorial is present.
2004-08-13 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* I added CommandEngine class and Report class.
In fact I moved the code that do the report document and the
code that do commands feature from KFileREplaceLib to these two classes.
2004-08-09 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* I fixed a bug that affected the method "void TDEFileReplaceView::slotStringsClear()" in tdefilereplaceview.cpp file.
This bug caused the list of strings not to be correctly erased.
2004-08-07 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* I modified the save-results system(thanks Luciano for the idea of using xml/css tecnology).
Now KFR creates a directory with name "NAME" that contains a xml file "NAME.xml"
and a css file "NAME.css". These two files are the new "report document"
that substitutes the xhtml file. To try it choose "Search/Replace|Results|Create Report File" menu option.
* I fixed a bug that causes Quanta to crash when we push Cancel button in new project
* I finished the tutorial.
2004-08-01 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* The line "if(::access(directory.local8Bit(), R_OK | X_OK) == -1)" has been removed,
and subtitued with "QFileInfo dirInfo(directory); "
"if(not(dirInfo.isReadable() and dirInfo.isExecutable())"
" or "
" not(dirInfo.isWritable())) "
in tdefilereplacepart.cpp
2004-07-30 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* The icons have been fixed!!! What a miracle!!!
2004-07-24 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* I added a little feature. When KFR matches a string, it shows the row and the column
where that match is, by using a message like this:
|__ string "xyz" found at line:40, column:2
|__ string "xyz" found at line:18, column:57
Now if you use "Edit with Quanta" popup menu option, say, on the line:
"string "xyz" found at line:40, column:2"
of the result view, Quanta will open the file /my/path/file at row 40, column 2.
2004-07-20 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* I fixed a bug that affects the generation of extension of
the backup files.
2004-07-17 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* I fixed the bug that causes quanta to crash when KFR is active.
* I fixed (I hope!) the simulation feature.
* I reorganize the KOptionsDlg UI.
* I Added some tool tips.
* I' m tired and I go on bed ;-)
2004-07-16 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* The KNewProjectDlg was modified, adding quick search/replace line edit objects
* A option in KOptionDlg was added, so that the files that don't
contain the strings we are searching for, will not be shown.
* Some code clean-up
* A bug with KAddStringDlg was fixed.
* I found a bug that makes quanta to crash when we close quanta with the x button...
I'm trying to fix it.
2004-05-30 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* Well, KFR has been entirely (more or less :-)) rewrote.
the files:
were removed and these files are added:
. the internal architecture was redesigned, to use QT/KDE tecnologies in particular:
. C-like code were removed (where possible).
. some system dependent functions were substituted with more portable code.
. the apistructs.h file were substituted with one class in configurationclasses.h.
. the UIs were modified in particular:
. new "add string" dialog were added.
. project dialog were modified.
. some new features were added in particular:
. the variable replace mechanism were modified.
. the result view shows the line and column where the string has been found.
. now the mechanism of search/replace with wildcards inherits from QT regular expression engine.
* I wrote a little tutorial(TUTOR.txt), but a more exhaustive tutorial will be released soon.
Note: there some bugs to fix and some feature to implement, in particular:
. Simulation is not yet implemented.
. Some options are presents but disabled.
. I want to add more KFR variable commands.
2004-03-26 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* Added a feature. Now we can open a file from the result view of KFR in Quanta(thanks Andras).
2004-03-14 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* Replaced two QLineEdit with two QSpinbox in knewprojectdlg.ui
* Fixed a bug in the new kfr (XML-based) file format.
2004-03-12 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* Removed KresultView(.h,.cpp). Now TDEFileReplaceView is a QWidget that contains results and
strings view.
* Added whatthis.h that contains the "what's this" strings.
* Fixed a bug that generate a wrong XHTML result file.
2004-03-06 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* Added tdeconfirmdlgs.ui.
* Fixed a bug in KOptionDlg, now when we select a option, the selection is shown correctly.
* Fixed a bug KNewProjectDlg.
2004-02-26 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* I added a method 'editStrings' that fixes tha behaviour when a user
chooses edit string option instead of add string option.
* I modified the property textFormat of the QTextEdit widgets of
KAddstringDlg, from the value 'AutoText' to the value 'PlainText',
so the QTextEdit widgets will not try to render a string containing
html code.
2004-02-24 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* tdefilereplacepref.(h,cpp) were removed.
* kernel.(h,cpp) now are a singleton class.
* Some macros in kernel.h were replaced with integer constants.
* Methods in kernel.h file were renamed.
* Some superflous #include lines were removed.
* The filelib.(h,cpp) were subtituted with KFilereplaceLib singleton class.
* Now tdefilereplace logo and icons in the result view appear.
2004-02-18 Emiliano Gulmini <>
* The icons in toolbar directory were redrawn.
* Deleted the KFRHeader struct from apistruct.h.
* The mechanism of saving the string rules has been modified: now we can save the rules in a
file like this "a_file_name.kfr" that is an XML file.
* The file containing the results of the operations is now a XHTML file.
* Two new files UI added: now KOptionDlg inherits from KOptionDlgS and KAddstringDlg inherits
from KAddstringDlgS.
* The tdelistviewstring.(h,cpp) were removed.
* A lot of clean up has been made in all files.