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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

! (!) Exclamation mark
" (") Quotation mark
# (#) Hash mark
$ ($) Dollar sign
% (%) Percent sign
& (&) Ampersand
' (') Apostrophe
( (() Left parenthesis
) ()) Right parenthesis
* (*) Asterisk
+ (+) Plus sign
, (,) Comma
- (-) Hyphen
. (.) Period
/ (/) Slash
: (:) Colon
; (&#059;) Semicolon
< (&lt;) Less than
= (&#061;) Equals sign
> (&gt;) Greater than
? (&#063;) Question mark
@ (&#064;) Commercial at sign
[ (&#091;) Left square bracket
\ (&#092;) Backslash
] (&#093;) Right square bracket
^ (&#094;) Caret
_ (&#095;) Underscore
` (&#096;) Grave accent
{ (&#123;) Left curly brace
| (&#124;) Vertical bar
} (&#125;) Right curly brace
~ (&#126;) Tilde
(&nbsp;) Nonbreaking space
¡ (&iexcl;) Inverted exclamation mark
¢ (&cent;) Cent sign
£ (&pound;) Pound sign
¤ (&curren;) Currency sign
¥ (&yen;) Yen sign
¦ (&brvbar;) Broken vertical bar
§ (&sect;) Section sign
¨ (&uml;) Diaeresis
© (&copy;) Copyright
ª (&ordf;) Feminine ordinal
« (&laquo;) Left Pointing Guillemet
¬ (&not;) Not sign
(&shy;) Soft hyphen
® (&reg;) Registered trademark
¯ (&macr;) Macron
° (&deg;) Degree sign
± (&plusmn;) Plus-minus sign
² (&sup2;) Superscript 2
³ (&sup3;) Superscript 3
´ (&acute;) Acute accent
µ (&micro;) Micro sign
¶ (&para;) Paragraph sign
· (&middot;) Middle dot
¸ (&cedil;) Cedilla
¹ (&sup1;) Superscript 1
º (&ordm;) Masculine ordinal
» (&raquo;) Right Pointing Guillemet
¼ (&frac14;) Fraction one-fourth
½ (&frac12;) Fraction one-half
¾ (&frac34;) Fraction three-fourths
¿ (&iquest;) Inverted question mark
À (&Agrave;) Capital A, grave accent
Á (&Aacute;) Capital A, acute accent
 (&Acirc;) Capital A, circumflex accent
à (&Atilde;) Capital A, tilde
Ä (&Auml;) Capital A, diaeresis
Å (&Aring;) Capital A, ring
Æ (&AElig;) Capital AE ligature
Ç (&Ccedil;) Capital C, cedilla
È (&Egrave;) Capital E, grave accent
É (&Eacute;) Capital E, acute accent
Ê (&Ecirc;) Capital E, circumflex accent
Ë (&Euml;) Capital E, diaeresis
Ì (&Igrave;) Capital I, grave accent
Í (&Iacute;) Capital I, acute accent
Î (&Icirc;) Capital I, circumflex accent
Ï (&Iuml;) Capital I, diaeresis
Ð (&ETH;) Capital eth
Ñ (&Ntilde;) Capital N, tilde
Ò (&Ograve;) Capital O, grave accent
Ó (&Oacute;) Capital O, acute accent
Ô (&Ocirc;) Capital O, circumflex accent
Õ (&Otilde;) Capital O, tilde
Ö (&Ouml;) Capital O, diaeresis
× (&times;) Multiplication
Ø (&Oslash;) Capital O, slash
Ù (&Ugrave;) Capital U, grave accent
Ú (&Uacute;) Capital U, acute accent
Û (&Ucirc;) Capital U, circumflex accent
Ü (&Uuml;) Capital U, diaeresis
Ý (&Yacute;) Capital Y, acute accent
Þ (&THORN;) Capital thorn
ß (&szlig;) Small Sharp s
à (&agrave;) Small a, grave accent
á (&aacute;) Small a, acute accent
â (&acirc;) Small a, circumflex accent
ã (&atilde;) Small a, tilde
ä (&auml;) Small a, diaeresis
å (&aring;) Small a, ring
æ (&aelig;) Small ae ligature
ç (&ccedil;) Small c, cedilla
è (&egrave;) Small e, grave accent
é (&eacute;) Small e, acute accent
ê (&circ;) Small e, circumflex accent
ë (&euml;) Small e, diaeresis
ì (&igrave;) Small i, grave accent
í (&iacute;) Small i, acute accent
î (&icirc;) Small i, circumflex accent
ï (&iuml;) Small i, diaeresis
ð (&eth;) Small eth
ñ (&ntilde;) Small n, tilde
ò (&ograve;) Small o, grave accent
ó (&oacute;) Small o, acute accent
ô (&ocirc;) Small o, circumflex accent
õ (&otilde;) Small o, tilde
ö (&ouml;) Small o, diaeresis
÷ (&divide;) Division
ø (&oslash;) Small o, slash
ù (&ugrave;) Small u, grave accent
ú (&uacute;) Small u, acute accent
û (&ucirc;) Small u, circumflex accent
ü (&uuml;) Small u, diaeresis
ý (&yacute;) Small y, acute accent
þ (&thorn;) Small thorn
ÿ (&yuml;) Small y, diaeresis
Ă (&#258;) Capital A, romanian accent
ă (&#259;) Small a, romanian accent
č (&#269;) Small c, caron
ď (&#271;) Small d, caron
ě (&#283;) Small e, caron
ň (&#328;) Small n, caron
ř (&#345;) Small r, caron
Ş (&#350;) Capital S, cedilla accent
ş (&#351;) Small s, cedilla accent
š (&#353;) Small s, caron
Ţ (&#354;) Capital T, cedilla accent
ţ (&#355;) Small t, cedilla accent
ť (&#357;) Small t, caron
ů (&#367;) Small u, ring above
ž (&#382;) Small z, caron
Ş (&#536;) Capital S, comma accent below
ş (&#537;) Small s, comma accent below
Ţ (&#538;) Capital T, comma accent below
ţ (&#539;) Small t, comma accent below
(&#8208;) Hyphen
(&ndash;) En dash
— (&mdash;) Em dash
(&lsquo;) Left Single Quotation mark
(&rsquo;) Right Single Quotation mark
(&sbquo;) Single Low-9 Quotation mark
“ (&ldquo;) Left Double Quotation mark
” (&rdquo;) Right Double Quotation mark
„ (&bdquo;) Double Low-9 Quotation mark
† (&dagger;) Dagger
‡ (&Dagger;) Double Dagger
• (&bull;) Bullet
… (&hellip;) Horizontal Ellipsis
‰ (&permil;) Per Mille sign
(&lsaquo;) Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation mark
(&rsaquo;) Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation mark
(&frasl;) Fraction slash
₣ (&#8355;) French Franc sign
₧ (&#8359;) Peseta sign
₪ (&#8362;) New Sheqel sign
₫ (&#8363;) Dong sign
€ (&euro;) Euro currency sign
™ (&trade;) Trade Mark sign