You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
317 lines
11 KiB
317 lines
11 KiB
copyright : (C) 2001 - The Kafka Team
(C) 2003, 2004 - Nicolas Deschildre
email : &&
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <kurl.h>
#include <tdehtml_part.h>
#include <tdehtml_events.h>
#include <tdeparts/event.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqdockwindow.h>
#include <tqevent.h>
#include <dom/dom_node.h>
#include <dom/dom_element.h>
class DOMString;
class KafkaWidgetPrivate;
class KafkaDocument;
class NodeModifsSet;
class TQPopupMenu;
* It is the main central widget which get the cursor focus and takes care of "simple" edition
* such as typing text.
class KafkaWidget : public TDEHTMLPart
KafkaWidget(TQWidget *parent, TQWidget *widgetParent, KafkaDocument *part,
const char *name = 0);
* Category: Standard Functions
* Called by KafkaPart to create a new document
void newDocument();
* Returns the current Node (which has the focus) and its offset.
* @param currentNode The Node which has the cursor focus.
* @param offset The offset of the cursor in _currentNode.
void getCurrentNode(DOM::Node ¤tNode, long &offset);
* Set the focus.
* @param node The DOM::Node which will get the focus.
* @param offset The offset of the cursor if node is a DOM::Node::TEXT_NODE
void setCurrentNode(DOM::Node node, int offset);
* Convenience function to set the current node.
* @param node The Quanta node which will get the focus.
* @param offset The offset of the cursor if node tag is of type Tag::Text.
void setCurrentNode(Node* cursorNode, int cursorOffset);
* Get the next DOM::Node after _node.
* @param _node The DOM::Node the search starts from.
* @param goUp A needed boolean for several consecutive call to
* this function. Setting it to false by default, or to true if we don't want to go through
* the childs of _node.
* @param skipParentNodes Specifies if we should skip the parent Node when going up :
* this implies that Nodes will not be returned two times.
* @param dontBlock Specifies if the search should or not be blocked by BlockingTags.
* @param _endNode Specifies at which DOM::Node the search should end. It is useful
* when setting skipParentNodes to true.
* @return Returns the next Node :)
DOM::Node getNextNode(DOM::Node _node, bool &goUp, bool skipParentNodes = false,
bool dontBlock = false, DOM::Node _endNode = DOM::Node());
* The same that above, but this function search the previous DOM::Node.
DOM::Node getPrevNode(DOM::Node _node, bool &goUp, bool skipParentNodes = false,
bool dontBlock = false, DOM::Node _endNode = DOM::Node());
* Set the TagActions checked/unchecked in context.
* This is called when the cursor position changes.
* @param domNode
* @param offset
void updateToggableTagActions(/*const DOM::Node &domNode, long offset*/) const;
/** --------------- DOM::Node modifications -------------------------- */
* It will move DOM::Nodes from startNode to endNode as children of newParent. It does NOT check
* if the move is valid, so it may crash. Please check before with kafkaCommon::parentSupports().
* @param newParent The new parent of the DOM::Nodes.
* @param startNode The first node to move.
* @param endNode Starting from endNode, the last sibling to move.
* @param refNode The reference DOM::Node.
* @bool before If set to true, the DOM::nodes will be moved at the left of refNode,
* otherwise they will be happenend at the right of refNode.
void moveDomNodes(DOM::Node newParent, DOM::Node startNode, DOM::Node endNode,
DOM::Node refNode, bool before);
public slots:
* Category: HTML Editing Functions
* Adds text into a DOM::Node of type DOM::Node::TEXT_NODE
* @param node The node where text should be added
* @param text The text to be added
* @param position Specifies the position where to add text
void insertText(DOM::Node node, const TQString &text, int position);
* Category: HTML Editing Functions
* Adds text into the current DOM::Node
* @param text The text to add
* @param position Specifies the position where to add text, if it's -1
* the text will be appended after the last position
void insertText(const TQString &text, int position);
* Puts all the child Text DOM::Node into a "normal" form where only
* structure (e.g., elements, comments, processing instructions, CDATA
* sections, and entity references) separates Text nodes, i.e., there are
* neither adjacent Text nodes nor empty Text nodes.
* Should be used instead of DOM::Node::normalize().
* @param _node This node is the parent node of the childs normalized
void normalize(DOM::Node _node);
* Set the cursor after having loaded the DOM tree from scratch.
* Look for the first available location for the cursor.
void putCursorAtFirstAvailableLocation();
* Reload the TagAttributesTree if necessary;
* @param domNode The current DOM::Node.
* @param offset The current cursor offset.
void slotNewCursorPos(const DOM::Node &domNode, long offset);
* Called to set the cursor Position with a TQTimer::singleShot() after calling
* document->updateRendering()
void slotDelayedSetCaretPosition();
* Category: HTML Editing Signal
* Is emitted whenever the DOM tree has changed
* Not yet implemented
void domChanged();
* Category: HTML Editing Signal
* Is emitted whenever a dom Node is inserted to the tree.
* @param node is the node created.
* @param insertChilds Specifies if we should insert the _node's childs
* @param modifs The changes made are logged into modifs.
void domNodeInserted(DOM::Node node, bool insertChilds, NodeModifsSet *modifs);
* Category: HTML Editing Signal
* Is emitted whenever a DOM node has its properties modified.
* @param node is the node modified.
* @param modifs The changes made are logged into modifs.
void domNodeModified(DOM::Node node, NodeModifsSet *modifs);
* Category: HTML Editing Signal
* Is emitted whenever a DOM node is about to be removed from the tree.
* @param node is the node to be deleted.
* @param deleteChilds Specifies if we should delete the child nodes of _node.
* @param modifs The changes made are logged into modifs.
void domNodeIsAboutToBeRemoved(DOM::Node node, bool deleteChilds, NodeModifsSet *modifs);
* Is emitted whenever a DOM::Node is about to be moved in the tree.
* @param node The DOM::Node which will be moved.
* @param newParent The new parent of domNode.
* @param before domNode will be placed before before.
* @param modifs The changes made are logged into modifs.
void domNodeIsAboutToBeMoved(DOM::Node node, DOM::Node newParent, DOM::Node before, NodeModifsSet *modifs);
* Category: HTML Editing Signal
* Is emitted whenever the cursor position change in one DOM::Node.
* @param node The DOM::Node which contains the cursor.
* @param _offset The new cursorOffset.
void domNodeNewCursorPos(DOM::Node node, int offset);
* Category: Widget Signal
* Is emitted whenever the KafkaWidget widget get or lost the focus
* @param focus True if it has got the focus, false otherwise.
void hasFocus(bool focus);
bool eventFilter(TQObject *object, TQEvent *event);
virtual void tdehtmlMouseMoveEvent(tdehtml::MouseMoveEvent *event);
virtual void tdehtmlMousePressEvent(tdehtml::MousePressEvent *event);
virtual void tdehtmlMouseReleaseEvent(tdehtml::MouseReleaseEvent *event);
virtual void tdehtmlDrawContentsEvent(tdehtml::DrawContentsEvent *event);
private slots:
void slotContextMenuRequested(const TQString& url, const TQPoint& point);
#if 0
* Internal function used by keyBackspace(), keyDelete() to delete Nodes.
* @param startNode The DOM::Node location of the point where we start deleting Nodes.
* @param offset The offset location of the point where we start deleting Nodes. They can be
* updated.
* @param backspace Specifies if it should delete Nodes backward (backspace keystroke)
* or torwards (delete backspace).
void keyDeleteNodes(DOM::Node &startNode, long &offset, bool backspace);
* Delete one character/DOM::Node left to the cursor.
void keyBackspace();
* Delete one character/DOM::Node right to the cursor.
void keyDelete();
* Break the current line.
* @param specialPressed If a special touch is pressed e.g. ctrl, we try to insert a BR,
* otherwise we try to insert a P.
void keyReturn(bool specialPressed);
* Postprocess the cursor position, i.e. when the cursor is between two
* DOM::Nodes, it set the cursor in the right node to make edition as
* in a word processor.
void postprocessCursorPosition();
* Make the cursor visible whenever it is going :-)
* @param xMargin The minimum margin in the X axis between the cursor
* and the edge of the widget.
* @param yMargin The minimim margin in the Y axis between the cursor
* and the edge of the widget.
void makeCursorVisible(int xMargin = 50, int yMargin = 50);
* Removes the selection and places the cursor in the right place.
void removeSelection();
void applyQueuedToggableTagActions();
* When some changes are made, store the changes made in m_modifs.
* It will be created when a key is pressed, and will be submitted to
* the undoRedo system after the changes have been made.
NodeModifsSet *m_modifs;
DOM::Node m_currentNode;
KafkaWidgetPrivate *d;
KafkaDocument *w;
friend class KafkaWidgetPrivate;
TQPopupMenu* m_contextPopupMenu;