You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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tag.h - description
begin : Sun Sep 1 2002
copyright : (C) 2002, 2003 by Andras Mantia <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. *
* *
#ifndef TAG_H
#define TAG_H
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqdict.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
class TQDomElement;
#include "qtag.h"
This is the a tag inside the document. It contains only the attributes and values as
they are typed. It is used to build up the internal represantation of the document in
a structure tree (build up from Node objects, which have pointers to Tag-s). A Tag is
not necessary a valid and known DTD tag with valid attributes and values. It can be
the parsed version of EXACTLY <foo foo_attr="foo"> in any XML like DTD.
*@author Andras Mantia
class Document;
struct TagAttr {
TagAttr() {nameLine = nameCol = valueLine = valueCol = 0; quoted = true; special = false;}
/** For Kafka copy/paste */
void save(TQDomElement& element) const;
bool load(TQDomElement const& element);
TQString name; //attr name
TQString value; //attr value
int nameLine, nameCol; //where the attr name begins
int valueLine, valueCol;//where the attr value begins
bool quoted; //quote or not the attribute
bool special; //true if the attribute is not a real one, instead it's only part
//of a special area that's present in the tag. Example:
//Tag: <a <? echo $a ?> href="x">, <?, echo, $a and ?> are special attributes
//This is important, otherwise they would be wrongly treated as booleans.
struct AreaStruct{
AreaStruct() {bLine = bCol = eLine = eCol = -1;}
AreaStruct(int bl, int bc, int el, int ec) {bLine = bl; bCol = bc; eLine = el; eCol = ec;}
AreaStruct(const AreaStruct& area) {bLine = area.bLine; bCol = area.bCol; eLine = area.eLine; eCol = area.eCol;}
int bLine;
int bCol;
int eLine;
int eCol;
class Tag {
Tag(const Tag&);
Tag(const AreaStruct &area, Document *write, const DTDStruct *dtd = 0L, bool doParse = false);
Tag operator = ( const Tag& );
/** For Kafka copy/paste */
void save(TQDomElement& element) const;
bool load(TQDomElement const& element);
/** Parse the p_tagStr in p_write and build up the tag's attributes and values */
void parse (const TQString &p_tagStr, Document *p_write);
/** Return the attribute at index*/
TQString attribute(int index);
/** Return the attribute value at index*/
TQString attributeValue(int index);
/** Return the value of attr*/
TQString attributeValue(const TQString &attr, bool ignoreCase = false);
/** Add an attribute */
void addAttribute(TagAttr attr) {attrs.append(attr);}
/** Get the attribute number index */
TagAttr getAttribute(uint index) const {return attrs[index];}
/** Remove the attribute number index */
void deleteAttribute(uint index) {attrs.remove(;}
/** Insert a new Attribute, even if it already exists. Prefer using editAttribute.
Return true if something was mdofied. */
bool editAttribute(const TQString& attrName, const TQString& attrValue);
/** Delete the attribute attrName */
void deleteAttribute(const TQString& attrName);
/** Returns the quotation status of the attribute */
bool isQuotedAttribute(int index) const {return attrs[index].quoted;}
/** Check if this tag has the attr attribute defined */
bool hasAttribute(const TQString &attr, bool ignoreCase = false);
/** set the coordinates of a tag attribute */
void setAttributePosition(int index, int bLineName, int bColName, int bLineValue, int bColValue);
/** Set the coordinates of tag inside the document */
void setTagPosition(int bLine, int bCol, int eLine, int eCol);
/** Set the coordinates of tag inside the document, but using an AreaStruct as argument */
void setTagPosition(const AreaStruct &area);
/** Where the tag begins in the document */
void beginPos(int &bLine, int &bCol) const {bLine = m_area.bLine; bCol = m_area.bCol;}
/** Where the tag ends in the document */
void endPos(int &eLine, int &eCol) const {eLine = m_area.eLine; eCol = m_area.eCol;}
/** Return the tag area */
AreaStruct area() const {return m_area;}
/** Where the attr at index begins in the document */
void attributeNamePos(int index, int &line, int &col);
/** Where the attr value at index begins in the document */
void attributeValuePos(int index, int &line, int &col);
/** Set the internal string which is parsed */
void setStr(const TQString &p_tagStr);
/** Get the tag in string format */
TQString tagStr() const {return m_tagStr;};
/** Get the document where the tag lies */
Document *write() {return m_write;}
/** Set the document where the tag lies */
void setWrite(Document *p_write) {m_write = p_write;}
/** Returns the index of attribute at (line,col). */
int attributeIndexAtPos(int line, int col);
/** Returns the index of attributevalue at (line,col). */
int valueIndexAtPos(int line, int col);
/** Return the index of attr. */
int attributeIndex(const TQString &attr);
void namePos(int &line, int &col);
int attrCount() const {return attrs.count();}
/** modify the attributes of tag according to the attrDict*/
void modifyAttributes(TQDict<TQString> *attrDict);
/** returns the tag as a string */
TQString toString();
/** returns true if the tag is a closing tag (name or namespace starts with "/") */
bool isClosingTag();
/** Sets the special flag of attribute at index*/
void setAttributeSpecial(int index, bool special);
int size();
const DTDStruct* dtd() {return m_dtd;}
void setDtd(const DTDStruct *dtd);
enum TokenType {
Unknown = 0,
XmlTag, //1 Represent a Tag e.g. <tag>, <tag />
XmlTagEnd, //2 Represent a closing tag e.g. <tag/>
Text, //3 Represent a portion of text. There can't be two adjacent Texts.
Comment, //4 Represent a XML comment : "<!--", "-->" is a XmlTagEnd (not sure, please correct).
CSS, //5
ScriptTag, //6 Represent a Script e.g. "<?php", "?>" is a XmlTagEnd (not sure, please correct).
ScriptStructureBegin, //7
ScriptStructureEnd, //8
LocalVariable, //9
GlobalVariable, //10
NeedsParsing = 500,
Empty, //501
Skip = 1000 }; // types of token
//TODO: write setting/retrieving methods for the below attributes, and add
//them the m_ prefix
TQString name;
TQString nameSpace;
TQString cleanStr;
int type; //one of the TokenType
bool single; // tags like <tag />
bool closingMissing; //closing tag is optional and missing
TQString structBeginStr; //if it's a special block, contains the block beginning definition string (like <? or <style language="foo">)
bool validXMLTag; //false if the closing ">" was not found
bool cleanStrBuilt() {return m_cleanStrBuilt;}
void setCleanStrBuilt(bool cleanStrBuilt) {m_cleanStrBuilt = cleanStrBuilt;}
bool indentationDone() {return m_indentationDone;}
void setIndentationDone(bool indentationDone) {m_indentationDone = indentationDone;}
bool notInTree() {return m_notInTree;}
void setNotInTree(bool notInTree) {m_notInTree = notInTree;}
//specifies if we need to build the clean tag string from the attrs
// or the text without entities. This "clean" string will be inserted in the source view.
// if true, the markup is already generated.
// if false, it is not, we need to generate it.
bool m_cleanStrBuilt;
//Specify if the indentation has been applied to this Node : added spaces to text and empty Nodes,
// added empty Node around for other Node.
bool m_indentationDone;
// specifies if this tag is just conencted to a DOM::Node but isn't part of the Node tree.
bool m_notInTree;
void init();
/** Verifies if the last char from @param str is inside a script area or not */
bool isInsideScript(const TQString& str);
AreaStruct m_area; //where the tag is in the doc
int m_nameLine;//where the tag name begins
int m_nameCol;
const DTDStruct* m_dtd; //the tag belongs to this DTD
TQValueList<TagAttr> attrs; //attributes in a tag
TQString m_tagStr; //the tag in string format (as it is in the document)
Document *m_write; //the document