You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

182 lines
6.7 KiB

parser.h - Internal parser
copyright : (C) 2004 Michal Rudolf <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef _HAVE_PARSER_H_
#define _HAVE_PARSER_H_
#include "kommander_export.h"
#include "parsenode.h"
#include <tqvaluevector.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
class KommanderWidget;
class ParserData;
class Parser
Parser(ParserData* data);
Parser(ParserData* data, const TQString& expr);
// set string to parse
bool setString(const TQString& s);
// set Kommander widget associated with parser
void setWidget(KommanderWidget* w);
// parse generic expression
TQString expression(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// execute single command; return true if ok
bool command(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// special class method to execute single parser function without creating parser object
static TQString function(ParserData* data, const TQString& name, const TQStringList& params);
// execute whole block; return true if ok
bool parse(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// return line of errorneous node
int errorLine() const;
// return error message
TQString errorMessage() const;
// check if this is a name of standard variable
bool isVariable(const TQString& name) const;
// set variable value
void setVariable(const TQString& name, ParseNode value);
// unset variable
void unsetVariable(const TQString& key);
// get variable value
ParseNode variable(const TQString& name) const;
// access associative array
const TQMap<TQString, ParseNode>& array(const TQString& name) const;
// check if this is a name of an array
bool isArray(const TQString& name) const;
// set array key
void setArray(const TQString& name, const TQString& key, ParseNode value);
// unset array key or whole array
void unsetArray(const TQString& name, const TQString& key = TQString());
// array value
ParseNode arrayValue(const TQString& name, const TQString& key) const;
// get associated widget
KommanderWidget* currentWidget() const;
// parsing function - top-down approach
// parse const
ParseNode parseConstant(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse value (literal or variable)
ParseNode parseValue(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse multiplication, division and mod (x*y, x/y, x%y)
ParseNode parseMultiply(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse sum (x+y, x-y)
ParseNode parseAdd(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse signed numeric (+x, -x)
ParseNode parseSignedNumber(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse string expression
ParseNode parseStringValue(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse string concatenation (x+y)
ParseNode parseConcatenation(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse comparisons (x==y, x<y, x>y, x!=y, x<>y, x<=y, x>=y
ParseNode parseComparison(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse boolean not (!x, not x)
ParseNode parseNot(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse boolean and (x&&y, x and y)
ParseNode parseAnd(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse boolean or (x||y, x or y)
ParseNode parseOr(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse generic condition
ParseNode parseCondition(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse (x) expression
ParseNode parseParenthesis(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse generic expression
ParseNode parseExpression(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse parameters
ParseNode parseFunction(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse widget function
ParseNode parseWidget(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute, const TQString &widgetName = TQString());
// parse assignment
ParseNode parseAssignment(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse conditional
Parse::Flow parseIf(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse assignment
Parse::Flow parseCommand(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse while loop
Parse::Flow parseWhile(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse for loop
Parse::Flow parseFor(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse foreach loop
Parse::Flow parseForeach(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse switch block
void parseSwitch(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// parse whole block
Parse::Flow parseBlock(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// insert next node
void insertNode(ParseNode p, int line);
// next item to be parsed
ParseNode next() const;
// check if next item is keyword k, if so - go further, if no, set error
bool tryKeyword(Parse::Keyword k, Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// check if next item is a variable, if so, return its name
bool tryVariable(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// get the name of the next node treated as variable
TQString nextVariable(Parse::Mode mode = Parse::Execute);
// check whether variable/array name is global (preceded with _)
bool isGlobal(const TQString& name) const;
// check if next item is a function
bool isFunction() const;
// check if next item is a widget
bool isWidget() const;
// reset to default state
void reset();
// set error state if no error was set before; err is expected symbol that wasn't found
void setError(const TQString& msg);
void setError(const TQString& msg, int pos);
// check whether parsing was successful
bool isError() const;
// parsing data
ParserData* m_data;
// current parsing position
uint m_start;
// current error message
TQString m_error;
// in case of error, this keeps position of first error
uint m_errorPosition;
// parsing nodes
TQValueVector<ParseNode> m_parts;
// variables
TQMap<TQString, ParseNode> m_variables;
// arrays
TQMap<TQString, TQMap<TQString, ParseNode> > m_arrays;
// Kommander
KommanderWidget* m_widget;
// global variables
static TQMap<TQString, ParseNode> m_globalVariables;
// global arrays
static TQMap<TQString, TQMap<TQString, ParseNode> > m_globalArrays;