You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

536 lines
14 KiB

copyright : (C) 2001-2006 by Robby Stephenson
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; *
* *
#include <config.h>
#include "core/dcopinterface.h"
#include "translators/translators.h"
#include "datavectors.h"
#include <kmainwindow.h>
class KToolBar;
class KURL;
class KAction;
class KSelectAction;
class KToggleAction;
class KRecentFilesAction;
class KActionMenu;
class KDialogBase;
class TQCloseEvent;
class TQSplitter;
class TQListViewItem;
namespace Tellico {
// forward declarations
namespace GUI {
class LineEdit;
class TabControl;
class Controller;
class ViewStack;
class DetailedListView;
class FilterDialog;
class EntryEditDialog;
class GroupView;
class FilterView;
class LoanView;
class ConfigDialog;
class CollectionFieldsDialog;
class StringMapDialog;
class EntryItem;
class FetchDialog;
class ReportDialog;
class StatusBar;
class DropHandler;
* The base class for Tellico application windows. It sets up the main
* window and reads the config file as well as providing a menubar, toolbar
* and statusbar. Tellico reimplements the methods that KMainWindow provides
* for main window handling and supports full session management as well as
* using KActions.
* @see KMainWindow
* @see TDEApplication
* @see TDEConfig
* @author Robby Stephenson
class MainWindow : public KMainWindow, public ApplicationInterface {
friend class Controller;
friend class DropHandler;
* The main window constructor, calls all init functions to create the application.
MainWindow(TQWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0);
* Opens the initial file.
* @param nofile If true, even if the config option to reopen last file is set, no file is opened
void initFileOpen(bool nofile);
* Saves the document
* @return Returns @p true if successful
bool fileSave();
* Saves a document by a new filename
* @return Returns @p true if successful
bool fileSaveAs();
* @return Returns whether the current collection is still the non-saved default one
bool isNewDocument() const { return m_newDocument; }
* Used by main() and DCOP to import file.
* @param format The file format
* @param url The url
virtual bool importFile(Import::Format format, const KURL& url, Import::Action action);
* Used by DCOP to export to a file.
virtual bool exportCollection(Export::Format format, const KURL& url);
* Used by DCOP
virtual void openFile(const TQString& file);
virtual void setFilter(const TQString& text);
virtual bool showEntry(long id);
public slots:
* Initializes some stuff after the object is created.
void slotInit();
* Cleans up everything and then opens a new document.
* @param type Type of collection to add
void slotFileNew(int type);
* Opens a file and loads it into the document
void slotFileOpen();
* Opens a file by URL and loads it into the document
* @param url The url to open
void slotFileOpen(const KURL& url);
* Opens a file from the recent files menu
* @param url The url sent by the RecentFilesAction
void slotFileOpenRecent(const KURL& url);
* Saves the document
void slotFileSave();
* Saves a document by a new filename
void slotFileSaveAs();
* Prints the current document.
void slotFilePrint();
* Quits the application.
void slotFileQuit();
* Puts the marked text/object into the clipboard and removes it from the document.
void slotEditCut();
* Puts the marked text/object into the clipboard.
void slotEditCopy();
* Pastes the clipboard into the document.
void slotEditPaste();
* Selects all the entries in the collection.
void slotEditSelectAll();
* Deselects all the entries in the collection.
void slotEditDeselect();
* Toggles the group widget.
void slotToggleGroupWidget();
* Toggles the edit widget.
void slotToggleEntryEditor();
* Toggles the edit widget.
void slotToggleEntryView();
* Shows the configuration dialog for the application.
void slotShowConfigDialog();
* Hides the configuration dialog for the application.
void slotHideConfigDialog();
* Shows the fetch dialog.
void slotShowFetchDialog();
* Hides the fetch dialog.
void slotHideFetchDialog();
* Changes the statusbar contents for the standard label permanently,
* used to indicate current actions being made.
* @param text The text that is displayed in the statusbar
void slotStatusMsg(const TQString& text);
void slotClearStatus();
* Shows the configuration window for the toolbars.
void slotConfigToolbar();
* Updates the toolbars;
void slotNewToolbarConfig();
* Shows the configuration window for the key bindgins.
void slotConfigKeys();
* Updates the entry count in the status bar.
void slotEntryCount();
* Handles updating everything when the configuration is changed
* via the configuration dialog. This slot is called when the OK or Apply
* button is clicked in the dialog
void slotHandleConfigChange();
* Changes the grouping of the entries in the @ref GroupView. The current value
* of the combobox in the toolbar is used.
void slotChangeGrouping();
* Imports data.
* @param format The import format
void slotFileImport(int format);
* Exports the current document.
* @param format The export format
void slotFileExport(int format);
* Shows the filter dialog for the application.
void slotShowFilterDialog();
* Hides the filter dialog for the application.
void slotHideFilterDialog();
* Shows the collection properties dialog for the application.
void slotShowCollectionFieldsDialog();
* Hides the collection properties dialog for the application.
void slotHideCollectionFieldsDialog();
* Shows the "Tip of the Day" dialog.
* @param force Whether the configuration setting should be ignored
void slotShowTipOfDay(bool force=true);
* Shows the string macro editor dialog for the application.
void slotShowStringMacroDialog();
* Hides the string macro editor dialog for the application.
void slotHideStringMacroDialog();
* Handle a url that indicates some actino should be taken
void slotURLAction(const KURL& url);
* Saves the general options like all toolbar positions and status as well as the
* geometry and the recent file list to the configuration file.
void saveOptions();
* Reads the specific options.
void readOptions();
* Initializes the KActions of the application
void initActions();
* Sets up the statusbar for the main window by initializing a status label
* and inserting a progress bar and entry counter.
void initStatusBar();
* Initiates the view, setting up all the dock windows and so on.
void initView();
* Initiates the document.
void initDocument();
* Initiates all the signal and slot connections between major objects in the view.
void initConnections();
* Initiates shutdown
// void closeEvent(TQCloseEvent *e);
* Saves the window properties for each open window during session end to the
* session config file, including saving the currently opened file by a temporary
* filename provided by TDEApplication.
* @see KMainWindow::saveProperties
* @param cfg The config class with the properties to restore
void saveProperties(TDEConfig* cfg);
* Reads the session config file and restores the application's state including
* the last opened files and documents by reading the temporary files saved by
* @ref saveProperties().
* @see KMainWindow::readProperties
* @param cfg The config class with the properties to restore
void readProperties(TDEConfig* cfg);
* Called before the window is closed, either by the user or indirectely by the
* session manager.
* The purpose of this function is to prepare the window in a way that it is safe to close it,
* i.e. without the user losing some data.
* @see KMainWindow::queryClose
bool queryClose();
* Called before the very last window is closed, either by the user
* or indirectly by the session manager.
* @see KMainWindow::queryExit
bool queryExit();
* Actual method used when opening a URL. Updating for the list views is turned off
* as well as sorting, in order to more quickly load the document.
* @param url The url to open
bool openURL(const KURL& url);
* Helper method to handle the printing duties.
* @param html The HTML string representing the doc to print
void doPrint(const TQString& html);
void XSLTError();
* Helper function to activate a slot in the edit widget.
* Primarily used for copy, cut, and paste.
* @param slot The slot name
void activateEditSlot(const char* slot);
void addFilterView();
void addLoanView();
void updateCaption(bool modified);
void updateCollectionActions();
void updateEntrySources();
private slots:
* Updates the actions when a file is opened.
void slotEnableOpenedActions();
* Updates the save action and the caption when the document is modified.
void slotEnableModifiedActions(bool modified = true);
* Read the options specific to a collection
* @param coll The collection pointer
void readCollectionOptions(Tellico::Data::CollPtr coll);
* Saves the options relevant for a collection. I was having problems with the collection
* being destructed before I could save info.
* @param coll A pointer to the collection
void saveCollectionOptions(Tellico::Data::CollPtr coll);
* Queue a filter update. The timer adds a 200 millisecond delay before actually
* updating the filter.
void slotQueueFilter();
* Update the filter to match any field with text. If a non-word character appears, the
* text is interpreted as a regexp.
void slotUpdateFilter();
* Updates the collection toolbar.
void slotUpdateCollectionToolBar(Tellico::Data::CollPtr coll);
* Make sure the edit dialog is visible and start a new entry.
void slotNewEntry();
* Handle the entry editor dialog being closed.
void slotEditDialogFinished();
* Handle the Ok button being clicked in the string macros dialog.
void slotStringMacroDialogOk();
* Since I use an application icon in the toolbar, I need to change its size whenever
* the toolbar changes mode
void slotUpdateToolbarIcons();
* Convert current collection to a bibliography.
void slotConvertToBibliography();
* Send a citation for the selected entries
void slotCiteEntry(int action);
* Show the entry editor and update menu item.
void slotShowEntryEditor();
* Show the report window.
void slotShowReportDialog();
void slotGroupLabelActivated();
* Show the report window.
void slotHideReportDialog();
* Focus the filter
void slotFilterLabelActivated();
void slotClearFilter();
void slotRenameCollection();
void importFile(Import::Format format, const KURL::List& kurls);
bool importCollection(Data::CollPtr coll, Import::Action action);
// the reason that I have to keep pointers to all these
// is because they get plugged into menus later in Controller
KRecentFilesAction* m_fileOpenRecent;
KAction* m_fileSave;
KAction* m_newEntry;
KAction* m_editEntry;
KAction* m_copyEntry;
KAction* m_deleteEntry;
KAction* m_mergeEntry;
KActionMenu* m_updateEntryMenu;
KAction* m_updateAll;
KAction* m_checkInEntry;
KAction* m_checkOutEntry;
KToggleAction* m_toggleGroupWidget;
KToggleAction* m_toggleEntryEditor;
KToggleAction* m_toggleEntryView;
KSelectAction* m_entryGrouping;
GUI::LineEdit* m_quickFilter;
// m_split is used between the stuff on the left and stuff on the right
TQSplitter* m_split;
// m_leftSplit is used between detailed view and entry view
TQSplitter* m_rightSplit;
Tellico::StatusBar* m_statusBar;
DetailedListView* m_detailedView;
EntryEditDialog* m_editDialog;
GUI::TabControl* m_viewTabs;
GroupView* m_groupView;
FilterView* m_filterView;
LoanView* m_loanView;
ViewStack* m_viewStack;
ConfigDialog* m_configDlg;
FilterDialog* m_filterDlg;
CollectionFieldsDialog* m_collFieldsDlg;
StringMapDialog* m_stringMacroDlg;
FetchDialog* m_fetchDlg;
ReportDialog* m_reportDlg;
TQPtrList<KAction> m_fetchActions;
CollectionInterface m_collInterface;
// keep track of the number of queued filter updates
uint m_queuedFilters;
// keep track whether everything gets initialized
bool m_initialized : 1;
// need to keep track of whether the current collection has never been saved
bool m_newDocument : 1;
} // end namespace