QextScintilla Class Reference

The QextScintilla class implements a higher level, more Qt-like, API to the Scintilla editor widget. More...

#include <qextscintilla.h>

Inherits QextScintillaBase.

List of all members.

Public Types

Public Slots


Public Member Functions


Detailed Description

The QextScintilla class implements a higher level, more Qt-like, API to the Scintilla editor widget.

QextScintilla implements methods, signals and slots similar to those found in other Qt editor classes. It also provides a higher level interface to features specific to Scintilla such as syntax styling, call tips, auto-indenting and auto-completion than that provided by QextScintillaBase.

The API is modelled on QTextEdit - a method of the same name should behave in the same way.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

This enum defines the different auto-indentation styles.

AiMaintain  A line is automatically indented to match the previous line.
AiOpening  If the language supported by the current lexer has a specific start of block character (e.g. { in C++), then a line that begins with that character is indented as well as the lines that make up the block. It may be logically ored with AiClosing.
AiClosing  If the language supported by the current lexer has a specific end of block character (e.g. } in C++), then a line that begins with that character is indented as well as the lines that make up the block. It may be logically ored with AiOpening.

enum QextScintilla::AutoCompletionSource

This enum defines the different sources for auto-completion lists.

AcsDocument  The source is the current document.
AcsAPIs  The source is any installed APIs.
AcsAll  The source is all available sources.

enum QextScintilla::BraceMatch

This enum defines the different brace matching modes. The character pairs {}, [] and () are treated as braces. The Python lexer will also match a : with the end of the corresponding indented block.

NoBraceMatch  Brace matching is disabled.
StrictBraceMatch  Brace matching is enabled for a brace immediately before the current position.
SloppyBraceMatch  Brace matching is enabled for a brace immediately before or after the current position.

enum QextScintilla::EdgeMode

This enum defines the different edge modes for long lines.

EdgeNone  Long lines are not marked.
EdgeLine  A vertical line is drawn at the column set by setEdgeColumn(). This is recommended for monospace fonts.
EdgeBackground  The background color of characters after the column limit is changed to the color set by setEdgeColor(). This is recommended for proportional fonts.

enum QextScintilla::EolMode

This enum defines the different end-of-line modes.

EolWindows  A carriage return/line feed as used on Windows systems.
EolUnix  A line feed as used on Unix systems.
EolMac  A carriage return as used on Mac systems.

enum QextScintilla::FoldStyle

This enum defines the different styles for the folding margin.

NoFoldStyle  Folding is disabled.
PlainFoldStyle  Plain folding style using plus and minus symbols.
CircledFoldStyle  Circled folding style using circled plus and minus symbols.
BoxedFoldStyle  Boxed folding style using boxed plus and minus symbols.
CircledTreeFoldStyle  Circled tree style using a flattened tree with circled plus and minus symbols and rounded corners.
BoxedTreeFoldStyle  Boxed tree style using a flattened tree with boxed plus and minus symbols and right-angled corners.

enum QextScintilla::MarkerSymbol

This enum defines the different pre-defined marker symbols.

Circle  A circle.
Rectangle  A rectangle.
RightTriangle  A triangle pointing to the right.
SmallRectangle  A smaller rectangle.
RightArrow  An arrow pointing to the right.
Invisible  An invisible marker that allows code to track the movement of lines.
DownTriangle  A triangle pointing down.
Minus  A drawn minus sign.
Plus  A drawn plus sign.
VerticalLine  A vertical line drawn in the background colour.
BottomLeftCorner  A bottom left corner drawn in the background colour.
LeftSideSplitter  A vertical line with a centre right horizontal line drawn in the background colour.
BoxedPlus  A drawn plus sign in a box.
BoxedPlusConnected  A drawn plus sign in a connected box.
BoxedMinus  A drawn minus sign in a box.
BoxedMinusConnected  A drawn minus sign in a connected box.
RoundedBottomLeftCorner  A rounded bottom left corner drawn in the background colour.
LeftSideRoundedSplitter  A vertical line with a centre right curved line drawn in the background colour.
CircledPlus  A drawn plus sign in a circle.
CircledPlusConnected  A drawn plus sign in a connected box.
CircledMinus  A drawn minus sign in a circle.
CircledMinusConnected  A drawn minus sign in a connected circle.
Background  No symbol is drawn but the line of text is drawn with the same background colour.
ThreeDots  Three drawn dots.
ThreeRightArrows  Three drawn arrows pointing right.

enum QextScintilla::WhitespaceVisibility

This enum defines the different whitespace visibility modes. When whitespace is visible spaces are displayed as small centred dots and tabs are displayed as light arrows pointing to the right.

WsInvisible  Whitespace is invisible.
WsVisible  Whitespace is always visible.
WsVisibleAfterIndent  Whitespace is visible after the whitespace used for indentation.

enum QextScintilla::WrapMode

This enum defines the different line wrap modes.

WrapNone  Lines are not wrapped.
WrapWord  Lines are wrapped at word boundaries.
WrapCharacter  Lines are wrapped at character boundaries.

enum QextScintilla::WrapVisualFlag

This enum defines the different line wrap visual flags.

WrapFlagNone  No wrap flag is displayed.
WrapFlagByText  A wrap flag is displayed by the text.
WrapFlagByBorder  A wrap flag is displayed by the border.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QextScintilla::QextScintilla ( QWidget *  parent = 0,
const char *  name = 0,
WFlags  f = 0 

Construct an empty QextScintilla with parent parent, name name, and widget flags f.

virtual QextScintilla::~QextScintilla (  )  [virtual]

Destroys the QextScintilla instance.

Member Function Documentation

bool QextScintilla::autoCompletionCaseSensitivity (  ) 

Returns TRUE if auto-completion lists are case sensitive.

See also:

bool QextScintilla::autoCompletionFillupsEnabled (  ) 

Returns true if auto-completion fill-up characters are enabled.

See also:
setAutoCompletionFillups(), setAutoCompletionFillupsEnabled()

bool QextScintilla::autoCompletionReplaceWord (  ) 

Returns TRUE if the rest of the word to the right of the current cursor is removed when an item from an auto-completion list is selected.

See also:

bool QextScintilla::autoCompletionShowSingle (  ) 

Returns TRUE if the only item in an auto-completion list with a single entry is automatically used and the list not displayed.

See also:

AutoCompletionSource QextScintilla::autoCompletionSource (  )  const [inline]

Returns the current source for the auto-completion list when it is being displayed automatically as the user types.

See also:

int QextScintilla::autoCompletionThreshold (  )  const [inline]

Returns the current threshold for the automatic display of the auto-completion list as the user types.

See also:

bool QextScintilla::autoIndent (  )  const [inline]

Returns TRUE if auto-indentation is enabled.

See also:

bool QextScintilla::backspaceUnindents (  ) 

Returns TRUE if the backspace key unindents a line instead of deleting a character. The default is FALSE.

See also:
setBackspaceUnindents(), tabIndents(), setTabIndents()

void QextScintilla::beginUndoAction (  ) 

Mark the beginning of a sequence of actions that can be undone by a single call to undo().

See also:
endUndoAction(), undo()

BraceMatch QextScintilla::braceMatching (  )  const [inline]

Returns the brace matching mode.

See also:

int QextScintilla::callTipsVisible (  )  const [inline]

Returns the maximum number of call tips that are displayed.

See also:

void QextScintilla::cancelList (  ) 

Cancel any current auto-completion or user defined list.

void QextScintilla::clearRegisteredImages (  ) 

Clear all registered images.

See also:

void QextScintilla::convertEols ( EolMode  mode  ) 

All the lines of the text have their end-of-lines converted to mode mode.

See also:
eolMode(), setEolMode()

QColor QextScintilla::color (  )  const

Returns the widget's text (ie. foreground) colour.

See also:

QextScintillaDocument QextScintilla::document (  )  [inline]

Returns the attached document.

See also:

void QextScintilla::endUndoAction (  ) 

Mark the end of a sequence of actions that can be undone by a single call to undo().

See also:
beginUndoAction(), undo()

QColor QextScintilla::edgeColor (  ) 

Returns the color of the marker used to show that a line has exceeded the length set by setEdgeColumn().

See also:


int QextScintilla::edgeColumn (  ) 

Returns the number of the column after which lines are considered to be long.

See also:

EdgeMode QextScintilla::edgeMode (  ) 

Returns the edge mode which determines how long lines are marked.

See also:

EolMode QextScintilla::eolMode (  ) 

Returns the end-of-line mode.

See also:

bool QextScintilla::eolVisibility (  ) 

Returns the visibility of end-of-lines.

See also:

virtual bool QextScintilla::findFirst ( const QString &  expr,
bool  re,
bool  cs,
bool  wo,
bool  wrap,
bool  forward = TRUE,
int  line = -1,
int  index = -1,
bool  show = TRUE 
) [virtual]

Find the next occurrence of the string expr and return TRUE if expr was found, otherwise returns FALSE. If expr is found it becomes the current selection.

If re is TRUE then expr is interpreted as a regular expression rather than a simple string.

If cs is TRUE then the search is case sensitive.

If wo is TRUE then the search looks for whole word matches only, otherwise it searches for any matching text.

If wrap is TRUE then the search wraps around the end of the text.

If forward is TRUE (the default) then the search is forward from the starting position to the end of the text, otherwise it is backwards to the beginning of the text.

If either line or index are negative (the default) then the search begins from the current cursor position. Otherwise the search begins at position index of line line.

If show is TRUE (the default) then any text found is made visible (ie. it is unfolded).

See also:
findNext(), replace()

virtual bool QextScintilla::findNext (  )  [virtual]

Find the next occurence of the string found using findFirst().

See also:
findFirst(), replace()

int QextScintilla::firstVisibleLine (  ) 

Returns the number of the first visible line.

FoldStyle QextScintilla::folding (  )  const [inline]

Returns the current folding style.

See also:

void QextScintilla::getCursorPosition ( int *  line,
int *  index 

Sets *line and *index to the line and index of the cursor.

See also:

void QextScintilla::getSelection ( int *  lineFrom,
int *  indexFrom,
int *  lineTo,
int *  indexTo 

If there is a selection, *lineFrom is set to the line number in which the selection begins and *lineTo is set to the line number in which the selection ends. (They could be the same.) *indexFrom is set to the index at which the selection begins within *lineFrom, and *indexTo is set to the index at which the selection ends within *lineTo. If there is no selection, *lineFrom, *indexFrom, *lineTo and *indexTo are all set to -1.

See also:

bool QextScintilla::hasSelectedText (  )  const [inline]

Returns TRUE if some text is selected.

See also:

int QextScintilla::indentation ( int  line  ) 

Returns the number of characters that line line is indented by.

See also:

bool QextScintilla::indentationGuides (  ) 

Returns TRUE if the display of indentation guides is enabled.

See also:

bool QextScintilla::indentationsUseTabs (  ) 

Returns TRUE if indentations are created using tabs and spaces, rather than just spaces. The default is TRUE.

See also:

int QextScintilla::indentationWidth (  ) 

Returns the indentation width in characters. The default is 0 which means that the value returned by tabWidth() is actually used.

See also:
setIndentationWidth(), tabWidth()

bool QextScintilla::isCallTipActive (  ) 

Returns TRUE if a call tip is currently active.

bool QextScintilla::isListActive (  ) 

Returns TRUE if an auto-completion or user defined list is currently active.

bool QextScintilla::isModified (  ) 

Returns TRUE if the text has been modified.

See also:
setModified(), modificationChanged()

bool QextScintilla::isReadOnly (  ) 

Returns TRUE if the text edit is read-only.

See also:

bool QextScintilla::isRedoAvailable (  ) 

Returns TRUE if there is something that can be redone.

See also:

bool QextScintilla::isUndoAvailable (  ) 

Returns TRUE if there is something that can be undone.

See also:

bool QextScintilla::isUtf8 (  ) 

Returns TRUE if text is interpreted as being UTF8 encoded. The default is to interpret the text as Latin1 encoded.

See also:

int QextScintilla::lineAt ( const QPoint &  pos  ) 

Returns the line which is at position pos or -1 if there is no line at that position.

int QextScintilla::lineLength ( int  line  ) 

Returns the length of line line or -1 if there is no such line.

int QextScintilla::lines (  ) 

Returns the number of lines of text.

int QextScintilla::length (  ) 

Returns the length of the text edit's text.

QextScintillaLexer* QextScintilla::lexer (  )  const

Returns the current language lexer used to style text. If it is 0 then syntax styling is disabled.

See also:

bool QextScintilla::marginLineNumbers ( int  margin  ) 

Returns TRUE if line numbers are enabled for margin margin.

See also:
setMarginLineNumbers(), QextScintillaBase::SCI_GETMARGINTYPEN

int QextScintilla::marginMarkerMask ( int  margin  ) 

Returns the marker mask of margin margin.

See also:
setMarginMask(), QextScintillaMarker, QextScintillaBase::SCI_GETMARGINMASKN

bool QextScintilla::marginSensitivity ( int  margin  ) 

Returns TRUE if margin margin is sensitive to mouse clicks.

See also:
setMarginSensitivity(), marginClicked(), QextScintillaBase::SCI_GETMARGINTYPEN

int QextScintilla::marginWidth ( int  margin  ) 

Returns the width in pixels of margin margin.

See also:
setMarginWidth(), QextScintillaBase::SCI_GETMARGINWIDTHN

int QextScintilla::markerDefine ( MarkerSymbol  sym,
int  mnr = -1 

Define a marker using the symbol sym with the marker number mnr. If mnr is -1 then the marker number is automatically allocated. The marker number is returned or -1 if the marker number was already allocated or too many markers have been defined.

Markers are small geometric symbols and character used, for example, to indicate the current line or, in debuggers, to indicate breakpoints. If a margin has a width of 0 then its markers are not drawn, but their background colours affect the background colour of the corresponding line of text.

There may be up to 32 markers defined and each line of text has a set of these markers associated with it. Markers are drawn according to their numerical identifier. Markers try to move with their text by tracking where the start of their line moves to. For example, when a line is deleted its markers are added to previous line's markers.

Each marker is identified by a marker number. Each instance of a marker is identified by a marker handle.

int QextScintilla::markerDefine ( char  ch,
int  mnr = -1 

Define a marker using the character ch with the marker number mnr. If mnr is -1 then the marker number is automatically allocated. The marker number is returned or -1 if the marker number was already allocated or too many markers have been defined.

int QextScintilla::markerDefine ( const QPixmap *  pm,
int  mnr = -1 

Define a marker using a copy of the pixmap pm with the marker number mnr. If mnr is -1 then the marker number is automatically allocated. The marker number is returned or -1 if the marker number was already allocated or too many markers have been defined.

int QextScintilla::markerAdd ( int  linenr,
int  mnr 

Add a marker number mnr to line number linenr. A handle for the marker is returned which can be used to track the marker's position, or -1 if the mnr was invalid.

See also:
markerDelete(), markerDeleteAll(), markerDeleteHandle()

unsigned QextScintilla::markersAtLine ( int  linenr  ) 

Returns the 32 bit mask of marker numbers at line number linenr.

See also:

void QextScintilla::markerDelete ( int  linenr,
int  mnr = -1 

Delete all markers with the marker number mnr in the line linenr. If mnr is -1 then delete all markers from line linenr.

See also:
markerAdd(), markerDeleteAll(), markerDeleteHandle()

void QextScintilla::markerDeleteAll ( int  mnr = -1  ) 

Delete the all markers with the marker number mnr. If mnr is -1 then delete all markers.

See also:
markerAdd(), markerDelete(), markerDeleteHandle()

void QextScintilla::markerDeleteHandle ( int  mhandle  ) 

Delete the the marker instance with the marker handle mhandle.

See also:
markerAdd(), markerDelete(), markerDeleteAll()

int QextScintilla::markerLine ( int  mhandle  ) 

Return the line number that contains the marker instance with the marker handle mhandle.

int QextScintilla::markerFindNext ( int  linenr,
unsigned  mask 

Return the number of the next line to contain at least one marker from a 32 bit mask of markers. linenr is the line number to start the search from. mask is the mask of markers to search for.

See also:

int QextScintilla::markerFindPrevious ( int  linenr,
unsigned  mask 

Return the number of the previous line to contain at least one marker from a 32 bit mask of markers. linenr is the line number to start the search from. mask is the mask of markers to search for.

See also:

QColor QextScintilla::paper (  )  const

Returns the widget's paper (ie. background) colour.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::recolor ( int  start = 0,
int  end = -1 
) [virtual]

Recolours the document between the start and end positions. start defaults to the start of the document and end defaults to the end of the document.

void QextScintilla::registerImage ( int  id,
const QPixmap *  pm 

Register an image pm with ID id. Registered images can be displayed in auto-completion lists.

See also:
clearRegisteredImages(), QextScintillaAPIs

virtual void QextScintilla::replace ( const QString &  replaceStr  )  [virtual]

Replace the current selection, set by a previous call to findFirst() or findNext(), with replaceStr.

See also:
findFirst(), findNext()

void QextScintilla::resetFoldMarginColors (  ) 

Reset the fold margin colours to their defaults.

See also:

void QextScintilla::setFoldMarginColors ( const QColor &  fore,
const QColor &  back 

The fold margin may be drawn as a one pixel sized checkerboard pattern of two colours, fore and back.

See also:

void QextScintilla::setAutoCompletionAPIs ( QextScintillaAPIs apis = 0  ) 

Sets the APIs used for auto-completion to apis. If apis is 0 then any existing APIs are removed.

See also:
autoCompleteFromAPIs(), setCallTipsAPIs()

void QextScintilla::setAutoCompletionFillups ( const char *  fillups  ) 

set its own. Explicitly setting the fill-up characters using this method automatically enables their use.

See also:
autoCompletionFillupsEnabled(), setAutoCompletionFillupsEnabled()

void QextScintilla::setAutoCompletionFillupsEnabled ( bool  enabled  ) 

Enable the use of fill-up characters, either those explicitly set or those set by a lexer. By default, fill-up characters are disabled.

See also:
autoCompletionFillupsEnabled(), setAutoCompletionFillups()

void QextScintilla::setAutoCompletionStartCharacters ( const char *  start  ) 

A start character is one that, when entered, causes the auto-completion list to be displayed. If a language lexer has been set then this is ignored and the lexer defines the start characters. The default is that no start characters are set.

See also:

void QextScintilla::setCallTipsAPIs ( QextScintillaAPIs apis = 0  ) 

Sets the APIs used for call tips to apis. If apis is 0 then then call tips are disabled.

See also:

void QextScintilla::setCallTipsBackgroundColor ( const QColor &  col  ) 

Set the background colour of call tips to col. The default is white.

void QextScintilla::setCallTipsForegroundColor ( const QColor &  col  ) 

Set the foreground colour of call tips to col. The default is mid-gray.

void QextScintilla::setCallTipsHighlightColor ( const QColor &  col  ) 

Set the highlighted colour of call tip text to col. The default is dark blue.

void QextScintilla::setCallTipsVisible ( int  nr  ) 

Set the maximum number of call tips that are displayed to nr. If the maximum number is 0 then all applicable call tips are displayed. If the maximum number is -1 then one call tip will be displayed with up and down arrows that allow the use to scroll through the full list. The default is -1.

See also:

void QextScintilla::setDocument ( const QextScintillaDocument document  ) 

Attach the document document, replacing the currently attached document.

See also:

void QextScintilla::setEdgeColor ( const QColor &  col  ) 

Set the color of the marker used to show that a line has exceeded the length set by setEdgeColumn().

See also:


void QextScintilla::setEdgeColumn ( int  colnr  ) 

Set the number of the column after which lines are considered to be long.

See also:

void QextScintilla::setEdgeMode ( EdgeMode  mode  ) 

Set the edge mode which determines how long lines are marked.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setFont ( const QFont &  f  )  [virtual]

Set the default font. This has no effect if a language lexer has been set.

void QextScintilla::setMarkerBackgroundColor ( const QColor &  col,
int  mnr = -1 

Set the background colour, including the alpha component, of marker mnr to col. If mnr is -1 then the colour of all markers is set. The default is white.

See also:

void QextScintilla::setMarkerForegroundColor ( const QColor &  col,
int  mnr = -1 

Set the foreground colour of marker mnr to col. If mnr is -1 then the colour of all markers is set. The default is black.

See also:

void QextScintilla::setMatchedBraceBackgroundColor ( const QColor &  col  ) 

Set the background colour used to display matched braces to col. The default is white.

See also:

void QextScintilla::setMatchedBraceForegroundColor ( const QColor &  col  ) 

Set the foreground colour used to display matched braces to col. The default is red.

See also:

void QextScintilla::setUnmatchedBraceBackgroundColor ( const QColor &  col  ) 

Set the background colour used to display unmatched braces to col. The default is white.

See also:

void QextScintilla::setUnmatchedBraceForegroundColor ( const QColor &  col  ) 

Set the foreground colour used to display unmatched braces to col. The default is blue.

See also:

void QextScintilla::setWrapVisualFlags ( WrapVisualFlag  eflag,
WrapVisualFlag  sflag = WrapFlagNone,
int  sindent = 0 

Set the visual flags displayed when a line is wrapped. eflag determines if and where the flag at the end of a line is displayed. sflag determines if and where the flag at the start of a line is displayed. sindent is the number of characters a wrapped line is indented by. By default no visual flags are displayed.

QString QextScintilla::selectedText (  ) 

Returns the selected text or an empty string if there is no currently selected text.

See also:

void QextScintilla::showUserList ( int  id,
const QStringList &  list 

Displays a user defined list which can be interacted with like an auto-completion list. id is an identifier for the list which is passed as an argument to the userListActivated() signal and must be at least 1. list is the text with which the list is populated.

See also:
cancelList(), isListActive(), userListActivated()

QextScintillaCommandSet* QextScintilla::standardCommands (  )  const [inline]

The standard command set is returned.

bool QextScintilla::tabIndents (  ) 

Returns TRUE if the tab key indents a line instead of inserting a tab character. The default is TRUE.

See also:
setTabIndents(), backspaceUnindents(), setBackspaceUnindents()

int QextScintilla::tabWidth (  ) 

Returns the tab width in characters. The default is 8.

See also:

QString QextScintilla::text (  ) 

Returns the text edit's text.

See also:

QString QextScintilla::text ( int  line  ) 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Returns the text of line line.

See also:

int QextScintilla::textHeight ( int  linenr  ) 

Returns the height in pixels of the text in line number linenr.

WhitespaceVisibility QextScintilla::whitespaceVisibility (  ) 

Returns the visibility of whitespace.

See also:

WrapMode QextScintilla::wrapMode (  ) 

Returns the line wrap mode.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::append ( const QString &  text  )  [virtual, slot]

Appends the text text to the end of the text edit. Note that the undo/redo history is cleared by this function.

virtual void QextScintilla::autoCompleteFromAll (  )  [virtual, slot]

Display an auto-completion list based on any installed APIs, the current contents of the document and the characters immediately to the left of the cursor.

See also:
autoCompleteFromAPIs(), autoCompleteFromDocument()

virtual void QextScintilla::autoCompleteFromAPIs (  )  [virtual, slot]

Display an auto-completion list based on any installed APIs and the characters immediately to the left of the cursor.

See also:
autoCompleteFromAll(), autoCompleteFromDocument(), setAutoCompletionAPIs()

virtual void QextScintilla::autoCompleteFromDocument (  )  [virtual, slot]

Display an auto-completion list based on the current contents of the document and the characters immediately to the left of the cursor.

See also:
autoCompleteFromAll(), autoCompleteFromAPIs()

virtual void QextScintilla::callTip (  )  [virtual, slot]

Display a call tip based on the the characters immediately to the left of the cursor.

virtual void QextScintilla::clear (  )  [virtual, slot]

Deletes all the text in the text edit.

virtual void QextScintilla::copy (  )  [virtual, slot]

Copies any selected text to the clipboard.

See also:
copyAvailable(), cut(), paste()

virtual void QextScintilla::cut (  )  [virtual, slot]

Copies any selected text to the clipboard and then deletes the text.

See also:
copy(), paste()

virtual void QextScintilla::ensureCursorVisible (  )  [virtual, slot]

Ensures that the cursor is visible.

virtual void QextScintilla::ensureLineVisible ( int  line  )  [virtual, slot]

Ensures that the line number line is visible.

virtual void QextScintilla::foldAll ( bool  children = FALSE  )  [virtual, slot]

If any lines are currently folded then they are all unfolded. Otherwise all lines are folded. This has the same effect as clicking in the fold margin with the shift and control keys pressed. If children is not set (the default) then only the top level fold points are affected, otherwise the state of all fold points are changed.

virtual void QextScintilla::foldLine ( int  line  )  [virtual, slot]

If the line line is folded then it is unfolded. Otherwise it is folded. This has the same effect as clicking in the fold margin.

virtual void QextScintilla::indent ( int  line  )  [virtual, slot]

Increases the indentation of line line by an indentation width.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::insert ( const QString &  text  )  [virtual, slot]

Insert the text text at the current position.

virtual void QextScintilla::insertAt ( const QString &  text,
int  line,
int  index 
) [virtual, slot]

Insert the text text in the line line at the position index.

virtual void QextScintilla::moveToMatchingBrace (  )  [virtual, slot]

If the cursor is either side of a brace character then move it to the position of the corresponding brace.

virtual void QextScintilla::paste (  )  [virtual, slot]

Pastes any text from the clipboard into the text edit at the current cursor position.

See also:
copy(), cut()

virtual void QextScintilla::redo (  )  [virtual, slot]

Redo the last change or sequence of changes.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::removeSelectedText (  )  [virtual, slot]

Removes any selected text.

virtual void QextScintilla::resetSelectionBackgroundColor (  )  [virtual, slot]

Resets the background colour of selected text to the default.

See also:
setSelectionBackgroundColor(), resetSelectionForegroundColor()

virtual void QextScintilla::resetSelectionForegroundColor (  )  [virtual, slot]

Resets the foreground colour of selected text to the default.

See also:
setSelectionForegroundColor(), resetSelectionBackgroundColor()

virtual void QextScintilla::selectAll ( bool  select = TRUE  )  [virtual, slot]

If select is TRUE (the default) then all the text is selected. If select is FALSE then any currently selected text is deselected.

virtual void QextScintilla::selectToMatchingBrace (  )  [virtual, slot]

If the cursor is either side of a brace character then move it to the position of the corresponding brace and select the text between the braces.

virtual void QextScintilla::setAutoCompletionCaseSensitivity ( bool  cs  )  [virtual, slot]

If cs is TRUE then auto-completion lists are case sensitive. The default is TRUE.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setAutoCompletionReplaceWord ( bool  replace  )  [virtual, slot]

If replace is TRUE then when an item from an auto-completion list is selected, the rest of the word to the right of the current cursor is removed. The default is FALSE.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setAutoCompletionShowSingle ( bool  single  )  [virtual, slot]

If single is TRUE then when there is only a single entry in an auto-completion list it is automatically used and the list is not displayed. This only has an effect when auto-completion is explicitly requested (using autoCompleteFromAPIs() and autoCompleteFromDocument()) and has no effect when auto-completion is triggered as the user types. The default is FALSE.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setAutoCompletionSource ( AutoCompletionSource  source  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the source for the auto-completion list when it is being displayed automatically as the user types to source. The default is AcsDocument.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setAutoCompletionThreshold ( int  thresh  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the threshold for the automatic display of the auto-completion list as the user types to thresh. The threshold is the number of characters that the user must type before the list is displayed. If the threshold is less than or equal to 0 then the list is disabled. The default is -1.

See also:
autoCompletionThreshold(), setAutoCompletionStartCharacters()

virtual void QextScintilla::setAutoIndent ( bool  autoindent  )  [virtual, slot]

If autoindent is TRUE then auto-indentation is enabled. The default is FALSE.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setBraceMatching ( BraceMatch  bm  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the brace matching mode to bm. The default is NoBraceMatching.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setBackspaceUnindents ( bool  unindent  )  [virtual, slot]

If deindent is TRUE then the backspace key will unindent a line rather then delete a character.

See also:
backspaceUnindents(), tabIndents(), setTabIndents()

virtual void QextScintilla::setCaretForegroundColor ( const QColor &  col  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the foreground colour of the caret to col.

virtual void QextScintilla::setCaretLineBackgroundColor ( const QColor &  col  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the background colour, including the alpha component, of the line containing the caret to col.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setCaretLineVisible ( bool  enable  )  [virtual, slot]

Enables or disables, according to enable, the background color of the line containing the caret.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setCaretWidth ( int  width  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the width of the caret to width pixels. A width of 0 makes the caret invisible.

virtual void QextScintilla::setColor ( const QColor &  c  )  [virtual, slot]

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setCursorPosition ( int  line,
int  index 
) [virtual, slot]

Sets the cursor to the line line at the position index.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setEolMode ( EolMode  mode  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the end-of-line mode to mode. The default is the platform's natural mode.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setEolVisibility ( bool  visible  )  [virtual, slot]

If visible is TRUE then end-of-lines are made visible. The default is that they are invisible.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setFolding ( FoldStyle  fold  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the folding style for margin 2 to fold. The default is NoFoldStyle (ie. folding is disabled).

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setIndentation ( int  line,
int  indentation 
) [virtual, slot]

Sets the indentation of line to indentation characters.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setIndentationGuides ( bool  enable  )  [virtual, slot]

Enables or disables, according to enable, this display of indentation guides.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setIndentationGuidesBackgroundColor ( const QColor &  col  )  [virtual, slot]

Set the background colour of indentation guides to col.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setIndentationGuidesForegroundColor ( const QColor &  col  )  [virtual, slot]

Set the foreground colour of indentation guides to col.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setIndentationsUseTabs ( bool  tabs  )  [virtual, slot]

If tabs is TRUE then indentations are created using tabs and spaces, rather than just spaces.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setIndentationWidth ( int  width  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the indentation width to width characters. If width is 0 then the value returned by tabWidth() is used.

See also:
indentationWidth(), tabWidth()

virtual void QextScintilla::setLexer ( QextScintillaLexer lexer = 0  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the specific language lexer used to style text to lexer. If lexer is 0 then syntax styling is disabled.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setMarginsBackgroundColor ( const QColor &  col  )  [virtual, slot]

Set the background colour of all margins to col. The default is a gray.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setMarginsFont ( const QFont &  f  )  [virtual, slot]

Set the font used in all margins to f.

virtual void QextScintilla::setMarginsForegroundColor ( const QColor &  col  )  [virtual, slot]

Set the foreground colour of all margins to col. The default is black.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setMarginLineNumbers ( int  margin,
bool  lnrs 
) [virtual, slot]

Enables or disables, according to lnrs, the display of line numbers in margin margin.

See also:
marginLineNumbers(), QextScintillaBase::SCI_SETMARGINTYPEN

virtual void QextScintilla::setMarginMarkerMask ( int  margin,
int  mask 
) [virtual, slot]

Sets the marker mask of margin margin to mask. Only those markers whose bit is set in the mask are displayed in the margin.

See also:
marginMarkerMask(), QextScintillaMarker, QextScintillaBase::SCI_SETMARGINMASKN

virtual void QextScintilla::setMarginSensitivity ( int  margin,
bool  sens 
) [virtual, slot]

Enables or disables, according to sens, the sensitivity of margin margin to mouse clicks. If the user clicks in a sensitive margin the marginClicked() signal is emitted.

See also:
marginSensitivity(), marginClicked(), QextScintillaBase::SCI_SETMARGINSENSITIVEN

virtual void QextScintilla::setMarginWidth ( int  margin,
int  width 
) [virtual, slot]

Sets the width of margin margin to width pixels. If the width of a margin is 0 then it is not displayed.

See also:
marginWidth(), QextScintillaBase::SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN

virtual void QextScintilla::setMarginWidth ( int  margin,
const QString &  s 
) [virtual, slot]

Sets the width of margin margin so that it is wide enough to display s in the current margin font.

See also:
marginWidth(), QextScintillaBase::SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN

virtual void QextScintilla::setModified ( bool  m  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the modified state of the text edit to m. Note that it is only possible to clear the modified state (where m is FALSE). Attempts to set the modified state (where m is TRUE) are ignored.

See also:
isModified(), modificationChanged()

virtual void QextScintilla::setPaper ( const QColor &  c  )  [virtual, slot]

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setReadOnly ( bool  ro  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the read-only state of the text edit to ro.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setSelection ( int  lineFrom,
int  indexFrom,
int  lineTo,
int  indexTo 
) [virtual, slot]

Sets the selection which starts at position indexFrom in line lineFrom and ends at position indexTo in line lineTo. The cursor is moved to the end of the selection.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setSelectionBackgroundColor ( const QColor &  col  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the background colour, including the alpha component, of selected text to col.

See also:
resetSelectionBackgroundColor(), setSelectionForegroundColor()

virtual void QextScintilla::setSelectionForegroundColor ( const QColor &  col  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the foreground colour of selected text to col.

See also:
resetSelectionForegroundColor(), setSelectionBackgroundColor()

virtual void QextScintilla::setTabIndents ( bool  indent  )  [virtual, slot]

If indent is TRUE then the tab key will indent a line rather then insert a tab character.

See also:
tabIndents(), backspaceUnindents(), setBackspaceUnindents()

virtual void QextScintilla::setTabWidth ( int  width  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the tab width to width characters.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setText ( const QString &  text  )  [virtual, slot]

Replaces all of the current text with text. Note that the undo/redo history is cleared by this function.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setUtf8 ( bool  cp  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the current text encoding. If cp is TRUE then UTF8 is used, otherwise Latin1 is used.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setWhitespaceVisibility ( WhitespaceVisibility  mode  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the visibility of whitespace to mode mode. The default is that whitespace is invisible.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::setWrapMode ( WrapMode  mode  )  [virtual, slot]

Sets the line wrap mode to mode mode. The default is that lines are not wrapped.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::undo (  )  [virtual, slot]

Undo the last change or sequence of changes.

Scintilla has multiple level undo and redo. It will continue to record undoable actions until memory runs out. Sequences of typing or deleting are compressed into single actions to make it easier to undo and redo at a sensible level of detail. Sequences of actions can be combined into actions that are undone as a unit. These sequences occur between calls to beginUndoAction() and endUndoAction(). These sequences can be nested and only the top level sequences are undone as units.

See also:
beginUndoAction(), endUndoAction(), isUndoAvailable()

virtual void QextScintilla::unindent ( int  line  )  [virtual, slot]

Decreases the indentation of line line by an indentation width.

See also:

virtual void QextScintilla::zoomIn ( int  range  )  [virtual, slot]

Zooms in on the text by by making the base font size range points larger and recalculating all font sizes.

See also:
zoomOut(), zoomTo()

virtual void QextScintilla::zoomIn (  )  [virtual, slot]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Zooms in on the text by by making the base font size one point larger and recalculating all font sizes.

virtual void QextScintilla::zoomOut ( int  range  )  [virtual, slot]

Zooms out on the text by by making the base font size range points smaller and recalculating all font sizes.

See also:
zoomIn(), zoomTo()

virtual void QextScintilla::zoomOut (  )  [virtual, slot]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Zooms out on the text by by making the base font size one point larger and recalculating all font sizes.

virtual void QextScintilla::zoomTo ( int  size  )  [virtual, slot]

Zooms the text by making the base font size size points and recalculating all font sizes.

See also:
zoomIn(), zoomOut()

void QextScintilla::cursorPositionChanged ( int  line,
int  pos 
) [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the cursor position changes. line contains the line number and pos contains the character position within the line.

void QextScintilla::copyAvailable ( bool  yes  )  [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever text is selected or de-selected. yes is TRUE if text has been selected and FALSE if text has been deselected. If yes is TRUE then copy() can be used to copy the selection to the clipboard. If yes is FALSE then copy() does nothing.

See also:
copy(), selectionChanged()

void QextScintilla::marginClicked ( int  margin,
int  line,
Qt::ButtonState  state 
) [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the user clicks on a sensitive margin. margin is the margin. line is the number of the line where the user clicked. state is the state of the modifier keys (ShiftButton, ControlButton and AltButton) when the user clicked.

See also:
marginSensitivity(), setMarginSensitivity()

void QextScintilla::modificationAttempted (  )  [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the user attempts to modify read-only text.

See also:
isReadOnly(), setReadOnly()

void QextScintilla::modificationChanged ( bool  m  )  [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the modification state of the text changes. m is TRUE if the text has been modified.

See also:
isModified(), setModified()

void QextScintilla::selectionChanged (  )  [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the selection changes.

See also:

void QextScintilla::textChanged (  )  [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the text in the text edit changes.

void QextScintilla::userListActivated ( int  id,
const QString &  string 
) [signal]

This signal is emitted when an item in a user defined list is activated (selected). id is the list identifier. string is the text of the item.

See also:

Generated on Thu Nov 30 09:32:31 2006 for QScintilla by  doxygen 1.4.7