QextScintillaLexerIDL Class Reference

The QextScintillaLexerIDL class encapsulates the Scintilla IDL lexer. More...

#include <qextscintillalexeridl.h>

Inherits QextScintillaLexerCPP.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

The QextScintillaLexerIDL class encapsulates the Scintilla IDL lexer.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QextScintillaLexerIDL::QextScintillaLexerIDL ( TQObject *  parent = 0,
const char *  name = 0 

Construct a QextScintillaLexerIDL with parent parent and name name. parent is typically the QextScintilla instance.

virtual QextScintillaLexerIDL::~QextScintillaLexerIDL (  )  [virtual]

Destroys the QextScintillaLexerIDL instance.

Member Function Documentation

const char* QextScintillaLexerIDL::language (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the name of the language.

Reimplemented from QextScintillaLexerCPP.

TQColor QextScintillaLexerIDL::color ( int  style  )  const [virtual]

Returns the foreground colour of the text for style number style.

See also:

Reimplemented from QextScintillaLexerCPP.

const char* QextScintillaLexerIDL::keywords ( int  set  )  const [virtual]

Returns the set of keywords for the keyword set set recognised by the lexer as a space separated string.

Reimplemented from QextScintillaLexerCPP.

TQString QextScintillaLexerIDL::description ( int  style  )  const [virtual]

Returns the descriptive name for style number style. If the style is invalid for this language then TQString() is returned. This is intended to be used in user preference dialogs.

Reimplemented from QextScintillaLexerCPP.

Generated on Thu Nov 30 09:32:31 2006 for TQScintilla by  doxygen 1.4.7