When pixmaps are inserted into a TQCanvasPixmapArray they are held as TQCanvasPixmaps. TQCanvasSprites are used to show pixmaps on TQCanvases and hold their pixmaps in a TQCanvasPixmapArray. If you retrieve a frame (pixmap) from a TQCanvasSprite it will be returned as a TQCanvasPixmap.
The pixmap is a QPixmap and can only be set in the constructor. There are three different constructors, one taking a QPixmap, one a TQImage and one a file name that refers to a file in any supported file format (see QImageIO).
TQCanvasPixmap can have a hotspot which is defined in terms of an (x, y) offset. When you create a TQCanvasPixmap from a PNG file or from a TQImage that has a TQImage::offset(), the offset() is initialized appropriately, otherwise the constructor leaves it at (0, 0). You can set it later using setOffset(). When the TQCanvasPixmap is used in a TQCanvasSprite, the offset position is the point at TQCanvasItem::x() and TQCanvasItem::y(), not the top-left corner of the pixmap.
Note that for TQCanvasPixmap objects created by a TQCanvasSprite, the position of each TQCanvasPixmap object is set so that the hotspot stays in the same position.