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< td align = "right" valign = "center" > < img src = "logo32.png" align = "right" width = "64" height = "32" border = "0" > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < h1 align = center > A qt-interest mail archive search< / h1 >
< p >
< p > This example does a search on the qt-interest mailinglist archives. It uses
< a href = "tqhttp.html" > TQHttp< / a > to issue the search command and to fetch the results. The GUI parts
were done using < a href = "designer-manual.html" > TQt Designer< / a > .
< p > < hr >
< p > The implementation of the HTTP requests (archivedialog.ui.h):
< p > < pre > /****************************************************************************
** $Id: qt/archivedialog.ui.h 3.3.8 edited Jan 29 15:54 $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
** ui.h extension file, included from the tquic-generated form implementation.
** If you wish to add, delete or rename functions or slots use
** TQt Designer which will update this file, preserving your code. Create an
** init() function in place of a constructor, and a destroy() function in
** place of a destructor.
void ArchiveDialog::init()
connect(& articleSearcher, TQ_SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, TQ_SLOT(searchDone(bool)));
connect(& articleFetcher, TQ_SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, TQ_SLOT(fetchDone(bool)));
connect(myListView, TQ_SIGNAL(selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(fetch(TQListViewItem*)));
connect(myLineEdit, TQ_SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, TQ_SLOT(search()));
connect(myListView, TQ_SIGNAL(returnPressed(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(fetch(TQListViewItem*)));
connect(myPushButton, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(close()));
void ArchiveDialog::fetch( < a href = "tqlistviewitem.html" > TQListViewItem< / a > *it )
< a name = "x477" > < / a > < a href = "tqurl.html" > TQUrl< / a > u(it-> < a href = "tqlistviewitem.html#text" > text< / a > (1));
< a name = "x485" > < / a > articleFetcher.setHost(u.< a href = "tqurl.html#host" > host< / a > ());
articleFetcher.get(it-> < a href = "tqlistviewitem.html#text" > text< / a > (1));
void ArchiveDialog::fetchDone( bool error )
if (error) {
< a name = "x478" > < / a > TQMessageBox::< a href = "tqmessagebox.html#critical" > critical< / a > (this, "Error fetching",
"An error occurred when fetching this document: "
+ articleFetcher.errorString(),
TQMessageBox::Ok, TQMessageBox::NoButton);
} else {
myTextBrowser-> setText(articleFetcher.readAll());
void ArchiveDialog::search()
if (articleSearcher.state() == TQHttp::HostLookup
|| articleSearcher.state() == TQHttp::Connecting
|| articleSearcher.state() == TQHttp::Sending
|| articleSearcher.state() == TQHttp::Reading) {
if (myLineEdit-> text() == "") {
TQMessageBox::< a href = "tqmessagebox.html#critical" > critical< / a > (this, "Empty query",
"Please type a search string.",
TQMessageBox::Ok, TQMessageBox::NoButton);
} else {
< a name = "x474" > < / a > TQApplication::< a href = "tqapplication.html#setOverrideCursor" > setOverrideCursor< / a > (TQCursor(TQt::WaitCursor));
< a href = "tqhttprequestheader.html" > TQHttpRequestHeader< / a > header("POST", "/qt-interest/search.php");
< a name = "x476" > < / a > header.< a href = "tqhttpheader.html#setValue" > setValue< / a > ("Host", "lists.trolltech.com");
< a name = "x475" > < / a > header.< a href = "tqhttpheader.html#setContentType" > setContentType< / a > ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
< a href = "tqstring.html" > TQString< / a > encodedTopic = myLineEdit-> text();
< a name = "x484" > < / a > TQUrl::< a href = "tqurl.html#encode" > encode< / a > (encodedTopic);
< a href = "tqstring.html" > TQString< / a > searchString = "qt-interest=on& search=" + encodedTopic;
< a name = "x483" > < / a > articleSearcher.request(header, searchString.< a href = "tqstring.html#utf8" > utf8< / a > ());
void ArchiveDialog::searchDone( bool error )
if (error) {
TQMessageBox::< a href = "tqmessagebox.html#critical" > critical< / a > (this, "Error searching",
"An error occurred when searching: "
+ articleSearcher.errorString(),
TQMessageBox::Ok, TQMessageBox::NoButton);
} else {
< a href = "tqstring.html" > TQString< / a > result(articleSearcher.readAll());
< a href = "tqregexp.html" > TQRegExp< / a > rx("< a href=\"(http://lists\\.trolltech\\.com/qt-interest/.*)\"> (.*)< /a> ");
< a name = "x482" > < / a > rx.< a href = "tqregexp.html#setMinimal" > setMinimal< / a > (TRUE);
int pos = 0;
while (pos > = 0) {
< a name = "x481" > < / a > pos = rx.< a href = "tqregexp.html#search" > search< / a > (result, pos);
if (pos > -1) {
< a name = "x480" > < / a > pos += rx.< a href = "tqregexp.html#matchedLength" > matchedLength< / a > ();
< a name = "x479" > < / a > new < a href = "tqlistviewitem.html" > TQListViewItem< / a > (myListView, rx.< a href = "tqregexp.html#cap" > cap< / a > (2), rx.< a href = "tqregexp.html#cap" > cap< / a > (1));
< a name = "x473" > < / a > TQApplication::< a href = "tqapplication.html#restoreOverrideCursor" > restoreOverrideCursor< / a > ();
< / pre >
< p > < hr >
< p > Main (main.cpp):
< p > < pre > /****************************************************************************
** $Id: qt/main.cpp 3.3.8 edited Jan 11 14:37 $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
#include "archivedialog.h"
#include < < a href = "tqapplication-h.html" > tqapplication.h< / a > >
int main(int argc, char **argv)
< a href = "tqapplication.html" > TQApplication< / a > a( argc, argv );
ArchiveDialog ad;
< a name = "x489" > < / a > < a name = "x487" > < / a > TQObject::< a href = "tqobject.html#connect" > connect< / a > ( & a, TQ_SIGNAL(< a href = "tqapplication.html#lastWindowClosed" > lastWindowClosed< / a > ()),
< a name = "x488" > < / a > & a, TQ_SLOT(< a href = "tqapplication.html#quit" > quit< / a > ()) );
< a name = "x486" > < / a > return a.< a href = "tqapplication.html#exec" > exec< / a > ();
< / pre >
< p > See also < a href = "network-examples.html" > Network Examples< / a > .
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