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< td align = "right" valign = "center" > < img src = "logo32.png" align = "right" width = "64" height = "32" border = "0" > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < h1 align = center > TQRegExpValidator Class Reference< / h1 >
< p > The TQRegExpValidator class is used to check a string
against a regular expression.
< a href = "#details" > More...< / a >
< p > < tt > #include < < a href = "tqvalidator-h.html" > tqvalidator.h< / a > > < / tt >
< p > Inherits < a href = "tqvalidator.html" > TQValidator< / a > .
< p > < a href = "tqregexpvalidator-members.html" > List of all member functions.< / a >
< h2 > Public Members< / h2 >
< ul >
< li class = fn > < a href = "#TQRegExpValidator" > < b > TQRegExpValidator< / b > < / a > ( TQObject * parent, const char * name = 0 )< / li >
< li class = fn > < a href = "#TQRegExpValidator-2" > < b > TQRegExpValidator< / b > < / a > ( const TQRegExp & rx, TQObject * parent, const char * name = 0 )< / li >
< li class = fn > < a href = "#~TQRegExpValidator" > < b > ~TQRegExpValidator< / b > < / a > ()< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual TQValidator::State < a href = "#validate" > < b > validate< / b > < / a > ( TQString & input, int & pos ) const< / li >
< li class = fn > void < a href = "#setRegExp" > < b > setRegExp< / b > < / a > ( const TQRegExp & rx )< / li >
< li class = fn > const TQRegExp & < a href = "#regExp" > < b > regExp< / b > < / a > () const< / li >
< / ul >
< hr > < a name = "details" > < / a > < h2 > Detailed Description< / h2 >
The TQRegExpValidator class is used to check a string
against a < a href = "tqregexp.html#regular-expression" > regular expression< / a > .
< p >
< p > TQRegExpValidator contains a regular expression, "regexp", used to
determine whether an input string is < a href = "tqvalidator.html#State-enum" > Acceptable< / a > , < a href = "tqvalidator.html#State-enum" > Intermediate< / a > or < a href = "tqvalidator.html#State-enum" > Invalid< / a > .
< p > The regexp is treated as if it begins with the start of string
assertion, < b > ^< / b > , and ends with the end of string assertion
< b > $< / b > so the match is against the entire input string, or from
the given position if a start position greater than zero is given.
< p > For a brief introduction to TQt's regexp engine see < a href = "tqregexp.html" > TQRegExp< / a > .
< p > Example of use:
< pre >
// regexp: optional '-' followed by between 1 and 3 digits
< a href = "tqregexp.html" > TQRegExp< / a > rx( "-?\\d{1,3}" );
< a href = "tqvalidator.html" > TQValidator< / a > * validator = new TQRegExpValidator( rx, this );
< a href = "tqlineedit.html" > TQLineEdit< / a > * edit = new < a href = "tqlineedit.html" > TQLineEdit< / a > ( this );
edit-> < a href = "tqlineedit.html#setValidator" > setValidator< / a > ( validator );
< / pre >
< p > Below we present some examples of validators. In practice they would
normally be associated with a widget as in the example above.
< p > < pre >
// integers 1 to 9999
< a href = "tqregexp.html" > TQRegExp< / a > rx( "[1-9]\\d{0,3}" );
// the validator treats the regexp as "^[1-9]\\d{0,3}$"
TQRegExpValidator v( rx, 0 );
< a href = "tqstring.html" > TQString< / a > s;
int pos = 0;
s = "0"; v.< a href = "#validate" > validate< / a > ( s, pos ); // returns Invalid
s = "12345"; v.< a href = "#validate" > validate< / a > ( s, pos ); // returns Invalid
s = "1"; v.< a href = "#validate" > validate< / a > ( s, pos ); // returns Acceptable
rx.< a href = "tqregexp.html#setPattern" > setPattern< / a > ( "\\S+" ); // one or more non-whitespace characters
v.< a href = "#setRegExp" > setRegExp< / a > ( rx );
s = "myfile.txt"; v.< a href = "#validate" > validate< / a > ( s, pos ); // Returns Acceptable
s = "my file.txt"; v.< a href = "#validate" > validate< / a > ( s, pos ); // Returns Invalid
// A, B or C followed by exactly five digits followed by W, X, Y or Z
rx.< a href = "tqregexp.html#setPattern" > setPattern< / a > ( "[A-C]\\d{5}[W-Z]" );
v.< a href = "#setRegExp" > setRegExp< / a > ( rx );
s = "a12345Z"; v.< a href = "#validate" > validate< / a > ( s, pos ); // Returns Invalid
s = "A12345Z"; v.< a href = "#validate" > validate< / a > ( s, pos ); // Returns Acceptable
s = "B12"; v.< a href = "#validate" > validate< / a > ( s, pos ); // Returns Intermediate
// match most 'readme' files
rx.< a href = "tqregexp.html#setPattern" > setPattern< / a > ( "read\\S?me(\.(txt|asc|1st))?" );
rx.< a href = "tqregexp.html#setCaseSensitive" > setCaseSensitive< / a > ( FALSE );
v.< a href = "#setRegExp" > setRegExp< / a > ( rx );
s = "readme"; v.< a href = "#validate" > validate< / a > ( s, pos ); // Returns Acceptable
s = "README.1ST"; v.< a href = "#validate" > validate< / a > ( s, pos ); // Returns Acceptable
s = "read me.txt"; v.< a href = "#validate" > validate< / a > ( s, pos ); // Returns Invalid
s = "readm"; v.< a href = "#validate" > validate< / a > ( s, pos ); // Returns Intermediate
< / pre >
< p > < p > See also < a href = "tqregexp.html" > TQRegExp< / a > , < a href = "tqintvalidator.html" > TQIntValidator< / a > , < a href = "tqdoublevalidator.html" > TQDoubleValidator< / a > , and < a href = "misc.html" > Miscellaneous Classes< / a > .
< hr > < h2 > Member Function Documentation< / h2 >
< h3 class = fn > < a name = "TQRegExpValidator" > < / a > TQRegExpValidator::TQRegExpValidator ( < a href = "tqobject.html" > TQObject< / a > * parent, const char * name = 0 )
< / h3 >
Constructs a validator that accepts any string (including an empty
one) as valid. The object's parent is < em > parent< / em > and its name is < em > name< / em > .
< h3 class = fn > < a name = "TQRegExpValidator-2" > < / a > TQRegExpValidator::TQRegExpValidator ( const < a href = "tqregexp.html" > TQRegExp< / a > & rx, < a href = "tqobject.html" > TQObject< / a > * parent, const char * name = 0 )
< / h3 >
Constructs a validator which accepts all strings that match the
< a href = "tqregexp.html#regular-expression" > regular expression< / a > < em > rx< / em > . The object's parent is < em > parent< / em > and its
name is < em > name< / em > .
< p > The match is made against the entire string, e.g. if the regexp is
< b > [A-Fa-f0-9]+< / b > it will be treated as < b > ^[A-Fa-f0-9]+$< / b > .
< h3 class = fn > < a name = "~TQRegExpValidator" > < / a > TQRegExpValidator::~TQRegExpValidator ()
< / h3 >
Destroys the validator, freeing any resources allocated.
< h3 class = fn > const < a href = "tqregexp.html" > TQRegExp< / a > & < a name = "regExp" > < / a > TQRegExpValidator::regExp () const
< / h3 >
< p > Returns the < a href = "tqregexp.html#regular-expression" > regular expression< / a > used for validation.
< p > < p > See also < a href = "#setRegExp" > setRegExp< / a > ().
< h3 class = fn > void < a name = "setRegExp" > < / a > TQRegExpValidator::setRegExp ( const < a href = "tqregexp.html" > TQRegExp< / a > & rx )
< / h3 >
Sets the < a href = "tqregexp.html#regular-expression" > regular expression< / a > used for validation to < em > rx< / em > .
< p > < p > See also < a href = "#regExp" > regExp< / a > ().
< h3 class = fn > < a href = "tqvalidator.html#State-enum" > TQValidator::State< / a > < a name = "validate" > < / a > TQRegExpValidator::validate ( < a href = "tqstring.html" > TQString< / a > & input, int & pos ) const< tt > [virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
Returns < a href = "tqvalidator.html#State-enum" > Acceptable< / a > if < em > input< / em > is matched by the < a href = "tqregexp.html#regular-expression" > regular expression< / a > for this validator, < a href = "tqvalidator.html#State-enum" > Intermediate< / a > if it has matched
partially (i.e. could be a valid match if additional valid
characters are added), and < a href = "tqvalidator.html#State-enum" > Invalid< / a > if < em > input< / em > is not matched.
< p > The < em > pos< / em > parameter is set to the length of the < em > input< / em > parameter.
< p > For example, if the regular expression is < b > \ w\ d\ d< / b > (that
is, word-character, digit, digit) then "A57" is < a href = "tqvalidator.html#State-enum" > Acceptable< / a > ,
"E5" is < a href = "tqvalidator.html#State-enum" > Intermediate< / a > and "+9" is < a href = "tqvalidator.html#State-enum" > Invalid< / a > .
< p > < p > See also < a href = "tqregexp.html#match" > TQRegExp::match< / a > () and < a href = "tqregexp.html#search" > TQRegExp::search< / a > ().
< p > Reimplemented from < a href = "tqvalidator.html#validate" > TQValidator< / a > .
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