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< td align = "right" valign = "center" > < img src = "logo32.png" align = "right" width = "64" height = "32" border = "0" > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < h1 align = center > TQAccessibleInterface Class Reference< / h1 >
< p > The TQAccessibleInterface class defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects.
< a href = "#details" > More...< / a >
< p > < tt > #include < < a href = "qaccessible-h.html" > ntqaccessible.h< / a > > < / tt >
< p > Inherits < a href = "ntqaccessible.html" > TQAccessible< / a > .
< p > Inherited by < a href = "qaccessibleobject.html" > TQAccessibleObject< / a > .
< p > < a href = "qaccessibleinterface-members.html" > List of all member functions.< / a >
< h2 > Public Members< / h2 >
< ul >
< li class = fn > virtual bool < a href = "#isValid" > < b > isValid< / b > < / a > () const = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual int < a href = "#childCount" > < b > childCount< / b > < / a > () const = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual TQRESULT < a href = "#queryChild" > < b > queryChild< / b > < / a > ( int control, TQAccessibleInterface ** iface ) const = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual TQRESULT < a href = "#queryParent" > < b > queryParent< / b > < / a > ( TQAccessibleInterface ** iface ) const = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual int < a href = "#controlAt" > < b > controlAt< / b > < / a > ( int x, int y ) const = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual TQRect < a href = "#rect" > < b > rect< / b > < / a > ( int control ) const = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual int < a href = "#navigate" > < b > navigate< / b > < / a > ( NavDirection direction, int startControl ) const = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual TQString < a href = "#text" > < b > text< / b > < / a > ( Text t, int control ) const = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual void < a href = "#setText" > < b > setText< / b > < / a > ( Text t, int control, const TQString & text ) = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual Role < a href = "#role" > < b > role< / b > < / a > ( int control ) const = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual State < a href = "#state" > < b > state< / b > < / a > ( int control ) const = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual TQMemArray< int> < a href = "#selection" > < b > selection< / b > < / a > () const = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual bool < a href = "#doDefaultAction" > < b > doDefaultAction< / b > < / a > ( int control ) = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual bool < a href = "#setFocus" > < b > setFocus< / b > < / a > ( int control ) = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual bool < a href = "#setSelected" > < b > setSelected< / b > < / a > ( int control, bool on, bool extend ) = 0< / li >
< li class = fn > virtual void < a href = "#clearSelection" > < b > clearSelection< / b > < / a > () = 0< / li >
< / ul >
< hr > < a name = "details" > < / a > < h2 > Detailed Description< / h2 >
The TQAccessibleInterface class defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects.
< p >
< p > See also < a href = "misc.html" > Miscellaneous Classes< / a > .
< hr > < h2 > Member Function Documentation< / h2 >
< h3 class = fn > int < a name = "childCount" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::childCount () const< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Returns the number of children that belong to this object. A child
can provide accessibility information on it's own (e.g. a child
widget), or be a sub-element of this accessible object.
< p > All objects provide this information.
< p > < p > See also < a href = "#queryChild" > queryChild< / a > ().
< h3 class = fn > void < a name = "clearSelection" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::clearSelection ()< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Removes any selection from the object.
< p > < p > See also < a href = "#setSelected" > setSelected< / a > ().
< h3 class = fn > int < a name = "controlAt" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::controlAt ( int x, int y ) const< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Returns the ID of the child that contains the screen coordinates
(< em > x< / em > , < em > y< / em > ). This function returns 0 if the point is positioned
on the object itself. If the tested point is outside the
boundaries of the object this function returns -1.
< p > All visual objects provide this information.
< h3 class = fn > bool < a name = "doDefaultAction" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::doDefaultAction ( int control )< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Calling this function performs the default action of the child
object specified by < em > control< / em > , or the default action of the
object itself if < em > control< / em > is 0.
< h3 class = fn > bool < a name = "isValid" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::isValid () const< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Returns TRUE if all the data necessary to use this interface
implementation is valid (e.g. all pointers are non-null),
otherwise returns FALSE.
< h3 class = fn > int < a name = "navigate" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::navigate ( < a href = "ntqaccessible.html#NavDirection-enum" > NavDirection< / a > direction, int startControl ) const< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > This function traverses to another object, or to a sub-element of
the current object. < em > direction< / em > specifies in which direction to
navigate, and < em > startControl< / em > specifies the start point of the
navigation, which is either 0 if the navigation starts at the
object itself, or an ID of one of the object's sub-elements.
< p > The function returns the ID of the sub-element located in the < em > direction< / em > specified. If there is nothing in the navigated < em > direction< / em > , this function returns -1.
< p > All objects support navigation.
< h3 class = fn > TQRESULT < a name = "queryChild" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::queryChild ( int control, < a href = "qaccessibleinterface.html" > TQAccessibleInterface< / a > ** iface ) const< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Sets < em > iface< / em > to point to the implementation of the
TQAccessibleInterface for the child specified with < em > control< / em > . If
the child doesn't provide accessibility information on it's own,
the value of < em > iface< / em > is set to 0. For those elements, this
object is responsible for exposing the child's properties.
< p > All objects provide this information.
< p > < p > See also < a href = "#childCount" > childCount< / a > () and < a href = "#queryParent" > queryParent< / a > ().
< h3 class = fn > TQRESULT < a name = "queryParent" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::queryParent ( < a href = "qaccessibleinterface.html" > TQAccessibleInterface< / a > ** iface ) const< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Sets < em > iface< / em > to point to the implementation of the
TQAccessibleInterface for the parent object, or to 0 if there is
no such implementation or object.
< p > All objects provide this information.
< p > < p > See also < a href = "#queryChild" > queryChild< / a > ().
< h3 class = fn > < a href = "ntqrect.html" > TQRect< / a > < a name = "rect" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::rect ( int control ) const< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Returns the location of the child specified with < em > control< / em > in
screen coordinates. This function returns the location of the
object itself if < em > control< / em > is 0.
< p > All visual objects provide this information.
< h3 class = fn > < a href = "ntqaccessible.html#Role-enum" > Role< / a > < a name = "role" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::role ( int control ) const< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Returns the role of the object if < em > control< / em > is 0, or the role of
the object's sub-element with ID < em > control< / em > . The role of an object
is usually static. All accessible objects have a role.
< p > < p > See also < a href = "#text" > text< / a > (), < a href = "#state" > state< / a > (), and < a href = "#selection" > selection< / a > ().
< h3 class = fn > < a href = "ntqmemarray.html" > TQMemArray< / a > < int> < a name = "selection" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::selection () const< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Returns the list of all the element IDs that are selected.
< p > < p > See also < a href = "#text" > text< / a > (), < a href = "#role" > role< / a > (), and < a href = "#state" > state< / a > ().
< h3 class = fn > bool < a name = "setFocus" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::setFocus ( int control )< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Gives the focus to the child object specified by < em > control< / em > , or to
the object itself if < em > control< / em > is 0.
< p > Returns TRUE if the focus could be set; otherwise returns FALSE.
< h3 class = fn > bool < a name = "setSelected" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::setSelected ( int control, bool on, bool extend )< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Sets the selection of the child object with ID < em > control< / em > to < em > on< / em > . If < em > extend< / em > is TRUE, all child elements between the focused
item and the specified child object have their selection set to < em > on< / em > .
< p > Returns TRUE if the selection could be set; otherwise returns
< p > < p > See also < a href = "#setFocus" > setFocus< / a > () and < a href = "#clearSelection" > clearSelection< / a > ().
< h3 class = fn > void < a name = "setText" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::setText ( < a href = "ntqaccessible.html#Text-enum" > Text< / a > t, int control, const < a href = "tqstring.html" > TQString< / a > & text )< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Sets the text property < em > t< / em > of the child object < em > control< / em > to < em > text< / em > . If < em > control< / em > is 0, the text property of the object itself
is set.
< h3 class = fn > < a href = "ntqaccessible.html#State-enum" > State< / a > < a name = "state" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::state ( int control ) const< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Returns the current state of the object if < em > control< / em > is 0, or the
state of the object's sub-element element with ID < em > control< / em > . All
objects have a state.
< p > < p > See also < a href = "#text" > text< / a > (), < a href = "#role" > role< / a > (), and < a href = "#selection" > selection< / a > ().
< h3 class = fn > < a href = "tqstring.html" > TQString< / a > < a name = "text" > < / a > TQAccessibleInterface::text ( < a href = "ntqaccessible.html#Text-enum" > Text< / a > t, int control ) const< tt > [pure virtual]< / tt >
< / h3 >
< p > Returns a string property < em > t< / em > of the child object specified by < em > control< / em > , or the string property of the object itself if < em > control< / em >
is 0.
< p > The < em > Name< / em > is a string used by clients to identify, find or
announce an accessible object for the user. All objects must have
a name that is unique within their container.
< p > An accessible object's < em > Description< / em > provides textual information
about an object's visual appearance. The description is primarily
used to provide greater context for low-vision or blind users, but
is also used for context searching or other applications. Not all
objects have a description. An "OK" button would not need a
description, but a toolbutton that shows a picture of a smiley
< p > The < em > Value< / em > of an accessible object represents visual information
contained by the object, e.g. the text in a line edit. Usually,
the value can be modified by the user. Not all objects have a
value, e.g. static text labels don't, and some objects have a
state that already is the value, e.g. toggle buttons.
< p > The < em > Help< / em > text provides information about the function and
usage of an accessible object. Not all objects provide this
< p > An accessible object's < em > DefaultAction< / em > describes the object's
primary method of manipulation, and should be a verb or a short
phrase, e.g. "Press" for a button.
< p > The accelerator is a keyboard shortcut that activates the default
action of the object. A keyboard shortcut is the underlined
character in the text of a menu, menu item or control, and is
either the character itself, or a combination of this character
and a modifier key like ALT, CTRL or SHIFT. Command controls like
tool buttons also have shortcut keys and usually display them in
their tooltip.
< p > < p > See also < a href = "#role" > role< / a > (), < a href = "#state" > state< / a > (), and < a href = "#selection" > selection< / a > ().
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