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< title > Miscellaneous Classes< / title >
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< td align = "right" valign = "center" > < img src = "logo32.png" align = "right" width = "64" height = "32" border = "0" > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < h1 align = center > Miscellaneous Classes< / h1 >
< p > These classes are useful classes not fitting into any other category.
< p >
< p > < table width = "100%" >
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqaccel.html" > TQAccel< / a > < / b > < td > Handles keyboard accelerator and shortcut keys
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqaccessible.html" > TQAccessible< / a > < / b > < td > Enums and static functions relating to accessibility
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qaccessibleinterface.html" > TQAccessibleInterface< / a > < / b > < td > Defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qaccessibleobject.html" > TQAccessibleObject< / a > < / b > < td > Implements parts of the TQAccessibleInterface for TQObjects
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qcustommenuitem.html" > TQCustomMenuItem< / a > < / b > < td > Abstract base class for custom menu items in popup menus
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qdoublevalidator.html" > TQDoubleValidator< / a > < / b > < td > Range checking of floating-point numbers
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqerrormessage.html" > TQErrorMessage< / a > < / b > < td > Error message display dialog
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qfileiconprovider.html" > TQFileIconProvider< / a > < / b > < td > Icons for TQFileDialog to use
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qfilepreview.html" > TQFilePreview< / a > < / b > < td > File previewing in TQFileDialog
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqfocusdata.html" > TQFocusData< / a > < / b > < td > Maintains the list of widgets in the focus chain
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qintvalidator.html" > TQIntValidator< / a > < / b > < td > Validator which ensures that a string contains a valid integer within a specified range
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqkeysequence.html" > TQKeySequence< / a > < / b > < td > Encapsulates a key sequence as used by accelerators
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqmacmime.html" > TQMacMime< / a > < / b > < td > Maps open-standard MIME to Mac flavors
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqmenudata.html" > TQMenuData< / a > < / b > < td > Base class for TQMenuBar and TQPopupMenu
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqmimesource.html" > TQMimeSource< / a > < / b > < td > Abstraction of objects which provide formatted data of a certain MIME type
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqprocess.html" > TQProcess< / a > < / b > < td > Used to start external programs and to communicate with them
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqrangecontrol.html" > TQRangeControl< / a > < / b > < td > Integer value within a range
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqregexp.html" > TQRegExp< / a > < / b > < td > Pattern matching using regular expressions
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqregexpvalidator.html" > TQRegExpValidator< / a > < / b > < td > Used to check a string against a regular expression
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqsettings.html" > TQSettings< / a > < / b > < td > Persistent platform-independent application settings
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqsignal.html" > TQSignal< / a > < / b > < td > Can be used to send signals for classes that don't inherit TQObject
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqsplashscreen.html" > TQSplashScreen< / a > < / b > < td > Splash screen that can be shown during application startup
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqt.html" > TQt< / a > < / b > < td > Namespace for miscellaneous identifiers that need to be global-like
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqurl.html" > TQUrl< / a > < / b > < td > URL parser and simplifies working with URLs
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqurlinfo.html" > TQUrlInfo< / a > < / b > < td > Stores information about URLs
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqurloperator.html" > TQUrlOperator< / a > < / b > < td > Common operations on URLs
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqvalidator.html" > TQValidator< / a > < / b > < td > Validation of input text
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqvariant.html" > TQVariant< / a > < / b > < td > Acts like a union for the most common TQt data types
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqwindowsmime.html" > TQWindowsMime< / a > < / b > < td > Maps open-standard MIME to Window Clipboard formats
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< a href = "troll.html" > Trolltech< / a > < td align = center > < a href = "trademarks.html" > Trademarks< / a >
< td align = right > < div align = right > TQt 3.3.8< / div >
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