Call this function to indicate whether the event provided data which your widget processed. Set \fIy\fR to TRUE (the default) if your widget could process the data, otherwise set \fIy\fR to FALSE. To get the data, use encodedData(), or preferably, the decode() methods of existing TQDragObject subclasses, such as TQTextDrag::decode(), or your own subclasses.
Call this to indicate that the action described by action() is accepted (i.e. if \fIy\fR is TRUE, which is the default), not merely the default copy action. If you call acceptAction(TRUE), there is no need to also call accept(TRUE).
.)l dirview/dirview.cpp and fileiconview/qfileiconview.cpp.
Returns the Action which the target is requesting to be performed with the data. If your application understands the action and can process the supplied data, call acceptAction(); if your application can process the supplied data but can only perform the Copy action, call accept().
.)l dirview/dirview.cpp and fileiconview/qfileiconview.cpp.
Returns a byte array containing the drag's data, in \fIformat\fR.
data() normally needs to get the data from the drag source, which is potentially very slow, so it's advisable to call this function only if you're sure that you will need the data in \fIformat\fR.
The resulting data will have a size of 0 if the format was not available.
Returns a string describing one of the available data types for this drag. Common examples are "text/plain" and "image/gif". If \fIn\fR is less than zero or greater than the number of available data types, format() returns 0.
This function is provided mainly for debugging. Most drop targets will use provides().
Sets the action to \fIa\fR. This is used internally, you should not need to call this in your code: the \fIsource\fR decides the action, not the target.
Sets the drop to happen at point \fInp\fR. You do not normally need to use this as it will be set internally before your widget receives the drop event.
If the source of the drag operation is a widget in this application, this function returns that source, otherwise it returns 0. The source of the operation is the first parameter to drag object subclasses.
This is useful if your widget needs special behavior when dragging to itself, etc.