The QGrid widget provides simple geometry management of its children.
The grid places its widgets either in columns or in rows depending on its orientation.
The number of rows \fIor\fR columns is defined in the constructor. All the grid's children will be placed and sized in accordance with their sizeHint() and sizePolicy().
Use setMargin() to add space around the grid itself, and setSpacing() to add space between the widgets.
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See also QVBox, QHBox, QGridLayout, Widget Appearance and Style, and Layout Management.
Constructs a grid widget with parent \fIparent\fR, called \fIname\fR. \fIn\fR specifies the number of columns. The widget flags \fIf\fR are passed to the QFrame constructor.
Constructs a grid widget with parent \fIparent\fR, called \fIname\fR. If \fIorient\fR is Horizontal, \fIn\fR specifies the number of columns. If \fIorient\fR is Vertical, \fIn\fR specifies the number of rows. The widget flags \fIf\fR are passed to the QFrame constructor.
.SH "void QGrid::setSpacing ( int space )"
Sets the spacing between the child widgets to \fIspace\fR.