You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

257 lines
7.1 KiB

** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
#include "nntp.h"
#include <qurlinfo.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <qurloperator.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
: TQNetworkProtocol(), connectionReady( FALSE ),
readGroups( FALSE ), readArticle( FALSE )
// create the command socket and connect to its signals
commandSocket = new TQSocket( this );
connect( commandSocket, SIGNAL( hostFound() ),
this, SLOT( hostFound() ) );
connect( commandSocket, SIGNAL( connected() ),
this, SLOT( connected() ) );
connect( commandSocket, SIGNAL( connectionClosed() ),
this, SLOT( closed() ) );
connect( commandSocket, SIGNAL( readyRead() ),
this, SLOT( readyRead() ) );
connect( commandSocket, SIGNAL( error( int ) ),
this, SLOT( error( int ) ) );
delete commandSocket;
void Nntp::operationListChildren( TQNetworkOperation * )
// create a command
TQString path = url()->path(), cmd;
if ( path.isEmpty() || path == "/" ) {
// if the path is empty or we are in the root dir,
// we want to read the list of available newsgroups
cmd = "list newsgroups\r\n";
} else if ( url()->isDir() ) {
// if the path is a directory (in our case a news group)
// we want to list the articles of this group
path = path.replace( "/", "" );
cmd = "listgroup " + path + "\r\n";
} else
// write the command to the socket
commandSocket->writeBlock( cmd.latin1(), cmd.length() );
readGroups = TRUE;
void Nntp::operationGet( TQNetworkOperation *op )
// get the dirPath of the URL (this is our news group)
// and the filename (which is the article we want to read)
TQUrl u( op->arg( 0 ) );
TQString dirPath = u.dirPath(), file = u.fileName();
dirPath = dirPath.replace( "/", "" );
// go to the group in which the article is
TQString cmd;
cmd = "group " + dirPath + "\r\n";
commandSocket->writeBlock( cmd.latin1(), cmd.length() );
// read the head of the article
cmd = "article " + file + "\r\n";
commandSocket->writeBlock( cmd.latin1(), cmd.length() );
readArticle = TRUE;
bool Nntp::checkConnection( TQNetworkOperation * )
// we are connected, return TRUE
if ( commandSocket->isOpen() && connectionReady )
return TRUE;
// seems that there is no chance to connect
if ( commandSocket->isOpen() )
return FALSE;
// don't call connectToHost() if we are already trying to connect
if ( commandSocket->state() == TQSocket::Connecting )
return FALSE;
// start connecting
connectionReady = FALSE;
commandSocket->connectToHost( url()->host(),
url()->port() != -1 ? url()->port() : 119 );
return FALSE;
void Nntp::close()
// close the command socket
if ( commandSocket->isOpen() ) {
commandSocket->writeBlock( "tquit\r\n", strlen( "tquit\r\n" ) );
int Nntp::supportedOperations() const
// we only support listing children and getting data
return OpListChildren | OpGet;
void Nntp::hostFound()
if ( url() )
emit connectionStateChanged( ConHostFound, tr( "Host %1 found" ).arg( url()->host() ) );
emit connectionStateChanged( ConHostFound, tr( "Host found" ) );
void Nntp::connected()
if ( url() )
emit connectionStateChanged( ConConnected, tr( "Connected to host %1" ).arg( url()->host() ) );
emit connectionStateChanged( ConConnected, tr( "Connected to host" ) );
void Nntp::closed()
if ( url() )
emit connectionStateChanged( ConClosed, tr( "Connection to %1 closed" ).arg( url()->host() ) );
emit connectionStateChanged( ConClosed, tr( "Connection closed" ) );
void Nntp::readyRead()
// new data arrived on the command socket
// of we should read the list of available groups, let's do so
if ( readGroups ) {
// of we should read an article, let's do so
if ( readArticle ) {
// read the new data from the socket
TQCString s;
s.resize( commandSocket->bytesAvailable() + 1 );
commandSocket->readBlock(, commandSocket->bytesAvailable() );
if ( !url() )
// of the code of the server response was 200, we know that the
// server is ready to get commands from us now
if ( s.left( 3 ) == "200" )
connectionReady = TRUE;
void Nntp::parseGroups()
if ( !commandSocket->canReadLine() )
// read one line after the other
while ( commandSocket->canReadLine() ) {
TQString s = commandSocket->readLine();
// if the line starts with a dot, all groups or articles have been listed,
// so we finished processing the listChildren() command
if ( s[ 0 ] == '.' ) {
readGroups = FALSE;
operationInProgress()->setState( StDone );
emit finished( operationInProgress() );
// if the code of the server response is 215 or 211
// the next line will be the first group or article (depending on what we read).
// So let others know that we start reading now...
if ( s.left( 3 ) == "215" || s.left( 3 ) == "211" ) {
operationInProgress()->setState( StInProgress );
emit start( operationInProgress() );
// parse the line and create a TQUrlInfo object
// which describes the child (group or article)
bool tab = s.find( '\t' ) != -1;
TQString group = s.mid( 0, s.find( tab ? '\t' : ' ' ) );
TQUrlInfo inf;
inf.setName( group );
TQString path = url()->path();
inf.setDir( path.isEmpty() || path == "/" );
inf.setSymLink( FALSE );
inf.setFile( !inf.isDir() );
inf.setWritable( FALSE );
inf.setReadable( TRUE );
// let others know about our new child
emit newChild( inf, operationInProgress() );
void Nntp::parseArticle()
if ( !commandSocket->canReadLine() )
// read an article one line after the other
while ( commandSocket->canReadLine() ) {
TQString s = commandSocket->readLine();
// if the line starts with a dot, we finished reading something
if ( s[ 0 ] == '.' ) {
readArticle = FALSE;
operationInProgress()->setState( StDone );
emit finished( operationInProgress() );
if ( s.right( 1 ) == "\n" )
s.remove( s.length() - 1, 1 );
// emit the new data of the article which we read
emit data( TQCString( s.ascii() ), operationInProgress() );
void Nntp::error( int code )
if ( code == TQSocket::ErrHostNotFound ||
code == TQSocket::ErrConnectionRefused ) {
// this signal is called if connecting to the server failed
if ( operationInProgress() ) {
TQString msg = tr( "Host not found or couldn't connect to: \n" + url()->host() );
operationInProgress()->setState( StFailed );
operationInProgress()->setProtocolDetail( msg );
operationInProgress()->setErrorCode( (int)ErrHostNotFound );
emit finished( operationInProgress() );