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TQt's Main Classes

These are the most frequently used TQt classes. For the complete list (including XML, networking and container classes), see TQt's Classes.

A TQAction TQFileDialog TQMessageBox TQSlider TQTimer
TQApplication TQFont TQMovie TQSound TQToolBar
B TQButtonGroup TQFontDialog N TQNetworkProtocol TQSpinBox TQToolBox
C TQCanvas G TQGLWidget O TQObject TQSplashScreen TQToolButton
TQCheckBox TQGridLayout P TQPainter TQSplitter TQToolTip
TQClipboard TQGroupBox TQPalette TQSql TQTranslator
TQColorDialog TQGuardedPtr TQPen TQSqlDatabase U TQUrl
TQComboBox H TQHBoxLayout TQPixmap TQSqlDriverPlugin TQUrlOperator
D TQDataBrowser I TQIconSet TQPoint TQSqlForm V TQValidator
TQDataTable TQIconView TQPopupMenu TQSqlQuery TQValueList
TQDataView TQImage TQPrinter TQStatusBar TQValueStack
TQDate TQInputDialog TQProcess TQString TQValueVector
TQDateEdit L TQLabel TQProgressBar TQStringList TQVariant
TQDateTime TQLCDNumber TQProgressDialog T TQTabDialog TQVBoxLayout
TQDateTimeEdit TQLibrary TQPushButton TQTable W TQWhatsThis
TQDial TQLineEdit R TQRadioButton TQTabWidget TQWidget
TQDialog TQListBox TQRect TQTextBrowser TQWidgetStack
TQDict TQListView TQRegExp TQTextEdit TQWizard
TQDir M TQMainWindow S TQScrollView TQTextStream TQWorkspace
TQDockWindow TQMap TQSettings TQTime X TQXmlSimpleReader
F TQFile TQMenuBar TQSimpleRichText TQTimeEdit

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TQt 3.3.8