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TQTableSelection Class Reference
[table module]

The TQTableSelection class provides access to a selected area in a TQTable. More...

#include <tqtable.h>

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Detailed Description

The TQTableSelection class provides access to a selected area in a TQTable.

The selection is a rectangular set of cells in a TQTable. One of the rectangle's cells is called the anchor cell; this is the cell that was selected first. The init() function sets the anchor and the selection rectangle to exactly this cell; the expandTo() function expands the selection rectangle to include additional cells.

There are various access functions to find out about the area: anchorRow() and anchorCol() return the anchor's position; leftCol(), rightCol(), topRow() and bottomRow() return the rectangle's four edges. All four are part of the selection.

A newly created TQTableSelection is inactive -- isActive() returns FALSE. You must use init() and expandTo() to activate it.

See also TQTable, TQTable::addSelection(), TQTable::selection(), TQTable::selectCells(), TQTable::selectRow(), TQTable::selectColumn(), and Advanced Widgets.

Member Function Documentation

TQTableSelection::TQTableSelection ()

Creates an inactive selection. Use init() and expandTo() to activate it.

TQTableSelection::TQTableSelection ( int start_row, int start_col, int end_row, int end_col )

Creates an active selection, starting at start_row and start_col, ending at end_row and end_col.

int TQTableSelection::anchorCol () const

Returns the anchor column of the selection.

See also anchorRow() and expandTo().

int TQTableSelection::anchorRow () const

Returns the anchor row of the selection.

See also anchorCol() and expandTo().

int TQTableSelection::bottomRow () const

Returns the bottom row of the selection.

See also topRow(), leftCol(), and rightCol().

void TQTableSelection::expandTo ( int row, int col )

Expands the selection to include cell row, col. The new selection rectangle is the bounding rectangle of row, col and the previous selection rectangle. After calling this function the selection is active.

If you haven't called init(), this function does nothing.

See also init() and isActive().

void TQTableSelection::init ( int row, int col )

Sets the selection anchor to cell row, col and the selection to only contain this cell. The selection is not active until expandTo() is called.

To extend the selection to include additional cells, call expandTo().

See also isActive().

bool TQTableSelection::isActive () const

Returns whether the selection is active or not. A selection is active after init() and expandTo() have been called.

bool TQTableSelection::isEmpty () const

Returns whether the selection is empty or not.

See also numRows() and numCols().

int TQTableSelection::leftCol () const

Returns the left column of the selection.

See also topRow(), bottomRow(), and rightCol().

int TQTableSelection::numCols () const

Returns the number of columns in the selection.

See also numRows().

int TQTableSelection::numRows () const

Returns the number of rows in the selection.

See also numCols().

bool TQTableSelection::operator!= ( const TQTableSelection & s ) const

Returns TRUE if s does not include the same cells as the selection; otherwise returns FALSE.

bool TQTableSelection::operator== ( const TQTableSelection & s ) const

Returns TRUE if s includes the same cells as the selection; otherwise returns FALSE.

int TQTableSelection::rightCol () const

Returns the right column of the selection.

See also topRow(), bottomRow(), and leftCol().

int TQTableSelection::topRow () const

Returns the top row of the selection.

See also bottomRow(), leftCol(), and rightCol().

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