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TQToolButton Class Reference

The TQToolButton class provides a quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a TQToolBar. More...

#include <tqtoolbutton.h>

Inherits TQButton.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Public Slots


Protected Members

Detailed Description

The TQToolButton class provides a quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a TQToolBar.

A tool button is a special button that provides quick-access to specific commands or options. As opposed to a normal command button, a tool button usually doesn't show a text label, but shows an icon instead. Its classic usage is to select tools, for example the "pen" tool in a drawing program. This would be implemented with a TQToolButton as toggle button (see setToggleButton() ).

TQToolButton supports auto-raising. In auto-raise mode, the button draws a 3D frame only when the mouse points at it. The feature is automatically turned on when a button is used inside a TQToolBar. Change it with setAutoRaise().

A tool button's icon is set as TQIconSet. This makes it possible to specify different pixmaps for the disabled and active state. The disabled pixmap is used when the button's functionality is not available. The active pixmap is displayed when the button is auto-raised because the mouse pointer is hovering over it.

The button's look and dimension is adjustable with setUsesBigPixmap() and setUsesTextLabel(). When used inside a TQToolBar in a TQMainWindow, the button automatically adjusts to TQMainWindow's settings (see TQMainWindow::setUsesTextLabel() and TQMainWindow::setUsesBigPixmaps()). The pixmap set on a TQToolButton will be set to 22x22 if it is bigger than this size. If usesBigPixmap() is TRUE, then the pixmap will be set to 32x32.

A tool button can offer additional choices in a popup menu. The feature is sometimes used with the "Back" button in a web browser. After pressing and holding the button down for a while, a menu pops up showing a list of possible pages to jump to. With TQToolButton you can set a popup menu using setPopup(). The default delay is 600ms; you can adjust it with setPopupDelay().

Toolbar with Toolbuttons \caption A floating
TQToolbar with TQToolbuttons

See also TQPushButton, TQToolBar, TQMainWindow, GUI Design Handbook: Push Button, and Basic Widgets.

Member Type Documentation


The position of the tool button's textLabel in relation to the tool button's icon.

Member Function Documentation

TQToolButton::TQToolButton ( TQWidget * parent, const char * name = 0 )

Constructs an empty tool button called name, with parent parent.

TQToolButton::TQToolButton ( const TQIconSet & iconSet, const TQString & textLabel, const TQString & grouptext, TQObject * receiver, const char * slot, TQToolBar * parent, const char * name = 0 )

Constructs a tool button called name, that is a child of parent (which must be a TQToolBar).

The tool button will display iconSet, with its text label and tool tip set to textLabel and its status bar message set to grouptext. It will be connected to the slot in object receiver.

TQToolButton::TQToolButton ( ArrowType type, TQWidget * parent, const char * name = 0 )

Constructs a tool button as an arrow button. The ArrowType type defines the arrow direction. Possible values are LeftArrow, RightArrow, UpArrow and DownArrow.

An arrow button has auto-repeat turned on by default.

The parent and name arguments are sent to the TQWidget constructor.

TQToolButton::~TQToolButton ()

Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources.

bool TQToolButton::autoRaise () const

Returns TRUE if auto-raising is enabled; otherwise returns FALSE. See the "autoRaise" property for details.

TQIconSet TQToolButton::iconSet () const

Returns the icon set providing the icon shown on the button. See the "iconSet" property for details.

void TQToolButton::openPopup ()

Opens (pops up) the associated popup menu. If there is no such menu, this function does nothing. This function does not return until the popup menu has been closed by the user.

TQPopupMenu * TQToolButton::popup () const

Returns the associated popup menu, or 0 if no popup menu has been defined.

See also setPopup().

int TQToolButton::popupDelay () const

Returns the time delay between pressing the button and the appearance of the associated popup menu in milliseconds. See the "popupDelay" property for details.

void TQToolButton::setAutoRaise ( bool enable )

Sets whether auto-raising is enabled to enable. See the "autoRaise" property for details.

void TQToolButton::setIconSet ( const TQIconSet & ) [virtual]

Sets the icon set providing the icon shown on the button. See the "iconSet" property for details.

void TQToolButton::setOn ( bool enable ) [virtual slot]

Sets whether this tool button is on to enable. See the "on" property for details.

void TQToolButton::setPopup ( TQPopupMenu * popup )

Associates the popup menu popup with this tool button.

The popup will be shown each time the tool button has been pressed down for a certain amount of time. A typical application example is the "back" button in some web browsers's tool bars. If the user clicks it, the browser simply browses back to the previous page. If the user presses and holds the button down for a while, the tool button shows a menu containing the current history list.

Ownership of the popup menu is not transferred to the tool button.

See also popup().

void TQToolButton::setPopupDelay ( int delay )

Sets the time delay between pressing the button and the appearance of the associated popup menu in milliseconds to delay. See the "popupDelay" property for details.

void TQToolButton::setTextLabel ( const TQString & ) [slot]

Sets the label of this button. See the "textLabel" property for details.

void TQToolButton::setTextLabel ( const TQString & newLabel, bool tipToo ) [virtual slot]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.

Sets the label of this button to newLabel and automatically sets it as a tool tip if tipToo is TRUE.

void TQToolButton::setTextPosition ( TextPosition pos ) [slot]

Sets the position of the text label of this button to pos. See the "textPosition" property for details.

void TQToolButton::setToggleButton ( bool enable ) [virtual slot]

Sets whether this tool button is a toggle button to enable. See the "toggleButton" property for details.

void TQToolButton::setUsesBigPixmap ( bool enable ) [virtual slot]

Sets whether this toolbutton uses big pixmaps to enable. See the "usesBigPixmap" property for details.

void TQToolButton::setUsesTextLabel ( bool enable ) [virtual slot]

Sets whether the toolbutton displays a text label below the button pixmap to enable. See the "usesTextLabel" property for details.

TQString TQToolButton::textLabel () const

Returns the label of this button. See the "textLabel" property for details.

TextPosition TQToolButton::textPosition () const

Returns the position of the text label of this button. See the "textPosition" property for details.

void TQToolButton::toggle () [slot]

Toggles the state of this tool button.

This function has no effect on non-toggling buttons.

See also toggleButton and toggled().

bool TQToolButton::uses3D () const [protected]

Returns TRUE if this button should be drawn using raised edges; otherwise returns FALSE.

See also drawButton().

bool TQToolButton::usesBigPixmap () const

Returns TRUE if this toolbutton uses big pixmaps; otherwise returns FALSE. See the "usesBigPixmap" property for details.

bool TQToolButton::usesTextLabel () const

Returns TRUE if the toolbutton displays a text label below the button pixmap; otherwise returns FALSE. See the "usesTextLabel" property for details.

Property Documentation

bool autoRaise

This property holds whether auto-raising is enabled.

The default is disabled (i.e. FALSE).

Set this property's value with setAutoRaise() and get this property's value with autoRaise().

BackgroundMode backgroundMode

This property holds the toolbutton's background mode.

Get this property with backgroundMode().

See also TQWidget::backgroundMode.

TQIconSet iconSet

This property holds the icon set providing the icon shown on the button.

Setting this property sets TQToolButton::pixmap to a null pixmap. There is no default iconset.

See also pixmap, toggleButton, and on.

Set this property's value with setIconSet() and get this property's value with iconSet().

bool on

This property holds whether this tool button is on.

This property has no effect on non-toggling buttons. The default is FALSE (i.e. off).

See also toggleButton and toggle().

Set this property's value with setOn().

TQPixmap pixmap

This property holds the pixmap of the button.

The pixmap property has no meaning for tool buttons. Use the iconSet property instead.

int popupDelay

This property holds the time delay between pressing the button and the appearance of the associated popup menu in milliseconds.

Usually this is around half a second. A value of 0 draws the down arrow button to the side of the button which can be used to open up the popup menu.

See also setPopup().

Set this property's value with setPopupDelay() and get this property's value with popupDelay().

TQString textLabel

This property holds the label of this button.

Setting this property automatically sets the text as a tool tip too. There is no default text.

Set this property's value with setTextLabel() and get this property's value with textLabel().

TextPosition textPosition

This property holds the position of the text label of this button.

Set this property's value with setTextPosition() and get this property's value with textPosition().

bool toggleButton

This property holds whether this tool button is a toggle button.

Toggle buttons have an on/off state similar to check boxes. A tool button is not a toggle button by default.

See also on and toggle().

Set this property's value with setToggleButton().

bool usesBigPixmap

This property holds whether this toolbutton uses big pixmaps.

TQToolButton automatically connects this property to the relevant signal in the TQMainWindow in which it resides. We strongly recommend that you use TQMainWindow::setUsesBigPixmaps() instead.

This property's default is TRUE.

Warning: If you set some buttons (in a TQMainWindow) to have big pixmaps and others to have small pixmaps, TQMainWindow may not get the geometry right.

Set this property's value with setUsesBigPixmap() and get this property's value with usesBigPixmap().

bool usesTextLabel

This property holds whether the toolbutton displays a text label below the button pixmap.

The default is FALSE.

TQToolButton automatically connects this slot to the relevant signal in the TQMainWindow in which is resides.

Set this property's value with setUsesTextLabel() and get this property's value with usesTextLabel().

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