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TQButtonGroup Class Reference

The TQButtonGroup widget organizes TQButton widgets in a group. More...

#include <tqbuttongroup.h>

Inherits TQGroupBox.

Inherited by TQHButtonGroup and TQVButtonGroup.

List of all member functions.

Public Members



Detailed Description

The TQButtonGroup widget organizes TQButton widgets in a group.

A button group widget makes it easier to deal with groups of buttons. Each button in a button group has a unique identifier. The button group emits a clicked() signal with this identifier when a button in the group is clicked. This makes a button group particularly useful when you have several similar buttons and want to connect all their clicked() signals to a single slot.

An exclusive button group switches off all toggle buttons except the one that was clicked. A button group is, by default, non-exclusive. Note that all radio buttons that are inserted into a button group are mutually exclusive even if the button group is non-exclusive. (See setRadioButtonExclusive().)

There are two ways of using a button group:

A button can be removed from the group with remove(). A pointer to a button with a given id can be obtained using find(). The id of a button is available using id(). A button can be set on with setButton(). The number of buttons in the group is returned by count().

See also TQPushButton, TQCheckBox, TQRadioButton, Widget Appearance and Style, Layout Management, and Organizers.

Member Function Documentation

TQButtonGroup::TQButtonGroup ( TQWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )

Constructs a button group with no title.

The parent and name arguments are passed to the TQWidget constructor.

TQButtonGroup::TQButtonGroup ( const TQString & title, TQWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )

Constructs a button group with the title title.

The parent and name arguments are passed to the TQWidget constructor.

TQButtonGroup::TQButtonGroup ( int strips, Orientation orientation, TQWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )

Constructs a button group with no title. Child widgets will be arranged in strips rows or columns (depending on orientation).

The parent and name arguments are passed to the TQWidget constructor.

TQButtonGroup::TQButtonGroup ( int strips, Orientation orientation, const TQString & title, TQWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )

Constructs a button group with title title. Child widgets will be arranged in strips rows or columns (depending on orientation).

The parent and name arguments are passed to the TQWidget constructor.

void TQButtonGroup::clicked ( int id ) [signal]

This signal is emitted when a button in the group is clicked. The id argument is the button's identifier.

See also insert().

Examples: drawdemo/drawdemo.cpp and xform/xform.cpp.

int TQButtonGroup::count () const

Returns the number of buttons in the group.

TQButton * TQButtonGroup::find ( int id ) const

Returns the button with the specified identifier id, or 0 if the button was not found.

int TQButtonGroup::id ( TQButton * button ) const

Returns the id of button, or -1 if button is not a member of this group.

See also selectedId.

int TQButtonGroup::insert ( TQButton * button, int id = -1 )

Inserts the button with the identifier id into the button group. Returns the button identifier.

Buttons are normally inserted into a button group automatically by passing the button group as the parent when the button is constructed. So it is not necessary to manually insert buttons that have this button group as their parent widget. An exception is when you want custom identifiers instead of the default 0, 1, 2, etc., or if you want the buttons to have some other parent.

The button is assigned the identifier id or an automatically generated identifier. It works as follows: If id >= 0, this identifier is assigned. If id == -1 (default), the identifier is equal to the number of buttons in the group. If id is any other negative integer, for instance -2, a unique identifier (negative integer <= -2) is generated. No button has an id of -1.

See also find(), remove(), and exclusive.

Examples: listbox/listbox.cpp and xform/xform.cpp.

bool TQButtonGroup::isExclusive () const

Returns TRUE if the button group is exclusive; otherwise returns FALSE. See the "exclusive" property for details.

bool TQButtonGroup::isRadioButtonExclusive () const

Returns TRUE if the radio buttons in the group are exclusive; otherwise returns FALSE. See the "radioButtonExclusive" property for details.

void TQButtonGroup::moveFocus ( int key ) [virtual]

Moves the keyboard focus according to key, and if appropriate checks the new focus item.

This function does nothing unless the keyboard focus points to one of the button group members and key is one of Key_Up, Key_Down, Key_Left and Key_Right.

void TQButtonGroup::pressed ( int id ) [signal]

This signal is emitted when a button in the group is pressed. The id argument is the button's identifier.

See also insert().

void TQButtonGroup::released ( int id ) [signal]

This signal is emitted when a button in the group is released. The id argument is the button's identifier.

See also insert().

void TQButtonGroup::remove ( TQButton * button )

Removes the button from the button group.

See also insert().

TQButton * TQButtonGroup::selected () const

Returns the selected toggle button if exactly one is selected; otherwise returns 0.

See also selectedId.

int TQButtonGroup::selectedId () const

Returns the selected toggle button. See the "selectedId" property for details.

void TQButtonGroup::setButton ( int id ) [virtual]

Sets the selected toggle button to id. See the "selectedId" property for details.

void TQButtonGroup::setExclusive ( bool ) [virtual]

Sets whether the button group is exclusive. See the "exclusive" property for details.

void TQButtonGroup::setRadioButtonExclusive ( bool ) [virtual]

Sets whether the radio buttons in the group are exclusive. See the "radioButtonExclusive" property for details.

Property Documentation

bool exclusive

This property holds whether the button group is exclusive.

If this property is TRUE, then the buttons in the group are toggled, and to untoggle a button you must click on another button in the group. The default value is FALSE.

Set this property's value with setExclusive() and get this property's value with isExclusive().

bool radioButtonExclusive

This property holds whether the radio buttons in the group are exclusive.

If this property is TRUE (the default), the radiobuttons in the group are treated exclusively.

Set this property's value with setRadioButtonExclusive() and get this property's value with isRadioButtonExclusive().

int selectedId

This property holds the selected toggle button.

The toggle button is specified as an ID.

If no toggle button is selected, this property holds -1.

If setButton() is called on an exclusive group, the button with the given id will be set to on and all the others will be set to off.

See also selected().

Set this property's value with setButton() and get this property's value with selectedId().

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