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** Implementation CannonField class, TQt tutorial 11
#include "cannon.h"
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <math.h>
CannonField::CannonField( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
: TQWidget( parent, name )
ang = 45;
f = 0;
timerCount = 0;
autoShootTimer = new TQTimer( this, "movement handler" );
connect( autoShootTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()),
this, TQ_SLOT(moveShot()) );
shoot_ang = 0;
shoot_f = 0;
setPalette( TQPalette( TQColor( 250, 250, 200) ) );
void CannonField::setAngle( int degrees )
if ( degrees < 5 )
degrees = 5;
if ( degrees > 70 )
degrees = 70;
if ( ang == degrees )
ang = degrees;
repaint( cannonRect(), FALSE );
emit angleChanged( ang );
void CannonField::setForce( int newton )
if ( newton < 0 )
newton = 0;
if ( f == newton )
f = newton;
emit forceChanged( f );
void CannonField::shoot()
if ( autoShootTimer->isActive() )
timerCount = 0;
shoot_ang = ang;
shoot_f = f;
autoShootTimer->start( 50 );
void CannonField::moveShot()
TQRegion r( shotRect() );
TQRect shotR = shotRect();
if ( shotR.x() > width() || shotR.y() > height() )
r = r.unite( TQRegion( shotR ) );
repaint( r );
void CannonField::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent *e )
TQRect updateR = e->rect();
TQPainter p( this );
if ( updateR.intersects( cannonRect() ) )
paintCannon( &p );
if ( autoShootTimer->isActive() &&
updateR.intersects( shotRect() ) )
paintShot( &p );
void CannonField::paintShot( TQPainter *p )
p->setBrush( black );
p->setPen( NoPen );
p->drawRect( shotRect() );
const TQRect barrelRect(33, -4, 15, 8);
void CannonField::paintCannon( TQPainter *p )
TQRect cr = cannonRect();
TQPixmap pix( cr.size() );
pix.fill( this, cr.topLeft() );
TQPainter tmp( &pix );
tmp.setBrush( blue );
tmp.setPen( NoPen );
tmp.translate( 0, pix.height() - 1 );
tmp.drawPie( TQRect( -35,-35, 70, 70 ), 0, 90*16 );
tmp.rotate( -ang );
tmp.drawRect( barrelRect );
p->drawPixmap( cr.topLeft(), pix );
TQRect CannonField::cannonRect() const
TQRect r( 0, 0, 50, 50 );
r.moveBottomLeft( rect().bottomLeft() );
return r;
TQRect CannonField::shotRect() const
const double gravity = 4;
double time = timerCount / 4.0;
double velocity = shoot_f;
double radians = shoot_ang*3.14159265/180;
double velx = velocity*cos( radians );
double vely = velocity*sin( radians );
double x0 = ( barrelRect.right() + 5 )*cos(radians);
double y0 = ( barrelRect.right() + 5 )*sin(radians);
double x = x0 + velx*time;
double y = y0 + vely*time - 0.5*gravity*time*time;
TQRect r = TQRect( 0, 0, 6, 6 );
r.moveCenter( TQPoint( tqRound(x), height() - 1 - tqRound(y) ) );
return r;
TQSizePolicy CannonField::sizePolicy() const
return TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Expanding );