You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
551 lines
18 KiB
551 lines
18 KiB
** Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of TQt Designer.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
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** Licensees holding valid TQt Commercial licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the TQt Commercial License Agreement provided with
** the Software.
** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
** herein.
#include "syntaxhighliter_cpp.h"
#include "paragdata.h"
#include "tqstring.h"
#include "tqstringlist.h"
#include "tqmap.h"
#include "ntqapplication.h"
#include "tqregexp.h"
const char * const SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::keywords[] = {
// C++ keywords
// additional "keywords" intoduced by TQt
// end of array
static TQMap<int, TQMap<TQString, int > > *wordMap = 0;
: TQTextPreProcessor(), lastFormat( 0 ), lastFormatId( -1 )
TQFont f( tqApp->font() );
addFormat( Standard, new TQTextFormat( f, TQt::black ) );
addFormat( Number, new TQTextFormat( f, TQt::darkBlue ) );
addFormat( String, new TQTextFormat( f, TQt::darkGreen ) );
addFormat( Type, new TQTextFormat( f, TQt::darkMagenta ) );
addFormat( Keyword, new TQTextFormat( f, TQt::darkYellow ) );
addFormat( PreProcessor, new TQTextFormat( f, TQt::darkBlue ) );
addFormat( Label, new TQTextFormat( f, TQt::darkRed ) );
f.setFamily( "times" );
addFormat( Comment, new TQTextFormat( f, TQt::red ) );
if ( wordMap )
wordMap = new TQMap<int, TQMap<TQString, int> >;
int len;
for ( int i = 0; keywords[ i ]; ++i ) {
len = (int)strlen( keywords[ i ] );
if ( !wordMap->contains( len ) )
wordMap->insert( len, TQMap<TQString, int >() );
TQMap<TQString, int> &map = wordMap->operator[]( len );
map[ keywords[ i ] ] = Keyword;
static int string2Id( const TQString &s )
if ( s == "Standard" )
return SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::Standard;
if ( s == "Comment" )
return SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::Comment;
if ( s == "Number" )
return SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::Number;
if ( s == "String" )
return SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::String;
if ( s == "Type" )
return SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::Type;
if ( s == "Preprocessor" )
return SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::PreProcessor;
if ( s == "Label" )
return SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::Label;
if ( s == "Keyword" )
return SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::Keyword;
return SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::Standard;
void SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::updateStyles( const TQMap<TQString, ConfigStyle> &styles )
for ( TQMap<TQString, ConfigStyle>::ConstIterator it = styles.begin(); it != styles.end(); ++it ) {
int id = string2Id( it.key() );
TQTextFormat *f = format( id );
if ( !f )
f->setFont( (*it).font );
f->setColor( (*it).color );
void SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::process( TQTextDocument *doc, TQTextParagraph *string, int, bool invalidate )
TQTextFormat *formatStandard = format( Standard );
TQTextFormat *formatComment = format( Comment );
TQTextFormat *formatNumber = format( Number );
TQTextFormat *formatString = format( String );
TQTextFormat *formatType = format( Type );
TQTextFormat *formatPreProcessor = format( PreProcessor );
TQTextFormat *formatLabel = format( Label );
// states
const int StateStandard = 0;
const int StateCommentStart1 = 1;
const int StateCCommentStart2 = 2;
const int StateCppCommentStart2 = 3;
const int StateCComment = 4;
const int StateCppComment = 5;
const int StateCCommentEnd1 = 6;
const int StateCCommentEnd2 = 7;
const int StateStringStart = 8;
const int StateString = 9;
const int StateStringEnd = 10;
const int StateString2Start = 11;
const int StateString2 = 12;
const int StateString2End = 13;
const int StateNumber = 14;
const int StatePreProcessor = 15;
// tokens
const int InputAlpha = 0;
const int InputNumber = 1;
const int InputAsterix = 2;
const int InputSlash = 3;
const int InputParen = 4;
const int InputSpace = 5;
const int InputHash = 6;
const int InputQuotation = 7;
const int InputApostrophe = 8;
const int InputSep = 9;
static uchar table[ 16 ][ 10 ] = {
{ StateStandard, StateNumber, StateStandard, StateCommentStart1, StateStandard, StateStandard, StatePreProcessor, StateStringStart, StateString2Start, StateStandard }, // StateStandard
{ StateStandard, StateNumber, StateCCommentStart2, StateCppCommentStart2, StateStandard, StateStandard, StatePreProcessor, StateStringStart, StateString2Start, StateStandard }, // StateCommentStart1
{ StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCCommentEnd1, StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCComment }, // StateCCommentStart2
{ StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment }, // CppCommentStart2
{ StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCCommentEnd1, StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCComment }, // StateCComment
{ StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment, StateCppComment }, // StateCppComment
{ StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCCommentEnd1, StateCCommentEnd2, StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCComment, StateCComment }, // StateCCommentEnd1
{ StateStandard, StateNumber, StateStandard, StateCommentStart1, StateStandard, StateStandard, StatePreProcessor, StateStringStart, StateString2Start, StateStandard }, // StateCCommentEnd2
{ StateString, StateString, StateString, StateString, StateString, StateString, StateString, StateStringEnd, StateString, StateString }, // StateStringStart
{ StateString, StateString, StateString, StateString, StateString, StateString, StateString, StateStringEnd, StateString, StateString }, // StateString
{ StateStandard, StateStandard, StateStandard, StateCommentStart1, StateStandard, StateStandard, StatePreProcessor, StateStringStart, StateString2Start, StateStandard }, // StateStringEnd
{ StateString2, StateString2, StateString2, StateString2, StateString2, StateString2, StateString2, StateString2, StateString2End, StateString2 }, // StateString2Start
{ StateString2, StateString2, StateString2, StateString2, StateString2, StateString2, StateString2, StateString2, StateString2End, StateString2 }, // StateString2
{ StateStandard, StateStandard, StateStandard, StateCommentStart1, StateStandard, StateStandard, StatePreProcessor, StateStringStart, StateString2Start, StateStandard }, // StateString2End
{ StateNumber, StateNumber, StateStandard, StateCommentStart1, StateStandard, StateStandard, StatePreProcessor, StateStringStart, StateString2Start, StateStandard }, // StateNumber
{ StatePreProcessor, StateStandard, StateStandard, StateCommentStart1, StateStandard, StateStandard, StatePreProcessor, StateStringStart, StateString2Start, StateStandard } // StatePreProcessor
TQString buffer;
int state = StateStandard;
if ( string->prev() ) {
if ( string->prev()->endState() == -1 )
process( doc, string->prev(), 0, FALSE );
state = string->prev()->endState();
int input = -1;
int i = 0;
bool lastWasBackSlash = FALSE;
bool makeLastStandard = FALSE;
ParagData *paragData = (ParagData*)string->extraData();
if ( paragData )
paragData = new ParagData;
TQString alphabeth = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
TQString mathChars = "xXeE";
TQString numbers = "0123456789";
bool questionMark = FALSE;
TQChar lastChar;
for (;;) {
TQChar c = string->at( i )->c;
if ( lastWasBackSlash ) {
input = InputSep;
} else {
switch ( c ) {
case '*':
input = InputAsterix;
case '/':
input = InputSlash;
case '(': case '[': case '{':
input = InputParen;
if ( state == StateStandard ||
state == StateNumber ||
state == StatePreProcessor ||
state == StateCCommentEnd2 ||
state == StateCCommentEnd1 ||
state == StateString2End ||
state == StateStringEnd )
paragData->parenList << Paren( Paren::Open, c, i );
case ')': case ']': case '}':
input = InputParen;
if ( state == StateStandard ||
state == StateNumber ||
state == StatePreProcessor ||
state == StateCCommentEnd2 ||
state == StateCCommentEnd1 ||
state == StateString2End ||
state == StateStringEnd )
paragData->parenList << Paren( Paren::Closed, c, i );
case '#':
input = InputHash;
case '"':
input = InputQuotation;
case '\'':
input = InputApostrophe;
case ' ':
input = InputSpace;
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '0':
if ( alphabeth.find( lastChar ) != -1 &&
( mathChars.find( lastChar ) == -1 || numbers.find( string->at( i - 1 )->c ) == -1 ) ) {
input = InputAlpha;
} else {
if ( input == InputAlpha && numbers.find( lastChar ) != -1 )
input = InputAlpha;
input = InputNumber;
case ':': {
input = InputAlpha;
TQChar nextChar = ' ';
if ( i < string->length() - 1 )
nextChar = string->at( i + 1 )->c;
if ( state == StateStandard && !questionMark && lastChar != ':' && nextChar != ':' ) {
for ( int j = 0; j < i; ++j ) {
if ( string->at( j )->format() == formatStandard )
string->setFormat( j, 1, formatLabel, FALSE );
} break;
default: {
if ( !questionMark && c == '?' )
questionMark = TRUE;
if ( c.isLetter() || c == '_' )
input = InputAlpha;
input = InputSep;
} break;
lastWasBackSlash = !lastWasBackSlash && c == '\\';
if ( input == InputAlpha )
buffer += c;
state = table[ state ][ input ];
switch ( state ) {
case StateStandard: {
int len = buffer.length();
string->setFormat( i, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
if ( makeLastStandard )
string->setFormat( i - 1, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
if ( buffer.length() > 0 && input != InputAlpha ) {
if ( buffer[ 0 ] == 'Q' ) {
string->setFormat( i - buffer.length(), buffer.length(), formatType, FALSE );
} else {
TQMap<int, TQMap<TQString, int > >::Iterator it = wordMap->find( len );
if ( it != wordMap->end() ) {
TQMap<TQString, int >::Iterator it2 = ( *it ).find( buffer );
if ( it2 != ( *it ).end() )
string->setFormat( i - buffer.length(), buffer.length(), format( ( *it2 ) ), FALSE );
buffer = TQString::null;
} break;
case StateCommentStart1:
if ( makeLastStandard )
string->setFormat( i - 1, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = TRUE;
buffer = TQString::null;
case StateCCommentStart2:
string->setFormat( i - 1, 2, formatComment, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
buffer = TQString::null;
case StateCppCommentStart2:
string->setFormat( i - 1, 2, formatComment, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
buffer = TQString::null;
case StateCComment:
if ( makeLastStandard )
string->setFormat( i - 1, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
string->setFormat( i, 1, formatComment, FALSE );
buffer = TQString::null;
case StateCppComment:
if ( makeLastStandard )
string->setFormat( i - 1, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
string->setFormat( i, 1, formatComment, FALSE );
buffer = TQString::null;
case StateCCommentEnd1:
if ( makeLastStandard )
string->setFormat( i - 1, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
string->setFormat( i, 1, formatComment, FALSE );
buffer = TQString::null;
case StateCCommentEnd2:
if ( makeLastStandard )
string->setFormat( i - 1, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
string->setFormat( i, 1, formatComment, FALSE );
buffer = TQString::null;
case StateStringStart:
if ( makeLastStandard )
string->setFormat( i - 1, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
string->setFormat( i, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
buffer = TQString::null;
case StateString:
if ( makeLastStandard )
string->setFormat( i - 1, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
string->setFormat( i, 1, formatString, FALSE );
buffer = TQString::null;
case StateStringEnd:
if ( makeLastStandard )
string->setFormat( i - 1, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
string->setFormat( i, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
buffer = TQString::null;
case StateString2Start:
if ( makeLastStandard )
string->setFormat( i - 1, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
string->setFormat( i, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
buffer = TQString::null;
case StateString2:
if ( makeLastStandard )
string->setFormat( i - 1, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
string->setFormat( i, 1, formatString, FALSE );
buffer = TQString::null;
case StateString2End:
if ( makeLastStandard )
string->setFormat( i - 1, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
string->setFormat( i, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
buffer = TQString::null;
case StateNumber:
if ( makeLastStandard )
string->setFormat( i - 1, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
string->setFormat( i, 1, formatNumber, FALSE );
buffer = TQString::null;
case StatePreProcessor:
if ( makeLastStandard )
string->setFormat( i - 1, 1, formatStandard, FALSE );
makeLastStandard = FALSE;
string->setFormat( i, 1, formatPreProcessor, FALSE );
buffer = TQString::null;
lastChar = c;
if ( i >= string->length() )
string->setExtraData( paragData );
int oldEndState = string->endState();
if ( state == StateCComment ||
state == StateCCommentEnd1 ) {
string->setEndState( StateCComment );
} else if ( state == StateString ) {
string->setEndState( StateString );
} else if ( state == StateString2 ) {
string->setEndState( StateString2 );
} else {
string->setEndState( StateStandard );
string->setFirstPreProcess( FALSE );
TQTextParagraph *p = string->next();
if ( (!!oldEndState || !!string->endState()) && oldEndState != string->endState() &&
invalidate && p && !p->firstPreProcess() && p->endState() != -1 ) {
while ( p ) {
if ( p->endState() == -1 )
p->setEndState( -1 );
p = p->next();
TQTextFormat *SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::format( int id )
if ( lastFormatId == id && lastFormat )
return lastFormat;
TQTextFormat *f = formats[ id ];
lastFormat = f ? f : formats[ 0 ];
lastFormatId = id;
return lastFormat;
void SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::addFormat( int id, TQTextFormat *f )
formats.insert( id, f );
void SyntaxHighlighter_CPP::removeFormat( int id )
formats.remove( id );