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316 lines
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13 years ago
#ifndef __plot3d_2003_06_09_12_14__
#define __plot3d_2003_06_09_12_14__
#include "qwt3d_coordsys.h"
#include "qwt3d_enrichment_std.h"
namespace Qwt3D
//! Base class for all plotting widgets
Plot3D handles all the common features for plotting widgets - coordinate system, transformations, mouse/keyboard
handling, labeling etc.. It contains some pure virtual functions and is, in so far, an abstract base class.
The class provides interfaces for data handling and implements basic data controlled color allocation.
class QWT3D_EXPORT Plot3D : public QGLWidget
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
Plot3D( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 );
Plot3D ( QWidget * parent = 0, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0 );
virtual ~Plot3D();
QPixmap renderPixmap (int w=0, int h=0, bool useContext=false);
void updateData(); //!< Recalculate data
void createCoordinateSystem(Qwt3D::Triple beg, Qwt3D::Triple end);
Qwt3D::CoordinateSystem* coordinates() { return &coordinates_p; } //!< Returns pointer to CoordinateSystem object
Qwt3D::ColorLegend* legend() { return &legend_;} //!< Returns pointer to ColorLegend object
double xRotation() const { return xRot_;} //!< Returns rotation around X axis [-360..360] (some angles are equivalent)
double yRotation() const { return yRot_;} //!< Returns rotation around Y axis [-360..360] (some angles are equivalent)
double zRotation() const { return zRot_;} //!< Returns rotation around Z axis [-360..360] (some angles are equivalent)
double xShift() const { return xShift_;} //!< Returns shift along X axis (object coordinates)
double yShift() const { return yShift_;} //!< Returns shift along Y axis (object coordinates)
double zShift() const { return zShift_;} //!< Returns shift along Z axis (object coordinates)
double xViewportShift() const { return xVPShift_;} //!< Returns relative shift [-1..1] along X axis (view coordinates)
double yViewportShift() const { return yVPShift_;} //!< Returns relative shift [-1..1] along Y axis (view coordinates)
double xScale() const { return xScale_;} //!< Returns scaling for X values [0..inf]
double yScale() const { return yScale_;} //!< Returns scaling for Y values [0..inf]
double zScale() const { return zScale_;} //!< Returns scaling for Z values [0..inf]
double zoom() const { return zoom_;} //!< Returns zoom (0..inf)
bool ortho() const { return ortho_; } //!< Returns orthogonal (true) or perspective (false) projection
void setPlotStyle( Qwt3D::PLOTSTYLE val);
Qwt3D::Enrichment* setPlotStyle( Qwt3D::Enrichment const& val);
Qwt3D::PLOTSTYLE plotStyle() const { return plotstyle_; }//!< Returns plotting style
//! Returns current Enrichment object used for plotting styles (if set, zero else)
Qwt3D::Enrichment* userStyle() const { return userplotstyle_p; }
void setShading( Qwt3D::SHADINGSTYLE val );
Qwt3D::SHADINGSTYLE shading() const { return shading_; }//!< Returns shading style
void setIsolines(int isolines);
int isolines() const { return isolines_;} //!< Returns number of isolines
void setSmoothMesh(bool val) {smoothdatamesh_p = val;} //!< Enables/disables smooth data mesh lines. Default is false
bool smoothDataMesh() const {return smoothdatamesh_p;} //!< True if mesh antialiasing is on
void setBackgroundColor(Qwt3D::RGBA rgba); //!< Sets widgets background color
Qwt3D::RGBA backgroundRGBAColor() const {return bgcolor_;} //!< Returns the widgets background color
void setMeshColor(Qwt3D::RGBA rgba); //!< Sets color for data mesh
Qwt3D::RGBA meshColor() const {return meshcolor_;} //!< Returns color for data mesh
void setMeshLineWidth(double lw); //!< Sets line width for data mesh
double meshLineWidth() const {return meshLineWidth_;} //!< Returns line width for data mesh
void setDataColor(Color* col); //!< Sets new data color object
const Color* dataColor() const {return datacolor_p;} //!< Returns data color object
virtual Qwt3D::Enrichment* addEnrichment(Qwt3D::Enrichment const&); //!< Add an Enrichment
virtual bool degrade(Qwt3D::Enrichment*); //!< Remove an Enrichment
Qwt3D::ParallelEpiped hull() const { return hull_;} //!< Returns rectangular hull
void showColorLegend(bool);
void setCoordinateStyle(Qwt3D::COORDSTYLE st); //!< Sets style of coordinate system.
void setPolygonOffset(double d);
double polygonOffset() const {return polygonOffset_;} //!< Returns relative value for polygon offset [0..1]
void setTitlePosition(double rely, double relx = 0.5, Qwt3D::ANCHOR = Qwt3D::TopCenter);
void setTitleFont(const QString& family, int pointSize, int weight = QFont::Normal, bool italic = false);
void setTitleColor(Qwt3D::RGBA col) {title_.setColor(col);} //!< Set caption color
void setTitle(const QString& title) {title_.setString(title);} //!< Set caption text (one row only)
void assignMouse(MouseState xrot, MouseState yrot, MouseState zrot,
MouseState xscale, MouseState yscale, MouseState zscale,
MouseState zoom, MouseState xshift, MouseState yshift);
bool mouseEnabled() const; //!< Returns true, if the widget accept mouse input from the user
void assignKeyboard(
KeyboardState xrot_n, KeyboardState xrot_p
,KeyboardState yrot_n, KeyboardState yrot_p
,KeyboardState zrot_n, KeyboardState zrot_p
,KeyboardState xscale_n, KeyboardState xscale_p
,KeyboardState yscale_n, KeyboardState yscale_p
,KeyboardState zscale_n, KeyboardState zscale_p
,KeyboardState zoom_n, KeyboardState zoom_p
,KeyboardState xshift_n, KeyboardState xshift_p
,KeyboardState yshift_n, KeyboardState yshift_p
bool keyboardEnabled() const; //!< Returns true, if the widget accept keyboard input from the user
//! Sets speed for keyboard driven transformations
void setKeySpeed(double rot, double scale, double shift);
//! Gets speed for keyboard driven transformations
void keySpeed(double& rot, double& scale, double& shift) const;
bool lightingEnabled() const; //!< Returns true, if Lighting is enabled, false else
//! Turn light on
void illuminate(unsigned light = 0);
//! Turn light off
void blowout(unsigned light = 0);
void setMaterialComponent(GLenum property, double r, double g, double b, double a = 1.0);
void setMaterialComponent(GLenum property, double intensity);
void setShininess(double exponent);
void setLightComponent(GLenum property, double r, double g, double b, double a = 1.0, unsigned light=0);
void setLightComponent(GLenum property, double intensity, unsigned light=0);
//! Returns Light 'idx' rotation around X axis [-360..360] (some angles are equivalent)
double xLightRotation(unsigned idx = 0) const { return (idx<8) ? lights_[idx].rot.x : 0;}
//! Returns Light 'idx' rotation around Y axis [-360..360] (some angles are equivalent)
double yLightRotation(unsigned idx = 0) const { return (idx<8) ? lights_[idx].rot.y : 0;}
//! Returns Light 'idx' rotation around Z axis [-360..360] (some angles are equivalent)
double zLightRotation(unsigned idx = 0) const { return (idx<8) ? lights_[idx].rot.z : 0;}
//! Returns shift of Light 'idx 'along X axis (object coordinates)
double xLightShift(unsigned idx = 0) const {return (idx<8) ? lights_[idx].shift.x : 0;}
//! Returns shift of Light 'idx 'along Y axis (object coordinates)
double yLightShift(unsigned idx = 0) const {return (idx<8) ? lights_[idx].shift.y : 0;}
//! Returns shift of Light 'idx 'along Z axis (object coordinates)
double zLightShift(unsigned idx = 0) const {return (idx<8) ? lights_[idx].shift.z : 0;}
//! Returns true if valid data available, false else
bool hasData() const { return (actualData_p) ? !actualData_p->empty() : false;}
//! Emitted, if the rotation is changed
void rotationChanged( double xAngle, double yAngle, double zAngle );
//! Emitted, if the shift is changed
void shiftChanged( double xShift, double yShift, double zShift );
//! Emitted, if the viewport shift is changed
void vieportShiftChanged( double xShift, double yShift );
//! Emitted, if the scaling is changed
void scaleChanged( double xScale, double yScale, double zScale );
//! Emitted, if the zoom is changed
void zoomChanged(double);
//! Emitted, if the projection mode is changed
void projectionChanged(bool);
public slots:
void setRotation( double xVal, double yVal, double zVal );
void setShift( double xVal, double yVal, double zVal );
void setViewportShift( double xVal, double yVal );
void setScale( double xVal, double yVal, double zVal );
void setZoom( double );
void setOrtho(bool);
void enableMouse(bool val=true); //!< Enable mouse input
void disableMouse(bool val =true); //!< Disable mouse input
void enableKeyboard(bool val=true); //!< Enable keyboard input
void disableKeyboard(bool val =true); //!< Disable keyboard input
void enableLighting(bool val = true); //!< Turn Lighting on or off
void disableLighting(bool val = true); //!< Turn Lighting on or off
void setLightRotation( double xVal, double yVal, double zVal, unsigned int idx = 0 );
void setLightShift( double xVal, double yVal, double zVal, unsigned int idx = 0 );
virtual bool savePixmap(QString const& fileName, QString const& format); //!< Saves content to pixmap format
//! Saves content to vector format
virtual bool saveVector(QString const& fileName, QString const& format, VectorWriter::TEXTMODE text, VectorWriter::SORTMODE sortmode);
virtual bool save(QString const& fileName, QString const& format); //!< Saves content
typedef std::list<Qwt3D::Enrichment*> EnrichmentList;
typedef EnrichmentList::iterator ELIT;
void initializeGL();
void paintGL();
void resizeGL( int w, int h );
void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e );
void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *e );
void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e );
void wheelEvent( QWheelEvent *e );
void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e );
Qwt3D::CoordinateSystem coordinates_p;
Qwt3D::Color* datacolor_p;
Qwt3D::Enrichment* userplotstyle_p;
EnrichmentList elist_p;
virtual void calculateHull() = 0;
virtual void createData() = 0;
virtual void createEnrichment(Qwt3D::Enrichment&){}
virtual void createEnrichments();
void createCoordinateSystem();
void setHull(Qwt3D::ParallelEpiped p) {hull_ = p;}
bool initializedGL() const {return initializedGL_;}
DisplayListSize // only to have a vector length ...
std::vector<GLuint> displaylists_p;
Qwt3D::Data* actualData_p;
struct Light
Light() : unlit(true){}
bool unlit;
Qwt3D::Triple rot;
Qwt3D::Triple shift;
std::vector<Light> lights_;
GLdouble xRot_, yRot_, zRot_, xShift_, yShift_, zShift_, zoom_
, xScale_, yScale_, zScale_, xVPShift_, yVPShift_;
Qwt3D::RGBA meshcolor_;
double meshLineWidth_;
Qwt3D::RGBA bgcolor_;
Qwt3D::PLOTSTYLE plotstyle_;
Qwt3D::SHADINGSTYLE shading_;
Qwt3D::FLOORSTYLE floorstyle_;
bool ortho_;
double polygonOffset_;
int isolines_;
bool displaylegend_;
bool smoothdatamesh_p;
Qwt3D::ParallelEpiped hull_;
Qwt3D::ColorLegend legend_;
Label title_;
Qwt3D::Tuple titlerel_;
Qwt3D::ANCHOR titleanchor_;
// mouse
QPoint lastMouseMovePosition_;
bool mpressed_;
MouseState xrot_mstate_,
bool mouse_input_enabled_;
void setRotationMouse(MouseState bstate, double accel, QPoint diff);
void setScaleMouse(MouseState bstate, double accel, QPoint diff);
void setShiftMouse(MouseState bstate, double accel, QPoint diff);
// keyboard
bool kpressed_;
KeyboardState xrot_kstate_[2],
bool kbd_input_enabled_;
double kbd_rot_speed_, kbd_scale_speed_, kbd_shift_speed_;
void setRotationKeyboard(KeyboardState kseq, double speed);
void setScaleKeyboard(KeyboardState kseq, double speed);
void setShiftKeyboard(KeyboardState kseq, double speed);
bool lighting_enabled_;
void applyLight(unsigned idx);
void applyLights();
bool initializedGL_;
bool renderpixmaprequest_;
} // ns