Copyright (c) 2005 Juan Pablo D. Borgna <jpborgna en inti gov ar>
Copyright (c) 2005 Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog<6F>a Industrial
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 by David Sullins
Licese: GPL por bitfile.c
This script is a shortcut for programming a device using the GNU JTAG
program with a .bit file. It generates and deletes the intermediate SVF
file. It can read a personal config, refer to jbitrc_sample.txt.
bit2svf$ ./jbit ejemplo_prom.bit XC18V01
jbit - bit2svf/jtag short cut - v1.0
Copyright (c) 2005 Juan Pablo D. Borgna/INTI
Creando archivo temporario /tmp/bit2svf.tmp
bit2svf - SVF file generator - v1.0
Copyright (c) 2005 Juan Pablo D. Borgna/INTI
Bit file created on 2004/08/25 at 13:43:18.
Created from file ejemplo.ncd for Xilinx part 2s100pq208.
Bitstream length is 97652 bytes.
Process finsished sucefully.
Creado ok
Invocando /home/jpablo/usr/bin/jtag
Initializing Xilinx DLC5 JTAG Parallel Cable III on ppdev port /dev/parport0
IR length: 8
Chain length: 1
Device Id: 00000101000000100100000010010011
Manufacturer: Xilinx
Part: XC18V01-SO20
Stepping: 1
Filename: /home/jpablo/usr//share/jtag/xilinx/xc18v01-so20/xc18v01-so20
Warning svf: checking of TDO not supported for SIR.
This message is only displayed once.
Borrando temporarios..
Que tenga un buen dia :-)
This program generates a SVF file wich using the program JTAG it is
possible to program a FPGA or PROM.
bit2svf$ ./bit2svf ejemplo_prom.bit ejemplo_prom.svf XC18V01
Bit file created on 2004/08/25 at 13:43:18.
Created from file ejemplo.ncd for Xilinx part 2s100pq208.
Bitstream length is 97652 bytes.
Process finsished sucefully.