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# Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Salvador E. Tropea <salvador en>
# Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial
# Based on code:
# Copyright (c) 2005 Juan Pablo D. Borgna <jpborgna en inti gov ar>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307, USA
# Este script invoca a bit2svf y jtag para programar el contenido de
# un archivo bit en un dispositivo Xilinx.
# Basado en el script original de Juan Pablo D. Borgna
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
print "jbit - bit2svf/jtag short cut - v2.1\n";
print "Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Salvador E. Tropea/INTI\n\n";
'skip=s' => \$skip,
'length=s' => \$len,
'help' => \&help);
if (scalar(@ARGV)!=2)
print "You must specify two arguments\n\n";
# Seteos por defecto
$temp=`mktemp -t bit2svf.XXXXXX`;
$temp_r=`mktemp -t jbit.XXXXXX`;
if ($skip)
$skip=$1*(1<<20) if ($skip=~/(\d+)M/i);
$skip=$1*(1<<10) if ($skip=~/(\d+)k/i);
if ($len)
$len=$1*(1<<20) if ($len=~/(\d+)M/i);
$len=$1*(1<<10) if ($len=~/(\d+)k/i);
# Leer seteos de ~/.jbitrc
if (-e $jbitrc)
print "Configuration from $jbitrc:\n";
open(FIL,"<$jbitrc") or die "Error opening $jbitrc";
while ($a=<FIL>)
unless ($a=~/^\#/ or $a=~/^\s*$/)
if ($a=~/^(\S+)\s*=\s*\"?([^\"\n]*)\"?$/)
if ($val=~/^\$(\d)$/)
print "$var -> \"$val\"\n";
if ($var eq 'JTAG')
elsif ($var eq 'BIT2SVF')
elsif ($var eq 'SVFT')
elsif ($var eq 'TEMP')
print "TEMP is obsolete!!!\n";
elsif ($var eq 'DEVICE')
elsif ($var eq 'LOCATION')
elsif ($var eq 'CABLE_TYPE')
elsif ($var eq 'PARTNUM')
print "PARTNUM is obsolete!!!\n";
die "Unknown variable $var";
die "Error parsing $jbitrc:\n$a";
print "\n";
print "No personal configuration '$jbitrc'\n";
# Compuebo la existencia de todo lo necesario
die "Can't find JTAG in $jtag" unless -e $jtag;
die "Can't find bit2svf in $bit2svf" unless -e $bit2svf;
die "Missing file: $bitfile" unless -e $bitfile;
# Creo el .svf
print "Creating temporary file $temp ...\n<--------- $bit2svf $skip $len $bitfile $temp $svft\n";
die "Error creating temporary file $temp"
if system("$bit2svf $skip $len $bitfile $temp $svft");
print "<--------- end of bit2svf\n\n";
# Buscar que posición tiene en la cadena
print "Analyzing JTAG chain using $jtag ...\n";
open(FIL,"|$jtag > $temp_r") or die;
print FIL "cable $device $location $cable_type\n";
print FIL "detect\n";
print FIL "quit\n";
close FIL;
open(FIL,"<$temp_r") or die;
while ($a=<FIL>)
if ($a=~/Chain length: (\d+)/)
print "Devices in the chain: $devs\n";
elsif ($a=~/Part:\s+(\S+)$/)
print "$ndev: $dev ";
if ($svft eq $dev)
print "<--";
print "\n";
die "Can't find any device in the chain, consult $temp_r"
unless $devs;
die "Can't find $svft in the chain" unless $partnum!=-1;
print "Device number in the chain: $partnum\n\n";
# Ejecutarlo
print "Transferring $temp using $jtag ...\n<--------- jtag\n";
open(FIL,"|$jtag") or die;
print FIL "cable $device $location $cable_type\n";
print FIL "detect\n";
print FIL "part $partnum\n";
print FIL "svf $temp\n";
print FIL "quit\n";
close FIL;
print "<--------- fin de jtag\n\n";
# Clean-up
print "Cleaning temporary files ... ($temp $temp_r)\n";
`rm -f $temp $temp_r`;
print "Have a nice day :-)\n";
sub help
my $me=basename($0);
print <<END;
$me is a program to configure Xilinx devices using JTAG.
jbit [OPTIONS] file.bit DEVICE
--skip=value Skip bits the bitstream
--length=value Limit the bitstream length
--help This text
file.bit is the file containing the bitstream.
DEVICE is the name of the device to configure.
exit 1;