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// **** Auto-generated using from CY3684 EZ USB FX2LP Development Kit headers
// File: FX2.h
// Contents: EZ-USB FX2/FX2LP/FX1 constants, macros, datatypes, globals, and library
// function prototypes.
// $Archive: /USB/Target/Inc/Fx2.h $
// $Date: 3/23/05 2:30p $
// $Revision: 16 $
// Copyright (c) 2005 Cypress Semiconductor, All rights reserved
#ifndef FX2_H //Header sentry
#define FX2_H
#define INTERNAL_DSCR_ADDR 0x0080 // Relocate Descriptors to 0x80
#define bmSTRETCH 0x07
#define FW_STRETCH_VALUE 0x0 // Set stretch to 0 in frameworks
// Constants
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define bmBIT0 0x01
#define bmBIT1 0x02
#define bmBIT2 0x04
#define bmBIT3 0x08
#define bmBIT4 0x10
#define bmBIT5 0x20
#define bmBIT6 0x40
#define bmBIT7 0x80
#define DEVICE_DSCR 0x01 // Descriptor type: Device
#define CONFIG_DSCR 0x02 // Descriptor type: Configuration
#define STRING_DSCR 0x03 // Descriptor type: String
#define INTRFC_DSCR 0x04 // Descriptor type: Interface
#define ENDPNT_DSCR 0x05 // Descriptor type: End Point
#define DEVQUAL_DSCR 0x06 // Descriptor type: Device Qualifier
#define OTHERSPEED_DSCR 0x07 // Descriptor type: Other Speed Configuration
#define bmBUSPWR bmBIT7 // Config. attribute: Bus powered
#define bmSELFPWR bmBIT6 // Config. attribute: Self powered
#define bmRWU bmBIT5 // Config. attribute: Remote Wakeup
#define bmEPOUT bmBIT7
#define bmEPIN 0x00
#define EP_CONTROL 0x00 // End Point type: Control
#define EP_ISO 0x01 // End Point type: Isochronous
#define EP_BULK 0x02 // End Point type: Bulk
#define EP_INT 0x03 // End Point type: Interrupt
#define SUD_SIZE 8 // Setup data packet size
//Added for HID
#define SETUP_MASK 0x60 //Used to mask off request type
#define SETUP_STANDARD_REQUEST 0 //Standard Request
#define SETUP_CLASS_REQUEST 0x20 //Class Request
#define SETUP_VENDOR_REQUEST 0x40 //Vendor Request
#define SETUP_RESERVED_REQUEST 0x60 //Reserved or illegal request
#define SC_GET_STATUS 0x00 // Setup command: Get Status
#define SC_CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01 // Setup command: Clear Feature
#define SC_RESERVED 0x02 // Setup command: Reserved
#define SC_SET_FEATURE 0x03 // Setup command: Set Feature
#define SC_SET_ADDRESS 0x05 // Setup command: Set Address
#define SC_GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x06 // Setup command: Get Descriptor
#define SC_SET_DESCRIPTOR 0x07 // Setup command: Set Descriptor
#define SC_GET_CONFIGURATION 0x08 // Setup command: Get Configuration
#define SC_SET_CONFIGURATION 0x09 // Setup command: Set Configuration
#define SC_GET_INTERFACE 0x0a // Setup command: Get Interface
#define SC_SET_INTERFACE 0x0b // Setup command: Set Interface
#define SC_SYNC_FRAME 0x0c // Setup command: Sync Frame
#define SC_ANCHOR_LOAD 0xa0 // Setup command: Anchor load
#define GD_DEVICE 0x01 // Get descriptor: Device
#define GD_CONFIGURATION 0x02 // Get descriptor: Configuration
#define GD_STRING 0x03 // Get descriptor: String
#define GD_INTERFACE 0x04 // Get descriptor: Interface
#define GD_ENDPOINT 0x05 // Get descriptor: Endpoint
#define GD_DEVICE_QUALIFIER 0x06 // Get descriptor: Device Qualifier
#define GD_OTHER_SPEED_CONFIGURATION 0x07 // Get descriptor: Other Configuration
#define GD_INTERFACE_POWER 0x08 // Get descriptor: Interface Power
#define GD_HID 0x21 // Get descriptor: HID
#define GD_REPORT 0x22 // Get descriptor: Report
#define GS_DEVICE 0x80 // Get Status: Device
#define GS_INTERFACE 0x81 // Get Status: Interface
#define GS_ENDPOINT 0x82 // Get Status: End Point
#define FT_DEVICE 0x00 // Feature: Device
#define FT_ENDPOINT 0x02 // Feature: End Point
#define I2C_IDLE 0 // I2C Status: Idle mode
#define I2C_SENDING 1 // I2C Status: I2C is sending data
#define I2C_RECEIVING 2 // I2C Status: I2C is receiving data
#define I2C_PRIME 3 // I2C Status: I2C is receiving the first byte of a string
#define I2C_STOP 5 // I2C Status: I2C waiting for stop completion
#define I2C_BERROR 6 // I2C Status: I2C error; Bit Error
#define I2C_NACK 7 // I2C Status: I2C error; No Acknowledge
#define I2C_OK 8 // I2C positive return code
#define I2C_WAITSTOP 9 // I2C Status: Wait for STOP complete
#define MSB(word) (BYTE)(((WORD)(word) >> 8) & 0xff)
#define LSB(word) (BYTE)((WORD)(word) & 0xff)
#define SWAP_ENDIAN(word) ((BYTE*)&word)[0] ^= ((BYTE*)&word)[1];\
((BYTE*)&word)[1] ^= ((BYTE*)&word)[0];\
((BYTE*)&word)[0] ^= ((BYTE*)&word)[1]
#define EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR() EXIF &= ~0x10 // IE2_
// WRITEDELAY() has been replaced by SYNCDELAY; macro in fx2sdly.h
// is here for backwards compatibility...
// the WRITEDELAY macro compiles to the time equivalent of 3 NOPs.
// It is used in the frameworks to allow for write recovery time
// requirements of certain registers. This is only necessary for
// EZ-USB FX parts. See the EZ-USB FX TRM for
// more information on write recovery time issues.
#define WRITEDELAY() {char writedelaydummy = 0;}
// if this firmware will never run on an EZ-USB FX part replace
// with:
// #define WRITEDELAY()
// macro to reset and endpoint data toggle
#define EZUSB_RESET_DATA_TOGGLE(ep) TOGCTL = (((ep & 0x80) >> 3) + (ep & 0x0F));\
#define EZUSB_ENABLE_RSMIRQ() (EICON |= 0x20) // Enable Resume Interrupt (EPFI_)
#define EZUSB_DISABLE_RSMIRQ() (EICON &= ~0x20) // Disable Resume Interrupt (EPFI_)
#define EZUSB_CLEAR_RSMIRQ() (EICON &= ~0x10) // Clear Resume Interrupt Flag (PFI_)
#define EZUSB_GETI2CSTATUS() (I2CPckt.status)
#define EZUSB_CLEARI2CSTATUS() if((I2CPckt.status == I2C_BERROR) || (I2CPckt.status == I2C_NACK))\
I2CPckt.status = I2C_IDLE;
#define EZUSB_BP(addr) BPADDRH = (BYTE)(((WORD)addr >> 8) & 0xff);\
#define EZUSB_EXTWAKEUP() (((WAKEUPCS & bmWU2) && (WAKEUPCS & bmWU2EN)) ||\
// Datatypes
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef unsigned short WORD;
typedef unsigned long DWORD;
typedef bit BOOL;
#define INT0_VECT 0
#define TMR0_VECT 1
#define INT1_VECT 2
#define TMR1_VECT 3
#define COM0_VECT 4
#define TMR2_VECT 5
#define WKUP_VECT 6
#define COM1_VECT 7
#define USB_VECT 8
#define I2C_VECT 9
#define INT4_VECT 10
#define INT5_VECT 11
#define INT6_VECT 12
typedef struct
BYTE length;
BYTE type;
typedef struct // Device Descriptor
BYTE length; // Descriptor length ( = sizeof(DEVICEDSCR) )
BYTE type; // Decriptor type (Device = 1)
BYTE spec_ver_minor; // Specification Version (BCD) minor
BYTE spec_ver_major; // Specification Version (BCD) major
BYTE dev_class; // Device class
BYTE sub_class; // Device sub-class
BYTE protocol; // Device sub-sub-class
BYTE max_packet; // Maximum packet size
WORD vendor_id; // Vendor ID
WORD product_id; // Product ID
WORD version_id; // Product version ID
BYTE mfg_str; // Manufacturer string index
BYTE prod_str; // Product string index
BYTE serialnum_str; // Serial number string index
BYTE configs; // Number of configurations
typedef struct // Device Qualifier Descriptor
BYTE length; // Descriptor length ( = sizeof(DEVICEQUALDSCR) )
BYTE type; // Decriptor type (Device Qualifier = 6)
BYTE spec_ver_minor; // Specification Version (BCD) minor
BYTE spec_ver_major; // Specification Version (BCD) major
BYTE dev_class; // Device class
BYTE sub_class; // Device sub-class
BYTE protocol; // Device sub-sub-class
BYTE max_packet; // Maximum packet size
BYTE configs; // Number of configurations
BYTE reserved0;
typedef struct
BYTE length; // Configuration length ( = sizeof(CONFIGDSCR) )
BYTE type; // Descriptor type (Configuration = 2)
WORD config_len; // Configuration + End Points length
BYTE interfaces; // Number of interfaces
BYTE index; // Configuration number
BYTE config_str; // Configuration string
BYTE attrib; // Attributes (b7 - buspwr, b6 - selfpwr, b5 - rwu
BYTE power; // Power requirement (div 2 ma)
typedef struct
BYTE length; // Interface descriptor length ( - sizeof(INTRFCDSCR) )
BYTE type; // Descriptor type (Interface = 4)
BYTE index; // Zero-based index of this interface
BYTE alt_setting; // Alternate setting
BYTE ep_cnt; // Number of end points
BYTE class; // Interface class
BYTE sub_class; // Interface sub class
BYTE protocol; // Interface sub sub class
BYTE interface_str; // Interface descriptor string index
typedef struct
BYTE length; // End point descriptor length ( = sizeof(ENDPNTDSCR) )
BYTE type; // Descriptor type (End point = 5)
BYTE addr; // End point address
BYTE ep_type; // End point type
BYTE mp_L; // Maximum packet size
BYTE mp_H;
BYTE interval; // Interrupt polling interval
typedef struct
BYTE length; // String descriptor length
BYTE type; // Descriptor type
typedef struct
BYTE cntrl; // End point control register
BYTE bytes; // End point buffer byte count
typedef struct
BYTE length;
BYTE *dat;
BYTE count;
BYTE status;
// Globals
extern code BYTE USB_AutoVector;
extern WORD pDeviceDscr;
extern WORD pDeviceQualDscr;
extern WORD pHighSpeedConfigDscr;
extern WORD pFullSpeedConfigDscr;
extern WORD pConfigDscr;
extern WORD pOtherConfigDscr;
extern WORD pStringDscr;
extern code DEVICEDSCR DeviceDscr;
extern code DEVICEQUALDSCR DeviceQualDscr;
extern code CONFIGDSCR HighSpeedConfigDscr;
extern code CONFIGDSCR FullSpeedConfigDscr;
extern code STRINGDSCR StringDscr;
extern code DSCR UserDscr;
extern I2CPCKT I2CPckt;
// Function Prototypes
extern void EZUSB_Renum(void);
extern void EZUSB_Discon(BOOL renum);
extern void EZUSB_Susp(void);
extern void EZUSB_Resume(void);
extern void EZUSB_Delay1ms(void);
extern void EZUSB_Delay(WORD ms);
extern CONFIGDSCR xdata* EZUSB_GetConfigDscr(BYTE ConfigIdx);
extern INTRFCDSCR xdata* EZUSB_GetIntrfcDscr(BYTE ConfigIdx, BYTE IntrfcIdx, BYTE AltSetting);
extern STRINGDSCR xdata* EZUSB_GetStringDscr(BYTE StrIdx);
extern DSCR xdata* EZUSB_GetDscr(BYTE index, DSCR* dscr, BYTE type);
extern void EZUSB_InitI2C(void);
extern BOOL EZUSB_WriteI2C_(BYTE addr, BYTE length, BYTE xdata *dat);
extern BOOL EZUSB_ReadI2C_(BYTE addr, BYTE length, BYTE xdata *dat);
extern BOOL EZUSB_WriteI2C(BYTE addr, BYTE length, BYTE xdata *dat);
extern BOOL EZUSB_ReadI2C(BYTE addr, BYTE length, BYTE xdata *dat);
extern void EZUSB_WaitForEEPROMWrite(BYTE addr);
extern void modify_endpoint_stall(BYTE epid, BYTE stall);
#endif // FX2_H