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Copyright (C) 2003 Olaf Flebbe, Science and Computing AG
Copyright (C) 2013 Timothy Pearson, Northern Illinois University
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include "ldapuser.h"
#include "netusergroup.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "manageUser.h"
#include "reg.h"
#define SCAPKEY L"Software\\science + computing\\scap"
manageLocalAccount( const mystring& userName, const mystring& password, FILE *fp) {
Registry reg( SCAPKEY);
// get LDAP Servers
std::list<mystring> ldapservers = reg.getValues( L"servers");
if (ldapservers.size() == 0) {
if (fp)
fprintf( fp, "ldapservers empty: Please set REG_MULTI_SZ value in HKLM\\%S\\servers", SCAPKEY);
mystring binddn = reg.getValue( L"binddn");
mystring bindpasswd = reg.getValue( L"bindpasswd");
// make bind
LDAPUser ld( ldapservers, fp, binddn, bindpasswd);
mystring basedn = reg.getValue( L"basedn");
if (basedn == L"") {
if (fp)
fprintf( fp, "basedn empty: Please set REG_SZ in HKLM\\%S\\basedn", SCAPKEY);
ld.setContext( basedn);
stringSet userAttrs;
#define SAMBAHOMEPATH L"sambaHomePath"
#define HOMEDIRECTORY L"homeDirectory"
#define SAMBAHOMEDRIVE L"sambaHomeDrive"
#define SAMBAPROFILEPATH L"sambaProfilePath"
#define SAMBALOGONSCRIPT L"sambaLogonScript"
userAttrs.insert( SAMBAHOMEPATH);
userAttrs.insert( HOMEDIRECTORY);
userAttrs.insert( SAMBAHOMEDRIVE);
userAttrs.insert( SAMBAPROFILEPATH );
userAttrs.insert( SAMBALOGONSCRIPT);
userAttrs.insert( L"gidNumber");
stringMap userVals = ld.getAttribsByUserName( userName, userAttrs);
if (userVals.size() == 0 || (userVals.find( L"gidNumber") == userVals.end())) {
// nothing found
if (fp) {
fprintf( fp, "user %S not found in LDAP: trying to delete user account\n", userName.c_str());
fflush( fp);
fprintf( fp, "isdisabled %d\n", isDisabledUser( userName));
// if local user exists and is disabled: delete!
if (isDisabledUser( userName) == 1)
delUser( userName);
if (fp) {
fprintf( fp, "add user %S\n", userName.c_str());
fflush( fp);
mystring gid = userVals[L"gidNumber"];
if (fp) {
fprintf( fp, "primary GID %S\n", gid.c_str());
// homepath
mystring homePath;
if (userVals.find( SAMBAHOMEPATH) != userVals.end()) {
homePath = userVals[ SAMBAHOMEPATH]; // use first Element
} else {
if (userVals.find( HOMEDIRECTORY) != userVals.end()) {
homePath = userVals[ HOMEDIRECTORY];
} else {
homePath = reg.getValue(L"homepath");
// search and replace with registry keys
homePath = searchAndReplace( convertSlashes( homePath), L"homepathreplace", reg, fp);
// homedrive
mystring homeDrive;
if (userVals.find( SAMBAHOMEDRIVE) != userVals.end()) {
homeDrive = *(userVals[ SAMBAHOMEDRIVE].begin()); // use first Element
} else {
homeDrive = reg.getValue(L"homedrive");
// profilePath
mystring profilePath;
if (userVals.find( SAMBAPROFILEPATH) != userVals.end()) {
profilePath = userVals[ SAMBAPROFILEPATH];
} else {
if (homeDrive != L"") {
profilePath= homeDrive + reg.getValue(L"profilepath");
} else {
profilePath = homePath + reg.getValue(L"profilepath");
profilePath = searchAndReplace( profilePath, L"profilereplace", reg, fp);
mystring logonScript;
if (userVals.find( SAMBALOGONSCRIPT) != userVals.end()) {
logonScript = userVals[ SAMBALOGONSCRIPT];
} else {
logonScript = reg.getValue(L"logonscript");
// add user only if it does not exists before.
// Do not clutter Event Log
if (-1 == isDisabledUser( userName))
addUser( userName, password, homePath, homeDrive, profilePath, logonScript );
modifyUser( userName, password, homePath, homeDrive, profilePath, logonScript );
resetAccountExpiry(userName, password, fp);
stringSet ldapList = ld.getGroupsByUserName(userName, gid);
stringSet ntList = listGroups(userName);
stringSet worker;
std::list<mystring> machineadmingroups = reg.getValues(L"machineadmingroups");
for (std::list<mystring>::const_iterator machineadminptr = machineadmingroups.begin(); machineadminptr != machineadmingroups.end(); machineadminptr++) {
if (ldapList.find(*machineadminptr) != ldapList.end()) {
std::set_difference(ldapList.begin(), ldapList.end(), ntList.begin(), ntList.end(), std::inserter(worker, worker.begin()));
// worker is now Groups contained not in ntlist but ldapList -> add to user
for (stringSet::const_iterator ptr = worker.begin(); ptr != worker.end(); ptr++) {
if (fp) {
fprintf( fp, "add to group %S\n", ptr->c_str());
addUserToGroup(userName, *ptr);
std::set_difference( ntList.begin(), ntList.end(), ldapList.begin(), ldapList.end(), std::inserter(worker, worker.begin()));
// worker is now Groups contained not in ntlist but ldapList -> add to user
for (stringSet::const_iterator ptr = worker.begin(); ptr != worker.end(); ptr++) {
if (fp) {
fprintf( fp, "remove from group %S\n", ptr->c_str());
delUserFromGroup(userName, *ptr);
if (fp) {