* xrdp: A Remote Desktop Protocol server.
* Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2004-2013
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* xrdp / xserver info / caps
#if !defined(XRDP_CLIENT_INFO_H)
struct monitor_info
int left;
int top;
int right;
int bottom;
int is_primary;
struct xrdp_client_info
int size; /* bytes for this structure */
int bpp;
int width;
int height;
/* bitmap cache info */
int cache1_entries;
int cache1_size;
int cache2_entries;
int cache2_size;
int cache3_entries;
int cache3_size;
int bitmap_cache_persist_enable; /* 0 or 2 */
int bitmap_cache_version; /* ored 1 = original version, 2 = v2, 4 = v3 */
/* pointer info */
int pointer_cache_entries;
/* other */
int use_bitmap_comp;
int use_bitmap_cache;
int op1; /* use smaller bitmap header, non cache */
int op2; /* use smaller bitmap header in bitmap cache */
int desktop_cache;
int use_compact_packets; /* rdp5 smaller packets */
char hostname[32];
int build;
int keylayout;
char username[256];
char password[256];
char domain[256];
char program[256];
char directory[256];
int rdp_compression;
int rdp_autologin;
int crypt_level; /* 1, 2, 3 = low, medium, high */
int channel_code; /* 0 = no channels 1 = channels */
int sound_code; /* 1 = leave sound at server */
int is_mce;
int rdp5_performanceflags;
int brush_cache_code; /* 0 = no cache 1 = 8x8 standard cache
2 = arbitrary dimensions */
char client_ip[256];
int max_bpp;
int jpeg; /* non standard bitmap cache v2 cap */
int offscreen_support_level;
int offscreen_cache_size;
int offscreen_cache_entries;
int rfx;
int rail_support_level;
int wnd_support_level;
int wnd_num_icon_caches;
int wnd_num_icon_cache_entries;
/* codecs */
int rfx_codec_id;
int rfx_prop_len;
char rfx_prop[64];
int ns_codec_id;
int ns_prop_len;
char ns_prop[64];
int jpeg_codec_id;
int jpeg_prop_len;
char jpeg_prop[64];
int v3_codec_id;
int rfx_min_pixel;
char orders[32];
int order_flags_ex;
int use_bulk_comp;
int pointer_flags; /* 0 color, 1 new, 2 no new */
int use_fast_path;
int require_credentials; /* when true, credentials *must* be passed on cmd line */
char client_addr[256];
char client_port[256];
int nego_sec_layer; /* 0, 1, 2 = RDP security layer, TLS , Negotiate */
int multimon; /* 0 = deny , 1 = allow */
int monitorCount; /* number of monitors detected (max = 16) */
struct monitor_info minfo[16]; /* client monitor data */
int keyboard_type;
int keyboard_subtype;
int png_codec_id;
int png_prop_len;
char png_prop[64];
int vendor_flags[4];
int mcs_connection_type;
int mcs_early_capability_flags;