You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

410 lines
10 KiB

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
xrdp: A Remote Desktop Protocol server.
Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2004-2005
#include "xrdp.h"
#ifdef XRDP_LIB
struct xrdp_mod g_mod;
struct xrdp_process* g_rdp_process;
struct stream* g_s;
int (* g_callback)(int, int, int);
int mod_event(struct xrdp_mod* v, int msg, int param1, int param2)
if (g_callback != 0)
return g_callback(msg, param1, param2);
return 0;
int server_init(void)
g_memset(&g_mod, 0, sizeof(struct xrdp_mod));
g_rdp_process = 0;
init_stream(g_s, 8192);
g_mod.handle = (long)(&g_mod);
g_mod.mod_event = mod_event;
return 0;
int server_exit(void)
return 0;
int server_connect(int sck, int* width, int* height, int* bpp)
g_rdp_process = xrdp_process_create(0);
g_rdp_process->sck = sck;
if (xrdp_rdp_incoming(g_rdp_process->rdp_layer) != 0)
return 1;
if (width != 0)
*width = g_rdp_process->rdp_layer->client_info.width;
if (height != 0)
*height = g_rdp_process->rdp_layer->client_info.height;
if (bpp != 0)
*bpp = g_rdp_process->rdp_layer->client_info.bpp;
return 0;
int server_loop(int sck)
if (g_rdp_process == 0)
return 1;
if (g_rdp_process->term)
return 1;
if (g_rdp_process->wm != 0)
if (g_rdp_process->wm->mod == 0)
g_rdp_process->wm->mod = &g_mod;
if (g_mod.wm == 0)
g_mod.wm = (long)(g_rdp_process->wm);
init_stream(g_s, 8192);
if (xrdp_process_loop(g_rdp_process, g_s) != 0)
return 1;
return 0;
int server_set_callback(int (* callback)(int, int, int))
g_callback = callback;
return 0;
int server_begin_update(void)
struct xrdp_wm* wm;
struct xrdp_painter* p;
wm = (struct xrdp_wm*)g_mod.wm;
p = xrdp_painter_create(wm);
g_mod.painter = (long)p;
return 0;
int server_end_update(void)
struct xrdp_painter* p;
p = (struct xrdp_painter*)g_mod.painter;
g_mod.painter = 0;
return 0;
int server_fill_rect(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int color)
struct xrdp_wm* wm;
struct xrdp_painter* p;
wm = (struct xrdp_wm*)g_mod.wm;
p = (struct xrdp_painter*)g_mod.painter;
p->fg_color = color;
xrdp_painter_fill_rect(p, wm->screen, x, y, cx, cy);
return 0;
int server_screen_blt(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int srcx, int srcy)
struct xrdp_wm* wm;
wm = (struct xrdp_wm*)g_mod.wm;
xrdp_orders_screen_blt(wm->orders, x, y, cx, cy, srcx, srcy, 0xcc, 0);
return 0;
int server_paint_rect(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, char* data)
struct xrdp_wm* wm;
struct xrdp_bitmap* b;
wm = (struct xrdp_wm*)g_mod.wm;
b = xrdp_bitmap_create_with_data(cx, cy, wm->screen->bpp, data, wm);
xrdp_painter_draw_bitmap((struct xrdp_painter*)g_mod.painter,
wm->screen, b, x, y, cx, cy);
return 0;
int server_set_pointer(int x, int y, char* data, char* mask)
struct xrdp_wm* wm;
wm = (struct xrdp_wm*)g_mod.wm;
xrdp_wm_pointer(wm, data, mask, x, y);
return 0;
int server_palette(int* palette)
struct xrdp_wm* wm;
wm = (struct xrdp_wm*)g_mod.wm;
if (g_memcmp(wm->palette, palette, 255 * sizeof(int)) != 0)
g_memcpy(wm->palette, palette, 256 * sizeof(int));
return 0;
/* this is the log windows nofity function */
int xrdp_wm_log_wnd_notify(struct xrdp_bitmap* wnd,
struct xrdp_bitmap* sender,
int msg, int param1, int param2)
struct xrdp_painter* painter;
struct xrdp_wm* wm;
struct xrdp_rect rect;
int index;
char* text;
if (wnd == 0)
return 0;
if (sender == 0)
return 0;
if (wnd->owner == 0)
return 0;
wm = wnd->wm;
if (msg == 1) /* click */
if (sender->id == 1) /* ok button */
/* close the log window */
MAKERECT(rect, wnd->left, wnd->top, wnd->width, wnd->height);
xrdp_bitmap_invalidate(wm->screen, &rect);
if (wm->mod_handle == 0)
wm->pro_layer->term = 1; /* kill session */
else if (msg == WM_PAINT) /* 3 */
painter = (struct xrdp_painter*)param1;
if (painter != 0)
painter->font->color = wnd->wm->black;
for (index = 0; index < wnd->wm->log->count; index++)
text = (char*)xrdp_list_get_item(wnd->wm->log, index);
xrdp_painter_draw_text(painter, wnd, 10, 30 + index * 15, text);
return 0;
int server_begin_update(struct xrdp_mod* mod)
struct xrdp_wm* wm;
struct xrdp_painter* p;
wm = (struct xrdp_wm*)mod->wm;
p = xrdp_painter_create(wm);
mod->painter = (long)p;
return 0;
int server_end_update(struct xrdp_mod* mod)
struct xrdp_painter* p;
p = (struct xrdp_painter*)mod->painter;
mod->painter = 0;
return 0;
int server_fill_rect(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
int color)
struct xrdp_wm* wm;
struct xrdp_painter* p;
wm = (struct xrdp_wm*)mod->wm;
p = (struct xrdp_painter*)mod->painter;
p->fg_color = color;
xrdp_painter_fill_rect(p, wm->screen, x, y, cx, cy);
return 0;
int server_screen_blt(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
int srcx, int srcy)
struct xrdp_wm* wm;
wm = (struct xrdp_wm*)mod->wm;
xrdp_orders_screen_blt(wm->orders, x, y, cx, cy, srcx, srcy, 0xcc, 0);
return 0;
int server_paint_rect(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
char* data)
struct xrdp_wm* wm;
struct xrdp_bitmap* b;
wm = (struct xrdp_wm*)mod->wm;
b = xrdp_bitmap_create_with_data(cx, cy, wm->screen->bpp, data, wm);
xrdp_painter_draw_bitmap((struct xrdp_painter*)mod->painter,
wm->screen, b, x, y, cx, cy);
return 0;
int server_set_pointer(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int x, int y,
char* data, char* mask)
struct xrdp_wm* wm;
wm = (struct xrdp_wm*)mod->wm;
xrdp_wm_pointer(wm, data, mask, x, y);
return 0;
int server_palette(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int* palette)
struct xrdp_wm* wm;
wm = (struct xrdp_wm*)mod->wm;
if (g_memcmp(wm->palette, palette, 255 * sizeof(int)) != 0)
g_memcpy(wm->palette, palette, 256 * sizeof(int));
return 0;
int server_msg(struct xrdp_mod* mod, char* msg)
struct xrdp_wm* wm;
struct xrdp_bitmap* but;
wm = (struct xrdp_wm*)mod->wm;
xrdp_list_add_item(wm->log, (long)g_strdup(msg));
if (wm->log_wnd == 0)
/* log window */
wm->log_wnd = xrdp_bitmap_create(400, 400, wm->screen->bpp,
xrdp_list_add_item(wm->screen->child_list, (long)wm->log_wnd);
wm->log_wnd->parent = wm->screen;
wm->log_wnd->owner = wm->screen;
wm->log_wnd->bg_color = wm->grey;
wm->log_wnd->left = 10;
wm->log_wnd->top = 10;
set_string(&wm->log_wnd->caption1, "Connection Log");
/* ok button */
but = xrdp_bitmap_create(60, 25, wm->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_BUTTON, wm);
xrdp_list_insert_item(wm->log_wnd->child_list, 0, (long)but);
but->parent = wm->log_wnd;
but->owner = wm->log_wnd;
but->left = (400 - 60) - 10;
but->top = (400 - 25) - 10;
but->id = 1;
but->tab_stop = 1;
set_string(&but->caption1, "OK");
wm->log_wnd->focused_control = but;
/* set notify function */
wm->log_wnd->notify = xrdp_wm_log_wnd_notify;
xrdp_bitmap_invalidate(wm->log_wnd, 0);
return 0;
int server_is_term(struct xrdp_mod* mod)
return g_is_term();
#endif /* XRDP_LIB */