You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1082 lines
37 KiB

* xrdp: A Remote Desktop Protocol server.
* Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2004-2014
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* main login window and login help window
#include "xrdp.h"
#define ACCESS
#include "log.h"
/* all login help screen events go here */
static int DEFAULT_CC
xrdp_wm_login_help_notify(struct xrdp_bitmap *wnd,
struct xrdp_bitmap *sender,
int msg, long param1, long param2)
struct xrdp_painter *p;
if (wnd == 0)
return 0;
if (sender == 0)
return 0;
if (wnd->owner == 0)
return 0;
if (msg == 1) /* click */
if (sender->id == 1) /* ok button */
if (sender->owner->notify != 0)
wnd->owner->notify(wnd->owner, wnd, 100, 1, 0); /* ok */
else if (msg == WM_PAINT) /* 3 */
p = (struct xrdp_painter *)param1;
if (p != 0)
p->fg_color = wnd->wm->black;
xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 30, "You must be authenticated \
before using this");
xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 46, "session.");
xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 78, "Enter a valid username in \
the username edit box.");
xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 94, "Enter the password in \
the password edit box.");
xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 110, "Both the username and \
password are case");
xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 126, "sensitive.");
xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 158, "Contact your system \
administrator if you are");
xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 174, "having problems \
logging on.");
return 0;
#if 0
static int DEFAULT_CC
xrdp_wm_popup_notify(struct xrdp_bitmap *wnd,
struct xrdp_bitmap *sender,
int msg, int param1, int param2)
return 0;
int APP_CC
xrdp_wm_delete_all_children(struct xrdp_wm *self)
int index;
struct xrdp_bitmap *b;
struct xrdp_rect rect;
for (index = self->screen->child_list->count - 1; index >= 0; index--)
b = (struct xrdp_bitmap *)list_get_item(self->screen->child_list, index);
MAKERECT(rect, b->left, b->top, b->width, b->height);
xrdp_bitmap_invalidate(self->screen, &rect);
return 0;
static int APP_CC
set_mod_data_item(struct xrdp_mod_data *mod, char *name, char *value)
int index;
for (index = 0; index < mod->names->count; index++)
if (g_strncmp(name, (char *)list_get_item(mod->names, index), 255) == 0)
list_remove_item(mod->values, index);
list_insert_item(mod->values, index, (long)g_strdup(value));
return 0;
static int APP_CC
xrdp_wm_help_clicked(struct xrdp_bitmap *wnd)
struct xrdp_bitmap *help;
struct xrdp_bitmap *but;
/* create help screen */
help = xrdp_bitmap_create(DEFAULT_WND_HELP_W, DEFAULT_WND_HELP_H, wnd->wm->screen->bpp,
WND_TYPE_WND, wnd->wm);
list_insert_item(wnd->wm->screen->child_list, 0, (long)help);
help->parent = wnd->wm->screen;
help->owner = wnd;
wnd->modal_dialog = help;
help->bg_color = wnd->wm->grey;
help->left = wnd->wm->screen->width / 2 - help->width / 2;
help->top = wnd->wm->screen->height / 2 - help->height / 2;
help->notify = xrdp_wm_login_help_notify;
set_string(&help->caption1, "Login help");
/* ok button */
but = xrdp_bitmap_create(DEFAULT_BUTTON_W, DEFAULT_BUTTON_H, wnd->wm->screen->bpp,
WND_TYPE_BUTTON, wnd->wm);
list_insert_item(help->child_list, 0, (long)but);
but->parent = help;
but->owner = help;
but->left = ((DEFAULT_WND_HELP_W / 2) - (DEFAULT_BUTTON_W / 2)); /* center */
but->id = 1;
but->tab_stop = 1;
set_string(&but->caption1, "OK");
/* draw it */
help->focused_control = but;
help->default_button = but;
help->esc_button = but;
xrdp_bitmap_invalidate(help, 0);
xrdp_wm_set_focused(wnd->wm, help);
return 0;
static int APP_CC
xrdp_wm_cancel_clicked(struct xrdp_bitmap *wnd)
if (wnd != 0)
if (wnd->wm != 0)
if (wnd->wm->pro_layer != 0)
return 0;
static int APP_CC
xrdp_wm_ok_clicked(struct xrdp_bitmap *wnd)
struct xrdp_bitmap *combo;
struct xrdp_bitmap *label;
struct xrdp_bitmap *edit;
struct xrdp_wm *wm;
struct xrdp_mod_data *mod_data;
int i;
wm = wnd->wm;
combo = xrdp_bitmap_get_child_by_id(wnd, 6);
if (combo != 0)
mod_data = (struct xrdp_mod_data *)
list_get_item(combo->data_list, combo->item_index);
if (mod_data != 0)
/* get the user typed values */
i = 100;
label = xrdp_bitmap_get_child_by_id(wnd, i);
edit = xrdp_bitmap_get_child_by_id(wnd, i + 1);
while (label != 0 && edit != 0)
set_mod_data_item(mod_data, label->caption1, edit->caption1);
i += 2;
label = xrdp_bitmap_get_child_by_id(wnd, i);
edit = xrdp_bitmap_get_child_by_id(wnd, i + 1);
wm->mm->login_names = list_create();
wm->mm->login_names->auto_free = 1;
wm->mm->login_values = list_create();
wm->mm->login_values->auto_free = 1;
/* will copy these cause dialog gets freed */
list_append_list_strdup(mod_data->names, wm->mm->login_names, 0);
list_append_list_strdup(mod_data->values, wm->mm->login_values, 0);
xrdp_wm_set_login_mode(wm, 2);
log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Combo is 0 - potential programming error");
return 0;
* This is an internal function in this file used to parse the domain
* information sent from the client. If the information starts
* with '_' the domain field contains the IP/DNS to connect to.
* If the domain field contains an additional '__' the char that
* follows this '__' is an index number of a preferred combo choice.
* Valid values for this choice is 0-9. But this function will only return
* index numbers between 0 and the max number of combo items -1.
* Example: _192.168.1.2__1 result in a resultbuffer containing
* and the return value will be 1. Meaning that
* index 1 is the preferred combo choice.
* Users can create shortcuts where this information is configured. These
* shortcuts simplifies login.
* @param originalDomainInfo indata to this function
* @param comboMax the max number of combo choices
* @param decode if true then we perform decoding of combo choice
* @param resultBuffer must be pre allocated before calling this function.
* Holds the IP. The size of this buffer must be 256 bytes
* @return the index number of the combobox that the user prefer.
* 0 if the user does not prefer any choice.
static int APP_CC
xrdp_wm_parse_domain_information(char *originalDomainInfo, int comboMax,
int decode, char *resultBuffer)
int ret;
int pos;
int comboxindex;
char index[2];
char debugstr[256];
/* If the first char in the domain name is '_' we use the domain
name as IP*/
ret = 0; /* default return value */
/* resultBuffer assumed to be 256 chars */
g_memset(resultBuffer, 0, 256);
if (originalDomainInfo[0] == '_')
/* we try to locate a number indicating what combobox index the user
* prefer the information is loaded from domain field, from the client
* log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "domain contains _");
* We must use valid chars in the domain name.
* Underscore is a valid name in the domain.
* Invalid chars are ignored in microsoft client therefore we use '_'
* again. this sec '__' contains the split for index.*/
pos = g_pos(&originalDomainInfo[1], "__");
if (pos > 0)
/* an index is found we try to use it
log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "domain contains index char __");*/
if (decode)
g_memset(index, 0, 2);
/* we just accept values 0-9 (one figure) */
g_strncpy(index, &originalDomainInfo[pos + 3], 1);
comboxindex = g_htoi(index);
g_snprintf(debugstr, 255, "Value of index (as char): %s "
"(converted) : %d (max) : %d", index, comboxindex,
comboMax - 1);
debugstr[255] = 0;
log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, debugstr);
/* limit to max number of items in combo box */
if ((comboxindex > 0) && (comboxindex < comboMax))
log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "domain contains a valid "
"index number");
ret = comboxindex; /* preferred index for combo box. */
/* pos limit the String to only contain the IP */
g_strncpy(resultBuffer, &originalDomainInfo[1], pos);
/* log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "domain does not contain _"); */
g_strncpy(resultBuffer, &originalDomainInfo[1], 255);
return ret;
static int APP_CC
xrdp_wm_show_edits(struct xrdp_wm *self, struct xrdp_bitmap *combo)
int count;
int index;
int insert_index;
int username_set;
char *name;
char *value;
struct xrdp_mod_data *mod;
struct xrdp_bitmap *b;
struct xrdp_cfg_globals *globals;
char resultIP[256];
globals = &self->xrdp_config->cfg_globals;
username_set = 0;
/* free labels and edits, cause we will create them */
/* creation or combo changed */
for (index = 100; index < 200; index++)
b = xrdp_bitmap_get_child_by_id(combo->parent, index);
insert_index = list_index_of(self->login_window->child_list,
(long)combo); /* find combo in the list */
mod = (struct xrdp_mod_data *)
list_get_item(combo->data_list, combo->item_index);
if (mod != 0)
count = 0;
for (index = 0; index < mod->names->count; index++)
value = (char *)list_get_item(mod->values, index);
if (g_strncmp("ask", value, 3) == 0)
/* label */
b = xrdp_bitmap_create(95, DEFAULT_EDIT_H, self->screen->bpp,
list_insert_item(self->login_window->child_list, insert_index,
b->parent = self->login_window;
b->owner = self->login_window;
b->left = globals->ls_label_x_pos;
b->top = globals->ls_input_y_pos + DEFAULT_COMBO_H + 5 + (DEFAULT_EDIT_H + 5) * count;
b->id = 100 + 2 * count;
name = (char *)list_get_item(mod->names, index);
set_string(&b->caption1, name);
/* edit */
b = xrdp_bitmap_create(DEFAULT_EDIT_W, DEFAULT_EDIT_H, self->screen->bpp,
list_insert_item(self->login_window->child_list, insert_index,
b->parent = self->login_window;
b->owner = self->login_window;
b->left = globals->ls_input_x_pos;
b->top = globals->ls_input_y_pos + DEFAULT_COMBO_H + 5 + (DEFAULT_EDIT_H + 5) * count;
b->id = 100 + 2 * count + 1;
b->pointer = 1;
b->tab_stop = 1;
b->caption1 = (char *)g_malloc(256, 1);
g_strncpy(b->caption1, value + 3, 255);
b->edit_pos = g_mbstowcs(0, b->caption1, 0);
if (self->login_window->focused_control == 0)
self->login_window->focused_control = b;
/* Use the domain name as the destination IP/DNS
This is useful in a gateway setup. */
if (g_strncmp(name, "ip", 255) == 0)
/* If the first char in the domain name is '_' we use the
domain name as IP */
if (self->session->client_info->domain[0] == '_')
combo->data_list->count, 0, resultIP);
g_strncpy(b->caption1, resultIP, 255);
b->edit_pos = g_mbstowcs(0, b->caption1, 0);
if (g_strncmp(name, "username", 255) == 0 &&
g_strncpy(b->caption1, self->session->client_info->username, 255);
b->edit_pos = g_mbstowcs(0, b->caption1, 0);
if (b->edit_pos > 0)
username_set = 1;
#ifdef ACCESS
if ((g_strncmp(name, "password", 255) == 0) || (g_strncmp(name, "pampassword", 255) == 0))
if (g_strncmp(name, "password", 255) == 0)
b->password_char = '*';
if (username_set)
if (b->parent != 0)
b->parent->focused_control = b;
return 0;
/* all login screen events go here */
static int DEFAULT_CC
xrdp_wm_login_notify(struct xrdp_bitmap *wnd,
struct xrdp_bitmap *sender,
int msg, long param1, long param2)
struct xrdp_bitmap *b;
struct xrdp_rect rect;
int i;
if (wnd->modal_dialog != 0 && msg != 100)
return 0;
if (msg == 1) /* click */
if (sender->id == 1) /* help button */
else if (sender->id == 2) /* cancel button */
else if (sender->id == 3) /* ok button */
else if (msg == 2) /* mouse move */
else if (msg == 100) /* modal result is done */
i = list_index_of(wnd->wm->screen->child_list, (long)sender);
if (i >= 0)
b = (struct xrdp_bitmap *)
list_get_item(wnd->wm->screen->child_list, i);
list_remove_item(sender->wm->screen->child_list, i);
MAKERECT(rect, b->left, b->top, b->width, b->height);
xrdp_bitmap_invalidate(wnd->wm->screen, &rect);
wnd->modal_dialog = 0;
xrdp_wm_set_focused(wnd->wm, wnd);
else if (msg == CB_ITEMCHANGE) /* combo box change */
xrdp_wm_show_edits(wnd->wm, sender);
xrdp_bitmap_invalidate(wnd, 0); /* invalidate the whole dialog for now */
return 0;
static int APP_CC
xrdp_wm_login_fill_in_combo(struct xrdp_wm *self, struct xrdp_bitmap *b)
struct list *sections;
struct list *section_names;
struct list *section_values;
int fd;
int i;
int j;
char *p;
char *q;
char *r;
char name[256];
char cfg_file[256];
struct xrdp_mod_data *mod_data;
sections = list_create();
sections->auto_free = 1;
section_names = list_create();
section_names->auto_free = 1;
section_values = list_create();
section_values->auto_free = 1;
g_snprintf(cfg_file, 255, "%s/xrdp.ini", XRDP_CFG_PATH);
fd = g_file_open(cfg_file); /* xrdp.ini */
if (fd < 0)
log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not read xrdp ini file %s", cfg_file);
return 1;
file_read_sections(fd, sections);
for (i = 0; i < sections->count; i++)
p = (char *)list_get_item(sections, i);
file_read_section(fd, p, section_names, section_values);
if ((g_strncmp(p, "globals", 255) == 0)
|| (g_strncmp(p, "channels", 255) == 0)
|| (g_strncmp(p, "Logging", 255) == 0))
g_strncpy(name, p, 255);
mod_data = (struct xrdp_mod_data *)
g_malloc(sizeof(struct xrdp_mod_data), 1);
mod_data->names = list_create();
mod_data->names->auto_free = 1;
mod_data->values = list_create();
mod_data->values->auto_free = 1;
for (j = 0; j < section_names->count; j++)
q = (char *)list_get_item(section_names, j);
r = (char *)list_get_item(section_values, j);
if (g_strncmp("name", q, 255) == 0)
g_strncpy(name, r, 255);
list_add_item(mod_data->names, (long)g_strdup(q));
list_add_item(mod_data->values, (long)g_strdup(r));
list_add_item(b->string_list, (long)g_strdup(name));
list_add_item(b->data_list, (long)mod_data);
return 0;
int APP_CC
xrdp_login_wnd_create(struct xrdp_wm *self)
struct xrdp_bitmap *but;
struct xrdp_bitmap *combo;
struct xrdp_cfg_globals *globals;
char buf[256];
char buf1[256];
char resultIP[256];
int log_width;
int log_height;
int regular;
globals = &self->xrdp_config->cfg_globals;
log_width = globals->ls_width;
log_height = globals->ls_height;
regular = 1;
if (self->screen->width < log_width)
if (self->screen->width < 240)
log_width = self->screen->width - 4;
log_width = 240;
regular = 0;
/* draw login window */
self->login_window = xrdp_bitmap_create(log_width, log_height, self->screen->bpp,
WND_TYPE_WND, self);
list_add_item(self->screen->child_list, (long)self->login_window);
self->login_window->parent = self->screen;
self->login_window->owner = self->screen;
self->login_window->bg_color = globals->ls_bg_color;
self->login_window->left = self->screen->width / 2 -
self->login_window->width / 2;
self->login_window->top = self->screen->height / 2 -
self->login_window->height / 2;
self->login_window->notify = xrdp_wm_login_notify;
/* if window title not specified, use hostname as default */
if (globals->ls_title[0] == 0)
g_gethostname(buf1, 256);
g_sprintf(buf, "Login to %s", buf1);
set_string(&self->login_window->caption1, buf);
/*self->login_window->caption1 = globals->ls_title[0];*/
g_sprintf(buf, "%s", globals->ls_title);
set_string(&self->login_window->caption1, buf);
if (regular)
/* Load the background image. */
/* If no file is specified no default image will be loaded. */
/* We only load the image if bpp > 8 */
if (globals->ls_background_image[0] != 0 && self->screen->bpp > 8)
char fileName[256] ;
but = xrdp_bitmap_create(4, 4, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_IMAGE, self);
g_snprintf(fileName, 255, "%s/%s", XRDP_SHARE_PATH, globals->ls_background_image);
log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "We try to load the following background file: %s", fileName);
xrdp_bitmap_load(but, fileName, self->palette);
but->parent = self->screen;
but->owner = self->screen;
but->left = self->screen->width - but->width;
but->top = self->screen->height - but->height;
list_add_item(self->screen->child_list, (long)but);
/* if logo image not specified, use default */
if (globals->ls_logo_filename[0] == 0)
g_snprintf(globals->ls_logo_filename, 255, "%s/xrdp_logo.bmp", XRDP_SHARE_PATH);
/* logo image */
but = xrdp_bitmap_create(4, 4, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_IMAGE, self);
if (self->screen->bpp <= 8)
g_snprintf(globals->ls_logo_filename, 255, "%s/ad256.bmp", XRDP_SHARE_PATH);
xrdp_bitmap_load(but, globals->ls_logo_filename, self->palette);
but->parent = self->login_window;
but->owner = self->login_window;
but->left = globals->ls_logo_x_pos;
but->top = globals->ls_logo_y_pos;
list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)but);
/* label */
but = xrdp_bitmap_create(globals->ls_label_width, DEFAULT_EDIT_H, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_LABEL, self);
list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)but);
but->parent = self->login_window;
but->owner = self->login_window;
but->left = globals->ls_label_x_pos;
but->top = globals->ls_input_y_pos;
set_string(&but->caption1, "Session");
/* combo */
combo = xrdp_bitmap_create(globals->ls_input_width, DEFAULT_COMBO_H,
self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_COMBO, self);
list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)combo);
combo->parent = self->login_window;
combo->owner = self->login_window;
combo->left = globals->ls_input_x_pos;
combo->top = globals->ls_input_y_pos;
combo->id = 6;
combo->tab_stop = 1;
xrdp_wm_login_fill_in_combo(self, combo);
/* OK button */
but = xrdp_bitmap_create(globals->ls_btn_ok_width, globals->ls_btn_ok_height,
self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_BUTTON, self);
list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)but);
but->parent = self->login_window;
but->owner = self->login_window;
but->left = globals->ls_btn_ok_x_pos;
but->top = globals->ls_btn_ok_y_pos;
but->id = 3;
set_string(&but->caption1, "OK");
but->tab_stop = 1;
self->login_window->default_button = but;
/* Cancel button */
but = xrdp_bitmap_create(globals->ls_btn_cancel_width,
globals->ls_btn_cancel_height, self->screen->bpp,
list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)but);
but->parent = self->login_window;
but->owner = self->login_window;
but->left = globals->ls_btn_cancel_x_pos;
but->top = globals->ls_btn_cancel_y_pos;
but->id = 2;
set_string(&but->caption1, "Cancel");
but->tab_stop = 1;
self->login_window->esc_button = but;
/* labels and edits.
* parameter: 1 = decode domain field index information from client.
* We only perform this the first time for each connection.
combo->item_index = xrdp_wm_parse_domain_information(
combo->data_list->count, 1,
resultIP /* just a dummy place holder, we ignore */ );
xrdp_wm_show_edits(self, combo);
return 0;
* Load configuration from xrdp.ini file
* @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
int APP_CC
load_xrdp_config(struct xrdp_config *config, int bpp)
struct xrdp_cfg_globals *globals;
struct list *names;
struct list *values;
char *n;
char *v;
char buf[256];
int fd;
int i;
if (!config)
return -1;
globals = &config->cfg_globals;
/* set default values in case we can't get them from xrdp.ini file */
globals->ini_version = 1;
globals->ls_top_window_bg_color = HCOLOR(bpp, xrdp_wm_htoi("009cb5"));
globals->ls_bg_color = HCOLOR(bpp, xrdp_wm_htoi("dedede"));
globals->ls_width = 350;
globals->ls_height = 350;
globals->ls_logo_x_pos = 63;
globals->ls_logo_y_pos = 50;
globals->ls_label_x_pos = 30;
globals->ls_label_width = 60;
globals->ls_input_x_pos = 110;
globals->ls_input_width = 210;
globals->ls_input_y_pos = 150;
globals->ls_btn_ok_x_pos = 150;
globals->ls_btn_ok_y_pos = 300;
globals->ls_btn_ok_width = 85;
globals->ls_btn_ok_height =30;
globals->ls_btn_cancel_x_pos = 245;
globals->ls_btn_cancel_y_pos = 300;
globals->ls_btn_cancel_width = 85;
globals->ls_btn_cancel_height = 30;
/* open xrdp.ini file */
g_snprintf(buf, 255, "%s/xrdp.ini", XRDP_CFG_PATH);
if ((fd = g_file_open(buf)) < 0)
log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"load_config: Could not read "
"xrdp.ini file %s", buf);
return -1;
names = list_create();
values = list_create();
names->auto_free = 1;
values->auto_free = 1;
if (file_read_section(fd, "globals", names, values) != 0)
log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"load_config: Could not read globals "
"section from xrdp.ini file %s", buf);
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < names->count; i++)
n = (char *) list_get_item(names, i);
v = (char *) list_get_item(values, i);
* parse globals section
if (g_strncmp(n, "ini_version", 64) == 0)
globals->ini_version = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "bitmap_cache", 64) == 0)
globals->use_bitmap_cache = g_text2bool(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "bitmap_compression", 64) == 0)
globals->use_bitmap_compression = g_text2bool(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "port", 64) == 0)
globals->port = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "crypt_level", 64) == 0)
if (g_strcmp(v, "low") == 0)
globals->crypt_level = 1;
else if (g_strcmp(v, "medium") == 0)
globals->crypt_level = 2;
globals->crypt_level = 3;
else if (g_strncmp(n, "allow_channels", 64) == 0)
globals->allow_channels = g_text2bool(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "max_bpp", 64) == 0)
globals->max_bpp = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "fork", 64) == 0)
globals->fork = g_text2bool(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "tcp_nodelay", 64) == 0)
globals->tcp_nodelay = g_text2bool(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "tcp_keepalive", 64) == 0)
globals->tcp_keepalive = g_text2bool(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "tcp_send_buffer_bytes", 64) == 0)
globals->tcp_send_buffer_bytes = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "tcp_recv_buffer_bytes", 64) == 0)
globals->tcp_recv_buffer_bytes = g_atoi(v);
/* colors */
else if (g_strncmp(n, "grey", 64) == 0)
globals->grey = xrdp_wm_htoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "black", 64) == 0)
globals->black = xrdp_wm_htoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "dark_grey", 64) == 0)
globals->dark_grey = xrdp_wm_htoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "blue", 64) == 0)
globals->blue = xrdp_wm_htoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "dark_blue", 64) == 0)
globals->dark_blue = xrdp_wm_htoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "white", 64) == 0)
globals->white = xrdp_wm_htoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "red", 64) == 0)
globals->red = xrdp_wm_htoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "green", 64) == 0)
globals->green = xrdp_wm_htoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "background", 64) == 0)
globals->background = xrdp_wm_htoi(v);
/* misc stuff */
else if (g_strncmp(n, "autorun", 255) == 0)
g_strncpy(globals->autorun, v, 255);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "hidelogwindow", 64) == 0)
globals->hidelogwindow = g_text2bool(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "require_credentials", 64) == 0)
globals->require_credentials = g_text2bool(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "bulk_compression", 64) == 0)
globals->bulk_compression = g_text2bool(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "new_cursors", 64) == 0)
globals->new_cursors = g_text2bool(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "nego_sec_layer", 64) == 0)
globals->nego_sec_layer = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "allow_multimon", 64) == 0)
globals->allow_multimon = g_text2bool(v);
/* login screen values */
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_top_window_bg_color", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_top_window_bg_color = HCOLOR(bpp, xrdp_wm_htoi(v));
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_width", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_width = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_height", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_height = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_bg_color", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_bg_color = HCOLOR(bpp, xrdp_wm_htoi(v));
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_title", 255) == 0)
g_strncpy(globals->ls_title, v, 255);
globals->ls_title[255] = 0;
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_logo_filename", 255) == 0)
g_strncpy(globals->ls_logo_filename, v, 255);
globals->ls_logo_filename[255] = 0;
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_background_image", 255) == 0)
g_strncpy(globals->ls_background_image, v, 255);
globals->ls_background_image[255] = 0;
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_logo_x_pos", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_logo_x_pos = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_logo_y_pos", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_logo_y_pos = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_label_x_pos", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_label_x_pos = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_label_width", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_label_width = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_input_x_pos", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_input_x_pos = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_input_width", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_input_width = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_input_y_pos", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_input_y_pos = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_btn_ok_x_pos", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_btn_ok_x_pos = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_btn_ok_y_pos", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_btn_ok_y_pos = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_btn_ok_width", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_btn_ok_width = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_btn_ok_height", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_btn_ok_height = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_btn_cancel_x_pos", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_btn_cancel_x_pos = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_btn_cancel_y_pos", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_btn_cancel_y_pos = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_btn_cancel_width", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_btn_cancel_width = g_atoi(v);
else if (g_strncmp(n, "ls_btn_cancel_height", 64) == 0)
globals->ls_btn_cancel_height = g_atoi(v);
#if 0
g_writeln("ini_version: %d", globals->ini_version);
g_writeln("use_bitmap_cache: %d", globals->use_bitmap_cache);
g_writeln("use_bitmap_compression: %d", globals->use_bitmap_compression);
g_writeln("port: %d", globals->port);
g_writeln("crypt_level: %d", globals->crypt_level);
g_writeln("allow_channels: %d", globals->allow_channels);
g_writeln("max_bpp: %d", globals->max_bpp);
g_writeln("fork: %d", globals->fork);
g_writeln("tcp_nodelay: %d", globals->tcp_nodelay);
g_writeln("tcp_keepalive: %d", globals->tcp_keepalive);
g_writeln("tcp_send_buffer_bytes: %d", globals->tcp_send_buffer_bytes);
g_writeln("tcp_recv_buffer_bytes: %d", globals->tcp_recv_buffer_bytes);
g_writeln("new_cursors: %d", globals->new_cursors);
g_writeln("allow_multimon: %d", globals->allow_multimon);
g_writeln("grey: %d", globals->grey);
g_writeln("black: %d", globals->black);
g_writeln("dark_grey: %d", globals->dark_grey);
g_writeln("blue: %d", globals->blue);
g_writeln("dark_blue: %d", globals->dark_blue);
g_writeln("white: %d", globals->white);
g_writeln("red: %d", globals->red);
g_writeln("green: %d", globals->green);
g_writeln("background: %d", globals->background);
g_writeln("autorun: %s", globals->autorun);
g_writeln("hidelogwindow: %d", globals->hidelogwindow);
g_writeln("require_credentials: %d", globals->require_credentials);
g_writeln("bulk_compression: %d", globals->bulk_compression);
g_writeln("new_cursors: %d", globals->new_cursors);
g_writeln("nego_sec_layer: %d", globals->nego_sec_layer);
g_writeln("allow_multimon: %d", globals->allow_multimon);
g_writeln("ls_top_window_bg_color: %x", globals->ls_top_window_bg_color);
g_writeln("ls_width: %d", globals->ls_width);
g_writeln("ls_height: %d", globals->ls_height);
g_writeln("ls_bg_color: %x", globals->ls_bg_color);
g_writeln("ls_title: %s", globals->ls_title);
g_writeln("ls_logo_filename: %s", globals->ls_logo_filename);
g_writeln("ls_logo_x_pos: %d", globals->ls_logo_x_pos);
g_writeln("ls_logo_y_pos: %d", globals->ls_logo_y_pos);
g_writeln("ls_label_x_pos: %d", globals->ls_label_x_pos);
g_writeln("ls_label_width: %d", globals->ls_label_width);
g_writeln("ls_input_x_pos: %d", globals->ls_input_x_pos);
g_writeln("ls_input_width: %d", globals->ls_input_width);
g_writeln("ls_input_y_pos: %d", globals->ls_input_y_pos);
g_writeln("ls_btn_ok_x_pos: %d", globals->ls_btn_ok_x_pos);
g_writeln("ls_btn_ok_y_pos: %d", globals->ls_btn_ok_y_pos);
g_writeln("ls_btn_ok_width: %d", globals->ls_btn_ok_width);
g_writeln("ls_btn_ok_height: %d", globals->ls_btn_ok_height);
g_writeln("ls_btn_cancel_x_pos: %d", globals->ls_btn_cancel_x_pos);
g_writeln("ls_btn_cancel_y_pos: %d", globals->ls_btn_cancel_y_pos);
g_writeln("ls_btn_cancel_width: %d", globals->ls_btn_cancel_width);
g_writeln("ls_btn_cancel_height: %d", globals->ls_btn_cancel_height);
return 0;