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playerwidget.cpp - description
begin : Mit Nov 20 2002
copyright : (C) 2002 by Mark Kretschmann
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "actionclasses.h"
#include "amarok.h"
#include "amarokconfig.h"
#include "analyzerbase.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "enginecontroller.h"
#include "metabundle.h" //setScroll()
#include "playerwindow.h"
#include "sliderwidget.h"
#include "tracktooltip.h" //setScroll()
#include <tqaccel.h> //our quit shortcut in the ctor
#include <tqevent.h> //various events
#include <tqfont.h>
#include <tqhbox.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h> //analyzer tooltip
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kurldrag.h>
#include <twin.h> //eventFilter()
#include <kimageeffect.h>
//simple function for fetching amarok images
namespace Amarok
//TODO remove these, they suck, do a generic getImage
TQPixmap getPNG( const TQString &filename )
TQString file = !filename.endsWith( ".png", false ) ? "amarok/images/%1.png" : "amarok/images/%1";
TQPixmap pix;
TQImage img( locate( "data", file.arg( filename ) ), "PNG" );
if (TQPaintDevice::x11AppDepth() == 32) pix.convertFromImage(KImageEffect::convertToPremultipliedAlpha( img ));
else pix.convertFromImage( img );
return pix;
TQPixmap getJPG( const TQString &filename )
TQString file = !filename.endsWith( ".jpg", false ) ? "amarok/images/%1.jpg" : "amarok/images/%1";
TQPixmap pix;
TQImage img( locate( "data", TQString( "amarok/images/%1.jpg" ).arg( filename ) ), "JPEG" );
if (TQPaintDevice::x11AppDepth() == 32) pix.convertFromImage(KImageEffect::convertToPremultipliedAlpha( img ));
else pix.convertFromImage( img );
return pix;
using Amarok::getPNG;
//fairly pointless template which was designed to make the ctor clearer,
//but probably achieves the opposite. Still, the code is neater..
template<class W> static inline W*
createWidget( const TQRect &r, TQWidget *parent, const char *name = 0, TQt::WFlags f = 0 )
W *w = new W( parent, name, f );
w->setGeometry( r );
return w;
PlayerWidget::PlayerWidget( TQWidget *parent, const char *name, bool enablePlaylist )
: TQWidget( parent, name, TQt::WType_TopLevel )
, EngineObserver( EngineController::instance() )
, m_minimalView( false )
, m_pAnimTimer( new TQTimer( this ) )
, m_scrollBuffer( 291, 16 )
, m_plusPixmap( getPNG( "time_plus" ) )
, m_minusPixmap( getPNG( "time_minus" ) )
, m_pAnalyzer( 0 )
//the createWidget template function is used here
//createWidget just creates a widget which has it's geometry set too
// Sets caption and icon correctly (needed e.g. for GNOME)
kapp->setTopWidget( this );
parent->installEventFilter( this ); //for hidePLaylistWithMainWindow mode
//if this is the first time we have ever been run we let KWin place us
if ( AmarokConfig::playerPos() != TQPoint(-1,-1) )
move( AmarokConfig::playerPos() );
setFixedSize( 311, 140 );
setCaption( "Amarok" );
setAcceptDrops( true );
//another quit shortcut because the other window has all the accels
TQAccel *accel = new TQAccel( this );
accel->insertItem( CTRL + Key_Q );
connect( accel, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), kapp, TQT_SLOT( quit() ) );
TQFont font;
font.setBold( true );
font.setPixelSize( 10 );
setFont( font );
{ //<NavButtons>
//NOTE we use a layout for the buttons so resizing will be possible
m_pFrameButtons = createWidget<TQHBox>( TQRect(0, 118, 311, 22), this );
TDEActionCollection *ac =Amarok::actionCollection();
//FIXME change the names of the icons to reflect kde names so we can fall back to them if necessary
new NavButton( m_pFrameButtons, "prev", ac->action( "prev" ) );
m_pButtonPlay = new NavButton( m_pFrameButtons, "play", ac->action( "play" ) );
m_pButtonPause = new NavButton( m_pFrameButtons, "pause", ac->action( "pause" ) );
new NavButton( m_pFrameButtons, "stop", ac->action( "stop" ) );
new NavButton( m_pFrameButtons, "next", ac->action( "next" ) );
KPushButton *switchView = new KPushButton( KGuiItem( "", "mini_dock" ), m_pFrameButtons );
switchView->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Maximum, TQSizePolicy::Preferred ); // too big!
switchView->setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::NoFocus );
connect( switchView, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), TQT_SLOT( toggleView() ) );
m_pButtonPlay->setToggleButton( true );
m_pButtonPause->setToggleButton( true );
} //</NavButtons>
{ //<Sliders>
m_pSlider = new Amarok::PrettySlider( TQt::Horizontal,
Amarok::PrettySlider::Pretty, this );
m_pVolSlider = new Amarok::PrettySlider( TQt::Vertical,
Amarok::PrettySlider::Pretty, this,
Amarok::VOLUME_MAX );
m_pSlider->setGeometry( 4,103, 303, 12 );
m_pVolSlider->setGeometry( 294,18, 12,79 );
m_pVolSlider->setValue( AmarokConfig::masterVolume() );
EngineController* const ec = EngineController::instance();
connect( m_pSlider, TQT_SIGNAL(sliderReleased( int )), ec, TQT_SLOT(seek( int )) );
connect( m_pSlider, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged( int )), TQT_SLOT(timeDisplay( int )) );
connect( m_pVolSlider, TQT_SIGNAL(sliderMoved( int )), ec, TQT_SLOT(setVolume( int )) );
connect( m_pVolSlider, TQT_SIGNAL(sliderReleased( int )), ec, TQT_SLOT(setVolume( int )) );
} //<Sliders>
{ //<Scroller>
font.setPixelSize( 11 );
const int fontHeight = TQFontMetrics( font ).height(); //the real height is more like 13px
m_pScrollFrame = createWidget<TQFrame>( TQRect(6,18, 285,fontHeight), this );
m_pScrollFrame->setFont( font );
{ //</Scroller>
} //<TimeLabel>
font.setPixelSize( 18 );
m_pTimeLabel = createWidget<TQLabel>( TQRect(16,36, 9*12+2,18), this, 0, TQt::WNoAutoErase );
m_pTimeLabel->setFont( font );
m_timeBuffer.resize( m_pTimeLabel->size() );
m_timeBuffer.fill( backgroundColor() );
} //<TimeLabel>
m_pButtonEq = new IconButton( this, "eq", this, TQT_SLOT(slotShowEqualizer( bool )) );
m_pButtonEq->setGeometry( 34,85, 28,13 );
//TODO set isOn()
m_pPlaylistButton = new IconButton( this, "pl", TQT_SIGNAL(playlistToggled( bool )) );
m_pPlaylistButton->setGeometry( 5,85, 28,13 );
m_pPlaylistButton->setOn( parent->isShown() || enablePlaylist );
m_pDescription = createWidget<TQLabel>( TQRect(4,6, 250,10), this );
m_pTimeSign = createWidget<TQLabel>( TQRect(6,40, 10,10), this, 0, TQt::WRepaintNoErase );
m_pVolSign = createWidget<TQLabel>( TQRect(295,7, 9,8), this );
m_pDescription->setText( i18n( "Artist-Title|Album|Length" ) );
m_pVolSign ->setPixmap( getPNG( "vol_speaker" ) );
//do before we set the widget's state
//set interface to correct state
engineStateChanged( EngineController::engine()->state() );
createAnalyzer( 0 );
//so we get circulation events to x11Event()
//XSelectInput( x11Display(), winId(), StructureNotifyMask );
//Yagami mode!
//KWin::setState( winId(), NET::KeepBelow | NET::SkipTaskbar | NET::SkipPager );
//KWin::setType( winId(), NET::Override );
//KWin::setOnAllDesktops( winId(), true );
connect( m_pAnimTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), TQT_SLOT( drawScroll() ) );
TrackToolTip::instance()->addToWidget( m_pScrollFrame );
AmarokConfig::setPlayerPos( pos() );
AmarokConfig::setPlaylistWindowEnabled( m_pPlaylistButton->isOn() );
TrackToolTip::instance()->removeFromWidget( m_pScrollFrame );
// METHODS ----------------------------------------------------------------
void PlayerWidget::setScroll( const TQStringList &list )
TQString text;
TQStringList list2( list );
TQStringList::Iterator end( list2.end() );
for( TQStringList::Iterator it = list2.begin(); it != end; )
if( !(*it).isEmpty() )
text.append( *it );
else it = list2.remove( it );
//FIXME empty TQString would crash due to NULL Pixmaps
if( text.isEmpty() ) text = i18n( "Please report this message to, thanks!" );
TQFont font( m_pScrollFrame->font() );
TQFontMetrics fm( font );
const uint separatorWidth = 21;
const uint baseline = font.pixelSize(); //the font actually extends below its pixelHeight
const uint separatorYPos = baseline - fm.boundingRect( "x" ).height() + 1;
m_scrollTextPixmap.resize( fm.width( text ) + list2.count() * separatorWidth, m_pScrollFrame->height() );
m_scrollTextPixmap.fill( backgroundColor() );
TQPainter p( &m_scrollTextPixmap );
p.setPen( foregroundColor() );
p.setFont( font );
uint x = 0;
for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = list2.constBegin();
it != list2.constEnd();
++it )
p.drawText( x, baseline, *it );
x += fm.width( *it );
p.fillRect( x + 8, separatorYPos, 4, 4, Amarok::ColorScheme::Foreground );
x += separatorWidth;
void PlayerWidget::drawScroll()
static uint phase = 0;
TQPixmap* const buffer = &m_scrollBuffer;
TQPixmap* const scroll = &m_scrollTextPixmap;
const uint topMargin = 0; //moved margins into widget placement
const uint leftMargin = 0; //as this makes it easier to fiddle
const uint w = m_scrollTextPixmap.width();
const uint h = m_scrollTextPixmap.height();
phase += SCROLL_RATE;
if( phase >= w ) phase = 0;
int subs = 0;
int dx = leftMargin;
uint phase2 = phase;
while( dx < m_pScrollFrame->width() )
subs = -m_pScrollFrame->width() + topMargin;
subs += dx + ( w - phase2 );
if( subs < 0 ) subs = 0;
bitBlt( buffer, dx, topMargin, scroll, phase2, 0, w - phase2 - subs, h, TQt::CopyROP );
dx += w - phase2;
phase2 += w - phase2;
if( phase2 >= w ) phase2 = 0;
bitBlt( m_pScrollFrame, 0, 0, buffer );
void PlayerWidget::engineStateChanged( Engine::State state, Engine::State /*oldState*/ )
switch( state )
case Engine::Empty:
m_pButtonPlay->setOn( false );
m_pButtonPause->setOn( false );
m_pSlider->setValue( 0 );
m_pSlider->setMinValue( 0 );
m_pSlider->setMaxValue( 0 );
m_pSlider->newBundle( MetaBundle() ); // Set an empty bundle for no moodbar
m_rateString = TQString();
m_pSlider->setEnabled( false );
setScroll( i18n( "Welcome to Amarok" ) );
case Engine::Playing:
if( !m_minimalView )
m_pButtonPlay->setOn( true );
m_pButtonPause->setOn( false );
case Engine::Paused:
m_pButtonPause->setOn( true );
case Engine::Idle: //don't really want to do anything when idle
void PlayerWidget::engineVolumeChanged( int percent )
m_pVolSlider->setValue( percent );
void PlayerWidget::engineNewMetaData( const MetaBundle &bundle, bool )
m_currentURL == bundle.url().path();
m_pSlider->setMinValue( 0 ); // Important. minValue could have been changed by bogus maxValues
m_pSlider->setMaxValue( bundle.length() * 1000 );
m_pSlider->setEnabled( bundle.length() > 0 );
m_pSlider->newBundle( bundle );
m_rateString = bundle.prettyBitrate();
TQString Hz = bundle.prettySampleRate( true );
if( !Hz.isEmpty() )
if( m_rateString.isEmpty() )
m_rateString = Hz;
m_rateString = i18n("%1 kBit - %2").arg( m_rateString, Hz );
TQStringList list( bundle.prettyTitle() );
list << bundle.album();
if( bundle.length() ) list << bundle.prettyLength();
setScroll( list );
update(); //we need to update rateString
void PlayerWidget::engineTrackPositionChanged( long position, bool /*userSeek*/ )
m_pSlider->setValue( position );
if( !m_pSlider->isEnabled() ) timeDisplay( position );
void PlayerWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged( long length )
m_pSlider->setMaxValue( length * 1000 );
void PlayerWidget::timeDisplay( int ms )
int seconds = ms / 1000;
const int songLength = EngineController::instance()->bundle().length();
const bool showRemaining = AmarokConfig::leftTimeDisplayRemaining() && songLength > 0;
if( showRemaining ) seconds = songLength - seconds;
m_timeBuffer.fill( backgroundColor() );
TQPainter p( &m_timeBuffer );
p.setPen( foregroundColor() );
p.setFont( m_pTimeLabel->font() );
p.drawText( 0, 16, MetaBundle::prettyTime( seconds ) ); //FIXME remove padding, instead move()!
bitBlt( m_pTimeLabel, 0, 0, &m_timeBuffer );
m_pTimeSign->setPixmap( showRemaining ? m_minusPixmap : m_plusPixmap );
static inline TQColor comodulate( int hue, TQColor target )
///this function is only used by determineAmarokColors()
int ignore, s, v;
target.getHsv( &ignore, &s, &v );
return TQColor( hue, s, v, TQColor::Hsv );
void PlayerWidget::determineAmarokColors() //static
int hue, s, v;
? AmarokConfig::playlistWindowBgColor()
: TDEGlobalSettings::highlightColor()
).getHsv( &hue, &s, &v );
using namespace Amarok::ColorScheme;
Text = TQt::white;
Background = comodulate( hue, 0x002090 );
Foreground = comodulate( hue, 0x80A0FF );
//ensure the base colour does not conflict with the window decoration colour
//however generally it is nice to leave the other colours with the highlight hue
//because the scheme is then "complimentary"
//TODO schemes that have totally different active/inactive decoration colours need to be catered for too!
if ( AmarokConfig::schemeKDE() ) {
int h;
TDEGlobalSettings::activeTitleColor().getHsv( &h, &s, &v );
if( TQABS( hue - h ) > 120 )
hue = h;
Base = comodulate( hue, Amarok::blue );
void PlayerWidget::setModifiedPalette()
TQPalette p = TQApplication::palette();
TQColorGroup cg =;
cg.setColor( TQColorGroup::Background, Amarok::ColorScheme::Base );
cg.setColor( TQColorGroup::Foreground, Amarok::ColorScheme::Text );
setPalette( TQPalette(cg, p.disabled(), cg) );
void PlayerWidget::applySettings()
//NOTE DON'T use unsetFont(), we use custom font sizes (for now)
TQFont phont = font();
phont.setFamily( AmarokConfig::useCustomFonts()
? AmarokConfig::playerWidgetFont().family()
: TQApplication::font().family() );
setFont( phont );
//update the scroller
switch( EngineController::engine()->state() ) {
case Engine::Empty:
m_scrollTextPixmap.fill( Amarok::ColorScheme::Base );
engineNewMetaData( EngineController::instance()->bundle(), false );
void PlayerWidget::setMinimalView( bool enable )
m_pAnalyzer->setHidden( enable );
m_pTimeLabel->setHidden( enable );
m_pTimeSign->setHidden( enable );
m_pDescription->setHidden( enable );
m_pButtonEq->setHidden( enable );
m_pPlaylistButton->setHidden( enable );
m_pVolSlider->setHidden( enable );
if( enable )
uint space = 2;
m_pScrollFrame->setGeometry ( 6,space, m_pScrollFrame->width(), m_pScrollFrame->height() );
m_pSlider->setGeometry ( 4,space + m_pScrollFrame->height(), 303, 12 );
m_pFrameButtons->setGeometry( 0,space + m_pScrollFrame->height() + m_pSlider->height(), 311,22 );
uint height = m_pFrameButtons->height() + m_pScrollFrame->height() + m_pSlider->height() + space;
setFixedSize( 311, height );
AmarokConfig::setPlayerWindowMinimalView( true );
m_pScrollFrame->setGeometry( 6,18, m_pScrollFrame->width(),m_pScrollFrame->height() );
m_pSlider->setGeometry( 4,103, 303,12 );
m_pFrameButtons->setGeometry(0,118, 311,22);
setFixedSize( 311, 140 );
AmarokConfig::setPlayerWindowMinimalView( false );
m_minimalView = enable;
// EVENTS -----------------------------------------------------------------
static bool dontChangeButtonState = false; //FIXME I hate this hack
bool PlayerWidget::event( TQEvent *e )
switch( e->type() )
case TQEvent::Wheel:
case TQEvent::DragEnter:
case TQEvent::Drop:
case TQEvent::Close:
Amarok::genericEventHandler( this, e );
return true; //we handled it
case TQEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange:
if( AmarokConfig::schemeKDE() )
return true;
case 6/*TQEvent::KeyPress*/:
if (static_cast<TQKeyEvent*>(e)->key() == TQt::Key_D/* && (m_pAnalyzer->inherits("TQGLWidget")*/)
if( m_pAnalyzer->parent() )
m_pAnalyzer->reparent( 0, TQPoint(50,50), true );
m_pAnalyzer->setCaption( kapp->makeStdCaption( i18n("Analyzer") ) );
m_pAnalyzer->installEventFilter( this );
m_pAnalyzer->setPaletteBackgroundColor( paletteBackgroundColor() );
TQToolTip::remove( m_pAnalyzer );
createAnalyzer( 0 );
return true; //eat event
return false; //don't eat event
case TQEvent::Show:
m_pAnimTimer->start( ANIM_TIMER );
if( m_pPlaylistButton->isOn() )
//IMPORTANT! If the PlaylistButton is on then we MUST be shown
//we leave the PlaylistButton "on" to signify that we should restore it here
//we leave it on when we do a hidePlaylistWithPlayerWindow type action
//IMPORTANT - I beg of you! Please leave all this alone, it was hell to
//create! If you have an issue with the behaviour bring it up on the mailing
//list before you even think about committing. Thanks! (includes case Hide)
const WId id = parentWidget()->winId();
const uint desktop = KWin::windowInfo( winId() ).desktop();
const KWin::WindowInfo info = KWin::windowInfo( id );
//check the Playlist Window is on the correct desktop
if( !info.isOnDesktop( desktop ) ) KWin::setOnDesktop( id, desktop );
if( info.mappingState() == NET::Withdrawn )
//extern Atom tqt_wm_state; //XAtom defined by TQt
//TODO prevent the active Window flicker from playlist to player window please!
//TODO look at code for TQWidget::show();
//XDeleteProperty( tqt_xdisplay(), id, tqt_wm_state );
//if( !parentWidget()->isShown() ) XMapWindow( tqt_xdisplay(), id );
// unsigned long data[2];
// data[0] = (unsigned long) NormalState;
// data[1] = (unsigned long) None;
// XChangeProperty( tqt_xdisplay(), id, tqt_wm_state, tqt_wm_state, 32,
// PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)data, 2);
// KWin::clearState( id, NET::Hidden );
// XMapWindow( tqt_xdisplay(), id );
//KWin::deIconifyWindow( id, false );
if( info.isMinimized() )
//then the user will expect us to deiconify the Playlist Window
//the PlaylistButton would be off otherwise (honest!)
KWin::deIconifyWindow( id, false );
return false;
case TQEvent::Hide:
//this prevents the PlaylistButton being set to off (see the eventFilter)
//by leaving it on we ensure that we show the Playlist Window again when
//we are next shown (see Show event handler above)
if( parentWidget()->isShown() ) dontChangeButtonState = true;
if( e->spontaneous() ) //the window system caused the event
//if we have been iconified, iconify the Playlist Window too
//if we have been shaded, hide the PlaylistWindow
//if the user is on another desktop to Amarok, do nothing
const KWin::WindowInfo info = KWin::windowInfo( winId() );
if( info.isMinimized() ) KWin::iconifyWindow( parentWidget()->winId(), false );
//this may seem strange, but it is correct
//we have a handler in eventFilter for all other eventualities
dontChangeButtonState = false;
//we caused Amarok to hide, so we should hide the Playlist Window
//NOTE we "override" closeEvents and thus they count as non-spontaneous
//hideEvents; which frankly is a huge relief!
return false;
return TQWidget::event( e );
// bool
// PlayerWidget::x11Event( XEvent *e )
// {
// if( e->type == ConfigureNotify )
// {
// kdDebug() << "CirculateNotify\n";
// XRaiseWindow( x11Display(), playlistWindow()->winId() );
// }
// return false;
// }
PlayerWidget::eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e )
//NOTE we only monitor for parent() - which is the PlaylistWindow
if( o == m_pAnalyzer )
//delete analyzer, create same one back in Player Window
if( e->type() == TQEvent::Close )
createAnalyzer( 0 );
return true;
return false;
switch( e->type() )
case TQEvent::Close:
static_cast<TQCloseEvent*>(e)->accept(); //close the window!
return true; //don't let PlaylistWindow have the event - see PlaylistWindow::closeEvent()
case TQEvent::Hide:
if( dontChangeButtonState )
//we keep the PlaylistButton set to "on" - see event() for more details
//NOTE the Playlist Window will still be hidden
dontChangeButtonState = false;
if( e->spontaneous() )
//we want to avoid setting the button for most spontaneous events
//since they are not user driven, two are however:
KWin::WindowInfo info = KWin::windowInfo( parentWidget()->winId() );
if( !info.isMinimized() ) break;
case TQEvent::Show:
if( isShown() )
//only when shown means thaman:mkreiserfst using the global Show/Hide Playlist shortcut
//when in the tray doesn't effect the state of the PlaylistButton
//this is a good thing, but we have to set the state correctly when we are shown
m_pPlaylistButton->blockSignals( true );
m_pPlaylistButton->setOn( e->type() == TQEvent::Show );
m_pPlaylistButton->blockSignals( false );
return false;
void PlayerWidget::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent* )
//uses widget's font and foregroundColor() - see ctor
TQPainter p( this );
if( !m_minimalView )
p.drawText( 6, 68, m_rateString );
bitBlt( m_pScrollFrame, 0, 0, &m_scrollBuffer );
bitBlt( m_pTimeLabel, 0, 0, &m_timeBuffer );
void PlayerWidget::contextMenuEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
Amarok::Menu::instance()->exec( e->globalPos() );
void PlayerWidget::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
if ( e->button() == TQt::RightButton )
//Amarok::Menu::instance()->exec( e->globalPos() );
else if ( m_pAnalyzer->geometry().contains( e->pos() ) )
createAnalyzer( e->state() & TQt::ControlButton ? -1 : +1 );
rect = m_pTimeLabel->geometry();
rect |= m_pTimeSign->geometry();
if ( rect.contains( e->pos() ) )
AmarokConfig::setLeftTimeDisplayRemaining( !AmarokConfig::leftTimeDisplayRemaining() );
timeDisplay( EngineController::engine()->position() );
else m_startDragPos = e->pos();
void PlayerWidget::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
if( e->state() & TQt::LeftButton )
const int distance = (e->pos() - m_startDragPos).manhattanLength();
if( distance > TQApplication::startDragDistance() ) startDrag();
// SLOTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void PlayerWidget::createAnalyzer( int increment )
AmarokConfig::setCurrentAnalyzer( AmarokConfig::currentAnalyzer() + increment );
delete m_pAnalyzer;
m_pAnalyzer = Analyzer::Factory::createAnalyzer( this );
m_pAnalyzer->setGeometry( 120,40, 168,56 );
TQToolTip::add( m_pAnalyzer, i18n( "Click for more analyzers, press 'd' to detach." ) );
void PlayerWidget::startDrag()
TQDragObject *d = new TQTextDrag( EngineController::instance()->bundle().prettyTitle(), this );
// TQt will delete d for us.
void PlayerWidget::slotShowEqualizer( bool show ) //SLOT
if( show )
if ( !EngineController::hasEngineProperty( "HasEqualizer" ) )
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "Equalizer is not available with this engine." ) );
TQTimer::singleShot( 0, kapp, TQT_SLOT( slotConfigEqualizer() ) );
// CLASS NavButton
#include <kiconeffect.h>
#include <kimageeffect.h>
NavButton::NavButton( TQWidget *parent, const TQString &icon, TDEAction *action )
: TQToolButton( parent )
, m_glowIndex( 0 )
// Prevent flicker
setWFlags( TQt::WNoAutoErase );
TQPixmap pixmap( getPNG( "b_" + icon ) );
TDEIconEffect ie;
// Tint icon blueish for "off" state
m_pixmapOff = ie.apply( pixmap, TDEIconEffect::Colorize, 0.5, TQColor( 0x30, 0x10, 0xff ), false );
// Tint gray and make pseudo-transparent for "disabled" state
m_pixmapDisabled = ie.apply( pixmap, TDEIconEffect::ToGray, 0.7, TQColor(), true );
int r = 0x20, g = 0x10, b = 0xff;
float percentRed = 0.0;
TQPixmap temp;
// Precalculate pixmaps for "on" icon state
for ( int i = 0; i < NUMPIXMAPS; i++ ) {
TQImage img = pixmap.convertToImage();
temp = KImageEffect::channelIntensity( img, percentRed, KImageEffect::Red );
temp = ie.apply( temp, TDEIconEffect::Colorize, 1.0, TQColor( r, 0x10, 0x30 ), false );
temp = ie.apply( temp, TDEIconEffect::Colorize, 1.0, TQColor( r, g, b ), false );
// Create new pixmap on the heap and add pointer to list
m_glowPixmaps.append( temp );
percentRed = percentRed + 1.0 / NUMPIXMAPS;
r += 14;
g += 2;
b -= 0;
// And the the same reversed
for ( int i = NUMPIXMAPS - 1; i > 0; i-- )
TQPixmap temp = m_glowPixmaps[i];
// This is just for initialization
TQIconSet iconSet;
iconSet.setPixmap( pixmap, TQIconSet::Automatic, TQIconSet::Normal, TQIconSet::Off );
iconSet.setPixmap( pixmap, TQIconSet::Automatic, TQIconSet::Normal, TQIconSet::On );
iconSet.setPixmap( pixmap, TQIconSet::Automatic, TQIconSet::Disabled, TQIconSet::Off );
setIconSet( iconSet );
setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::NoFocus );
setEnabled( action->isEnabled() );
connect( action, TQT_SIGNAL( enabled( bool ) ), TQT_SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), action, TQT_SLOT( activate() ) );
startTimer( GLOW_INTERVAL );
void NavButton::timerEvent( TQTimerEvent* )
if ( isOn() ) {
m_glowIndex %= NUMPIXMAPS * 2 - 1;
// Repaint widget with new pixmap
void NavButton::drawButtonLabel( TQPainter* p )
int x = width() / 2 - m_pixmapOff.width() / 2;
int y = height() / 2 - m_pixmapOff.height() / 2;
if ( !isEnabled() )
p->drawPixmap( x, y, m_pixmapDisabled );
else if ( isOn() )
p->drawPixmap( x + 2, y + 1, m_glowPixmaps[m_glowIndex] );
p->drawPixmap( x, y, m_pixmapOff );
// CLASS IconButton
IconButton::IconButton( TQWidget *parent, const TQString &icon, const char *signal )
: TQButton( parent )
, m_up( getPNG( icon + "_active2" ) ) //TODO rename files better (like the right way round for one!)
, m_down( getPNG( icon + "_inactive2" ) )
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled( bool )), parent, signal );
setToggleButton( true );
setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::NoFocus ); //we have no way to show focus on these widgets currently
IconButton::IconButton( TQWidget *parent, const TQString &icon, TQObject* receiver, const char *slot )
: TQButton( parent )
, m_up( getPNG( icon + "_active2" ) ) //TODO rename files better (like the right way round for one!)
, m_down( getPNG( icon + "_inactive2" ) )
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled( bool )), receiver, slot );
setToggleButton( true );
setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::NoFocus ); //we have no way to show focus on these widgets currently
void IconButton::drawButton( TQPainter *p )
p->drawPixmap( 0, 0, (isOn()||isDown()) ? m_down : m_up );
#include "playerwindow.moc"