Theme engine using TQt for GTK+ 2.x
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Andrei Stepanov d0d226cfec
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
vor 11 Stunden
doc/en/kcontrol/gtk Move documentation into kcontrol/gtk. vor 2 Jahren
kcm_gtk Replace Qt with TQt vor 3 Wochen
src Replace Qt with TQt vor 3 Wochen
translations Translated using Weblate (Russian) vor 11 Stunden
AUTHORS Added abandoned KDE3 version of the GTK Qt theme engine vor 14 Jahren
CMakeL10n.txt Use centralized cmake version vor 1 Monat
CMakeLists.txt Use centralized cmake version vor 1 Monat
COPYING Added abandoned KDE3 version of the GTK Qt theme engine vor 14 Jahren
ChangeLog Added abandoned KDE3 version of the GTK Qt theme engine vor 14 Jahren
ConfigureChecks.cmake Housekeeping of CMake rules. vor 2 Jahren
INSTALL Drop automake build support. vor 2 Jahren Drop automake build support. vor 2 Jahren
TODO Added abandoned KDE3 version of the GTK Qt theme engine vor 14 Jahren Added CMake uninstall file vor 14 Jahren
config.h.cmake Housekeeping of CMake rules. vor 2 Jahren

A theme engine using TQt for GTK+ 2.x and Trinity

The GTK-Qt Theme Engine (also known as gtk-qt-engine) is a GTK 2 theme engine that calls TQt to do the actual drawing. This makes your GTK 2 applications look almost like real TQt applications and gives you a more unified desktop experience.

To use the engine, open the "GTK Styles and Fonts" section in the TDE control center and select "Use my TDE style in GTK applications".



If you wish to contribute to gtk-qt-engine, you might do so:

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