You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

867 lines
39 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2003 Joonas Koivunen <>
* Copyright (C) 2003 Koos Vriezen <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#undef Always
#include <config.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qradiobutton.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qgroupbox.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <qtabwidget.h>
#include <qslider.h>
#include <qbuttongroup.h>
#include <qspinbox.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qfont.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kdeversion.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <kcolorbutton.h>
#include <kurlrequester.h>
#include <kfontdialog.h>
#include "pref.h"
#include "kmplayerpartbase.h"
#include "kmplayerprocess.h"
#include "kmplayerconfig.h"
using namespace KMPlayer;
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Preferences::Preferences(PartBase * player, Settings * settings)
: KDialogBase (IconList, i18n ("Preferences"),
Help|Default|Ok|Apply|Cancel, Ok, player->view (), 0, false)
QFrame *frame;
QTabWidget * tab;
QStringList hierarchy; // typo? :)
QVBoxLayout *vlay;
frame = addPage(i18n("General Options"), QString(), KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon (QString ("kmplayer"), KIcon::NoGroup, 32));
vlay = new QVBoxLayout(frame, marginHint(), spacingHint());
tab = new QTabWidget (frame);
vlay->addWidget (tab);
m_GeneralPageGeneral = new PrefGeneralPageGeneral (tab, settings);
tab->insertTab (m_GeneralPageGeneral, i18n("General"));
m_GeneralPageLooks = new PrefGeneralPageLooks (tab, settings);
tab->insertTab (m_GeneralPageLooks, i18n("Looks"));
m_GeneralPageOutput = new PrefGeneralPageOutput
(tab, settings->audiodrivers, settings->videodrivers);
tab->insertTab (m_GeneralPageOutput, i18n("Output"));
entries.insert (i18n("General Options"), tab);
frame = addPage (i18n ("Source"), QString(), KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon (QString ("source"), KIcon::NoGroup, 32));
vlay = new QVBoxLayout (frame, marginHint(), spacingHint());
tab = new QTabWidget (frame);
vlay->addWidget (tab);
m_SourcePageURL = new PrefSourcePageURL (tab);
tab->insertTab (m_SourcePageURL, i18n ("URL"));
entries.insert (i18n("Source"), tab);
frame = addPage (i18n ("Recording"), QString(), KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon (QString ("video"), KIcon::NoGroup, 32));
vlay = new QVBoxLayout (frame, marginHint(), spacingHint());
tab = new QTabWidget (frame);
vlay->addWidget (tab);
int recorders_count = 3;
m_MEncoderPage = new PrefMEncoderPage (tab, player);
tab->insertTab (m_MEncoderPage, i18n ("MEncoder"));
recorders = m_MEncoderPage;
m_FFMpegPage = new PrefFFMpegPage (tab, player);
tab->insertTab (m_FFMpegPage, i18n ("FFMpeg"));
m_MEncoderPage->next = m_FFMpegPage;
m_MPlayerDumpstreamPage = new PrefMPlayerDumpstreamPage (tab, player);
// tab->insertTab (m_MPlayerDumpstreamPage, i18n ("MPlayer -dumpstream"));
m_FFMpegPage->next = m_MPlayerDumpstreamPage;
#ifdef HAVE_XINE
recorders_count = 4;
m_XinePage = new PrefXinePage (tab, player);
// tab->insertTab (m_XinePage, i18n ("Xine"));
m_MPlayerDumpstreamPage->next = m_XinePage;
m_RecordPage = new PrefRecordPage (tab, player, recorders, recorders_count);
tab->insertTab (m_RecordPage, i18n ("General"), 0);
tab->setCurrentPage (0);
entries.insert (i18n("Recording"), tab);
frame = addPage (i18n ("Output Plugins"), QString(), KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon (QString ("image"), KIcon::NoGroup, 32));
vlay = new QVBoxLayout(frame, marginHint(), spacingHint());
tab = new QTabWidget (frame);
vlay->addWidget (tab);
m_OPPagePostproc = new PrefOPPagePostProc (tab);
tab->insertTab (m_OPPagePostproc, i18n ("Postprocessing"));
entries.insert (i18n("Postprocessing"), tab);
for (PreferencesPage * p = settings->pagelist; p; p = p->next)
addPrefPage (p);
connect (this, SIGNAL (defaultClicked ()), SLOT (confirmDefaults ()));
KDE_NO_EXPORT void Preferences::setPage (const char * name) {
QObject * o = child (name, "QFrame");
if (!o) return;
QFrame * page = static_cast <QFrame *> (o);
QWidget * w = page->parentWidget ();
while (w && !w->inherits ("QTabWidget"))
w = w->parentWidget ();
if (!w) return;
QTabWidget * t = static_cast <QTabWidget*> (w);
t->setCurrentPage (t->indexOf(page));
if (!t->parentWidget() || !t->parentWidget()->inherits ("QFrame"))
showPage (pageIndex (t->parentWidget ()));
KDE_NO_EXPORT void Preferences::addPrefPage (PreferencesPage * page) {
QString item, subitem, icon;
QFrame * frame;
QTabWidget * tab;
QVBoxLayout *vlay;
page->prefLocation (item, icon, subitem);
if (item.isEmpty ())
QMap<QString, QTabWidget *>::iterator en_it = entries.find (item);
if (en_it == entries.end ()) {
frame = addPage (item, QString(), KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon ((icon), KIcon::NoGroup, 32));
vlay = new QVBoxLayout (frame, marginHint(), spacingHint());
tab = new QTabWidget (frame);
vlay->addWidget (tab);
entries.insert (item, tab);
} else
tab = ();
frame = page->prefPage (tab);
tab->insertTab (frame, subitem);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void Preferences::removePrefPage(PreferencesPage * page) {
QString item, subitem, icon;
page->prefLocation (item, icon, subitem);
if (item.isEmpty ())
QMap<QString, QTabWidget *>::iterator en_it = entries.find (item);
if (en_it == entries.end ())
QTabWidget * tab = ();
for (int i = 0; i < tab->count (); i++)
if (tab->label (i) == subitem) {
QWidget * w = tab->page (i);
tab->removePage (w);
delete w;
if (!tab->count ()) {
QWidget * w = tab->parentWidget ();
while (w && !w->inherits ("QFrame"))
w = w->parentWidget ();
delete w;
entries.erase (en_it);
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Preferences::~Preferences() {
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefGeneralPageGeneral::PrefGeneralPageGeneral(QWidget *parent, Settings *)
: QFrame (parent, "GeneralPage")
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, 5, 2);
QGroupBox *windowbox = new QGroupBox(1, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Window"), this);
QWidget * wbox = new QWidget (windowbox);
QWidget * bbox = new QWidget (wbox);
QGridLayout * gridlayout = new QGridLayout (bbox, 2, 2);
keepSizeRatio = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Keep size ratio"), bbox, 0);
QWhatsThis::add(keepSizeRatio, i18n("When checked, movie will keep its aspect ratio\nwhen window is resized"));
dockSysTray = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Dock in system tray"), bbox, 0);
QWhatsThis::add (dockSysTray, i18n ("When checked, an icon of KMPlayer will be added to the system tray.\nWhen clicked it will hide KMPlayer's main window and removing KMPlayer's taskbar button."));
autoResize = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Auto resize to video sizes"), bbox);
QWhatsThis::add (autoResize, i18n("When checked, KMPlayer will resize to movie sizes\nwhen video starts"));
gridlayout->addWidget (keepSizeRatio, 0, 0);
gridlayout->addWidget (dockSysTray, 1, 0);
gridlayout->addWidget (autoResize, 0, 1);
sizesChoice = new QButtonGroup (2, Qt::Vertical, wbox);
new QRadioButton (i18n("Remember window size on exit"), sizesChoice);
new QRadioButton (i18n("Always start with fixed size"), sizesChoice);
QVBoxLayout * vbox = new QVBoxLayout (wbox, 2, 2);
vbox->addWidget (bbox);
vbox->addWidget (sizesChoice);
QGroupBox *playbox =new QGroupBox(4, Qt::Vertical,i18n("Playing"),this);
loop = new QCheckBox (i18n("Loop"), playbox);
QWhatsThis::add(loop, i18n("Makes current movie loop"));
framedrop = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Allow framedrops"), playbox);
QWhatsThis::add (framedrop, i18n ("Allow dropping frames for better audio and video synchronization"));
adjustvolume = new QCheckBox(i18n("Auto set volume on start"), playbox);
QWhatsThis::add (adjustvolume, i18n ("When a new source is selected, the volume will be set according the volume control"));
adjustcolors = new QCheckBox(i18n("Auto set colors on start"), playbox);
QWhatsThis::add (adjustcolors, i18n ("When a movie starts, the colors will be set according the sliders for colors"));
QGroupBox * gbox =new QGroupBox (1, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Control Panel"), this);
bbox =new QWidget (gbox);
//QGroupBox * bbox = gbox;
gridlayout = new QGridLayout (bbox, 3, 2);
showConfigButton = new QCheckBox(i18n("Show config button"), bbox);
QWhatsThis::add (showConfigButton, i18n ("Add a button that will popup a config menu"));
showPlaylistButton = new QCheckBox(i18n("Show playlist button"), bbox);
QWhatsThis::add (showPlaylistButton, i18n ("Add a playlist button to the control buttons"));
showRecordButton = new QCheckBox(i18n("Show record button"), bbox);
QWhatsThis::add (showRecordButton, i18n ("Add a record button to the control buttons"));
showBroadcastButton = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Show broadcast button"), bbox);
QWhatsThis::add (showBroadcastButton, i18n ("Add a broadcast button to the control buttons"));
gridlayout->addWidget (showConfigButton, 0, 0);
gridlayout->addWidget (showPlaylistButton, 0, 1);
gridlayout->addWidget (showRecordButton, 1, 0);
gridlayout->addWidget (showBroadcastButton, 1, 1);
//QWidget *seekingWidget = new QWidget (bbox);
QHBoxLayout *seekLayout = new QHBoxLayout (bbox);
seekLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Forward/backward seek time:"),bbox));
seekLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(0,0,QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum));
seekTime = new QSpinBox(1, 600, 1, bbox);
seekLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(0,0,QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum));
gridlayout->addMultiCellLayout (seekLayout, 2, 2, 0, 1);
layout->addWidget (windowbox);
layout->addWidget (playbox);
layout->addWidget (gbox);
layout->addItem (new QSpacerItem (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefGeneralPageLooks::PrefGeneralPageLooks (QWidget *parent, Settings * settings)
: QFrame (parent, "LooksPage"),
colors (settings->colors),
fonts (settings->fonts) {
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, 5, 2);
QGroupBox *colorbox= new QGroupBox(2, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Colors"), this);
colorscombo = new QComboBox (colorbox);
for (int i = 0; i < int (ColorSetting::last_target); i++)
colorscombo->insertItem (colors[i].title);
colorscombo->setCurrentItem (0);
connect (colorscombo, SIGNAL (activated (int)),
this, SLOT (colorItemChanged(int)));
colorbutton = new KColorButton (colorbox);
colorbutton->setColor (colors[0].color);
connect (colorbutton, SIGNAL (changed (const QColor &)),
this, SLOT (colorCanged (const QColor &)));
QGroupBox *fontbox = new QGroupBox (2,Qt::Horizontal, i18n ("Fonts"), this);
fontscombo = new QComboBox (fontbox);
for (int i = 0; i < int (FontSetting::last_target); i++)
fontscombo->insertItem (fonts[i].title);
fontscombo->setCurrentItem (0);
connect (fontscombo, SIGNAL (activated (int)),
this, SLOT (fontItemChanged(int)));
fontbutton = new QPushButton (i18n ("AaBbCc"), fontbox);
fontbutton->setFlat (true);
fontbutton->setFont (fonts[0].font);
connect (fontbutton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, SLOT (fontClicked ()));
layout->addWidget (colorbox);
layout->addWidget (fontbox);
layout->addItem (new QSpacerItem (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefGeneralPageLooks::colorItemChanged (int c) {
if (c < int (ColorSetting::last_target))
colorbutton->setColor (colors[c].newcolor);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefGeneralPageLooks::colorCanged (const QColor & c) {
if (colorscombo->currentItem () < int (ColorSetting::last_target))
colors[colorscombo->currentItem ()].newcolor = c;
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefGeneralPageLooks::fontItemChanged (int f) {
if (f < int (FontSetting::last_target))
fontbutton->setFont (fonts[f].newfont);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefGeneralPageLooks::fontClicked () {
if (fontscombo->currentItem () < int (FontSetting::last_target)) {
QFont myfont = fonts [fontscombo->currentItem ()].newfont;
int res = KFontDialog::getFont (myfont, false, this);
if (res == KFontDialog::Accepted) {
fonts [fontscombo->currentItem ()].newfont = myfont;
fontbutton->setFont (myfont);
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefSourcePageURL::PrefSourcePageURL (QWidget *parent)
: QFrame (parent, "URLPage")
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout (this, 5, 5);
QHBoxLayout * urllayout = new QHBoxLayout ();
QHBoxLayout * sub_urllayout = new QHBoxLayout ();
QLabel *urlLabel = new QLabel (i18n ("Location:"), this, 0);
urllist = new KComboBox (true, this);
urllist->setMaxCount (20);
urllist->setDuplicatesEnabled (false); // not that it helps much :(
url = new KURLRequester (urllist, this);
QWhatsThis::add (url, i18n ("Location of the playable item"));
//url->setShowLocalProtocol (true);
url->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred));
QLabel *sub_urlLabel = new QLabel (i18n ("Sub title:"), this, 0);
sub_urllist = new KComboBox (true, this);
sub_urllist->setMaxCount (20);
sub_urllist->setDuplicatesEnabled (false); // not that it helps much :(
sub_url = new KURLRequester (sub_urllist, this);
QWhatsThis::add (sub_url, i18n ("Optional location of a file containing the subtitles of the URL above"));
sub_url->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred));
backend = new QListBox (this);
allowhref = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Enable 'Click to Play' support"), this);
QWhatsThis::add (allowhref, i18n ("Support for WEB pages having a start image"));
layout->addWidget (allowhref);
urllayout->addWidget (urlLabel);
urllayout->addWidget (url);
layout->addLayout (urllayout);
sub_urllayout->addWidget (sub_urlLabel);
sub_urllayout->addWidget (sub_url);
layout->addLayout (sub_urllayout);
layout->addItem (new QSpacerItem (0, 10, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum));
QGridLayout * gridlayout = new QGridLayout (2, 2);
QLabel *backendLabel = new QLabel (i18n ("Use movie player:"), this, 0);
//QWhatsThis::add (allowhref, i18n ("Explain this in a few lines"));
gridlayout->addWidget (backendLabel, 0, 0);
gridlayout->addWidget (backend, 1, 0);
gridlayout->addMultiCell (new QSpacerItem (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum), 0, 1, 1, 1);
QGroupBox *cbox = new QGroupBox(1, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Network bandwidth"), this);
QWidget * wbox = new QWidget (cbox);
QGridLayout * bitratelayout = new QGridLayout (wbox, 2, 3, 5);
prefBitRate = new QLineEdit (wbox);
QWhatsThis::add (prefBitRate, i18n("Sometimes it is possible to choose between various streams given a particular bitrate.\nThis option sets how much bandwidth you would prefer to allocate to video."));
maxBitRate = new QLineEdit (wbox);
QWhatsThis::add (maxBitRate, i18n("Sometimes it is possible to choose between various streams given a particular bitrate.\nThis option sets the maximum bandwidth you have available for video."));
bitratelayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Preferred bitrate:"), wbox), 0, 0);
bitratelayout->addWidget (prefBitRate, 0, 1);
bitratelayout->addWidget (new QLabel (i18n ("kbit/s"), wbox), 0, 2);
bitratelayout->addWidget (new QLabel(i18n("Maximum bitrate:"), wbox), 1, 0);
bitratelayout->addWidget (maxBitRate, 1, 1);
bitratelayout->addWidget (new QLabel (i18n ("kbit/s"), wbox), 1, 2);
layout->addLayout (gridlayout);
layout->addWidget (cbox);
layout->addItem (new QSpacerItem (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
connect (urllist, SIGNAL(textChanged (const QString &)),
this, SLOT (slotTextChanged (const QString &)));
connect (sub_urllist, SIGNAL(textChanged (const QString &)),
this, SLOT (slotTextChanged (const QString &)));
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefSourcePageURL::slotBrowse () {
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefSourcePageURL::slotTextChanged (const QString &) {
changed = true;
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefRecordPage::PrefRecordPage (QWidget *parent, PartBase * player, RecorderPage * rl, int rec_len) : QFrame (parent, "RecordPage"), m_player (player), m_recorders (rl), m_recorders_length (rec_len) {
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout (this, 5, 5);
QHBoxLayout * urllayout = new QHBoxLayout ();
QLabel *urlLabel = new QLabel (i18n ("Output file:"), this);
url = new KURLRequester ("", this);
url->setShowLocalProtocol (true);
urllayout->addWidget (urlLabel);
urllayout->addWidget (url);
recordButton = new QPushButton (i18n ("Start &Recording"), this);
connect (recordButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, SLOT (slotRecord ()));
QHBoxLayout *buttonlayout = new QHBoxLayout;
buttonlayout->addItem (new QSpacerItem (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum));
buttonlayout->addWidget (recordButton);
source = new QLabel (i18n ("Current source: ") + m_player->source ()->prettyName (), this);
recorder = new QButtonGroup (m_recorders_length, Qt::Vertical, i18n ("Recorder"), this);
for (RecorderPage * p = m_recorders; p; p = p->next)
new QRadioButton (p->name (), recorder);
if (m_player->source ())
sourceChanged (0L, m_player->source ());
recorder->setButton(0); // for now
replay = new QButtonGroup (4, Qt::Vertical, i18n ("Auto Playback"), this);
new QRadioButton (i18n ("&No"), replay);
new QRadioButton (i18n ("&When recording finished"), replay);
new QRadioButton (i18n ("A&fter"), replay);
QWidget * customreplay = new QWidget (replay);
replaytime = new QLineEdit (customreplay);
QHBoxLayout *replaylayout = new QHBoxLayout (customreplay);
replaylayout->addWidget (new QLabel (i18n("Time (seconds):"), customreplay));
replaylayout->addWidget (replaytime);
replaylayout->addItem (new QSpacerItem (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum));
layout->addWidget (source);
layout->addItem (new QSpacerItem (5, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum));
layout->addLayout (urllayout);
layout->addItem (new QSpacerItem (5, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum));
layout->addWidget (recorder);
layout->addItem (new QSpacerItem (5, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum));
layout->addWidget (replay);
layout->addItem (new QSpacerItem (5, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum));
layout->addLayout (buttonlayout);
layout->addItem (new QSpacerItem (5, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
connect (m_player, SIGNAL (sourceChanged(KMPlayer::Source*,KMPlayer::Source*)), this, SLOT (sourceChanged(KMPlayer::Source*,KMPlayer::Source*)));
#ifdef HAVE_XINE
connect (recorder, SIGNAL (clicked(int)), this, SLOT(recorderClicked(int)));
connect (replay, SIGNAL (clicked (int)), this, SLOT (replayClicked (int)));
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefRecordPage::recordingStarted () {
recordButton->setText (i18n ("Stop Recording"));
url->setEnabled (false);
topLevelWidget ()->hide ();
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefRecordPage::recordingFinished () {
recordButton->setText (i18n ("Start Recording"));
url->setEnabled (true);
QTimer::singleShot (0, m_player, SLOT(recordingStopped())); // removed from PartBase::setSource because PartBase::recordingStopped calls openURL and that will call PartBase::setSource and Qt doesn't like disconnecting/connecting a signal that is current
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefRecordPage::sourceChanged (Source * olds, Source * nws) {
int id = 0;
int nr_recs = 0;
if (olds) {
disconnect(nws,SIGNAL(startRecording()),this, SLOT(recordingStarted()));
disconnect(nws,SIGNAL(stopRecording()),this, SLOT(recordingFinished()));
if (nws) {
for (RecorderPage * p = m_recorders; p; p = p->next, ++id) {
QButton * radio = recorder->find (id);
bool b = m_player->recorders () [p->recorderName ()]->supports (nws->name ());
radio->setEnabled (b);
if (b) nr_recs++;
source->setText (i18n ("Current Source: ") + nws->prettyName ());
connect (nws, SIGNAL(startRecording()), this, SLOT(recordingStarted()));
connect (nws, SIGNAL(stopRecording()), this, SLOT(recordingFinished()));
recordButton->setEnabled (nr_recs > 0);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefRecordPage::recorderClicked (int id) {
bool b = recorder->find(id)->text().find (QString::fromLatin1("Xine")) > -1;
replay->setEnabled (!b);
if (b)
replay->setButton (Settings::ReplayNo);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefRecordPage::replayClicked (int id) {
replaytime->setEnabled (id == Settings::ReplayAfter);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefRecordPage::slotRecord () {
connect (m_player->source (), SIGNAL (stopPlaying ()),
this, SLOT (playingStopped ()));
if (m_player->process () && m_player->process ()->playing ())
m_player->process ()->quit ();
playingStopped ();
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefRecordPage::playingStopped () {
disconnect (m_player->source (), SIGNAL (stopPlaying ()),
this, SLOT (playingStopped ()));
if (!url->lineEdit()->text().isEmpty()) {
m_player->settings ()->recordfile = url->lineEdit()->text();
m_player->settings ()->replaytime = replaytime->text ().toInt ();
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,1,90)
int id = recorder->selectedId ();
int replayid = replay->selectedId ();
int id = recorder->id (recorder->selected ());
int replayid = replay->id (replay->selectedId ());
m_player->settings ()->recorder = Settings::Recorder (id);
m_player->settings ()->replayoption = Settings::ReplayOption (replayid);
for (RecorderPage * p = m_recorders; p; p = p->next)
if (id-- == 0) {
p->record ();
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT RecorderPage::RecorderPage (QWidget *parent, PartBase * player)
: QFrame (parent), next (0L), m_player (player) {}
KDE_NO_EXPORT void RecorderPage::record () {
Process * proc = m_player->recorders () [recorderName ()];
m_player->setRecorder (recorderName ());
Recorder * rec = dynamic_cast <Recorder *> (proc);
if (!proc->playing ()) {
if (m_player->process ())
m_player->process ()->quit ();
rec->setURL (KURL (m_player->settings ()->recordfile));
proc->setSource (m_player->source ());
proc->ready (0L);
} else {
rec->setURL (KURL ());
proc->stop ();
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefMEncoderPage::PrefMEncoderPage (QWidget *parent, PartBase * player) : RecorderPage (parent, player) {
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout (this, 5, 5);
format = new QButtonGroup (3, Qt::Vertical, i18n ("Format"), this);
new QRadioButton (i18n ("Same as source"), format);
new QRadioButton (i18n ("Custom"), format);
QWidget * customopts = new QWidget (format);
QGridLayout *gridlayout = new QGridLayout (customopts, 1, 2, 2);
QLabel *argLabel = new QLabel (i18n("Mencoder arguments:"), customopts, 0);
arguments = new QLineEdit ("", customopts);
gridlayout->addWidget (argLabel, 0, 0);
gridlayout->addWidget (arguments, 0, 1);
layout->addWidget (format);
layout->addItem (new QSpacerItem (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
connect (format, SIGNAL (clicked (int)), this, SLOT (formatClicked (int)));
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefMEncoderPage::formatClicked (int id) {
arguments->setEnabled (!!id);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefMEncoderPage::record () {
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,1,90)
m_player->settings ()->recordcopy = !format->selectedId ();
m_player->settings ()->recordcopy = !format->id (format->selected ());
m_player->settings ()->mencoderarguments = arguments->text ();
RecorderPage::record ();
KDE_NO_EXPORT QString PrefMEncoderPage::name () {
return i18n ("&MEncoder");
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefMPlayerDumpstreamPage::PrefMPlayerDumpstreamPage (QWidget *parent, PartBase * player) : RecorderPage (parent, player) {
KDE_NO_EXPORT QString PrefMPlayerDumpstreamPage::name () {
return i18n ("MPlayer -&dumpstream");
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefFFMpegPage::PrefFFMpegPage (QWidget *parent, PartBase * player) : RecorderPage (parent, player) {
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout (this, 5, 5);
QGridLayout *gridlayout = new QGridLayout (1, 2, 2);
QLabel *argLabel = new QLabel (i18n("FFMpeg arguments:"), this);
arguments = new QLineEdit ("", this);
gridlayout->addWidget (argLabel, 0, 0);
gridlayout->addWidget (arguments, 0, 1);
layout->addLayout (gridlayout);
layout->addItem (new QSpacerItem (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
KDE_NO_EXPORT void PrefFFMpegPage::record () {
m_player->settings ()->ffmpegarguments = arguments->text ();
RecorderPage::record ();
KDE_NO_EXPORT QString PrefFFMpegPage::name () {
return i18n ("&FFMpeg");
#ifdef HAVE_XINE
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefXinePage::PrefXinePage (QWidget *parent, PartBase * player) : RecorderPage (parent, player) {
KDE_NO_EXPORT QString PrefXinePage::name () {
return i18n ("&Xine");
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefGeneralPageOutput::PrefGeneralPageOutput(QWidget *parent, OutputDriver * ad, OutputDriver * vd)
: QFrame (parent) {
QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout (this, 2, 2, 5);
videoDriver = new QListBox (this);
for (int i = 0; vd[i].driver; i++)
videoDriver->insertItem (vd[i].description, i);
QWhatsThis::add(videoDriver, i18n("Sets video driver. Recommended is XVideo, or, if it is not supported, X11, which is slower."));
layout->addWidget (new QLabel (i18n ("Video driver:"), this), 0, 0);
layout->addWidget (videoDriver, 1, 0);
audioDriver = new QListBox (this);
for (int i = 0; ad[i].driver; i++)
audioDriver->insertItem (ad[i].description, i);
layout->addWidget (new QLabel (i18n ("Audio driver:"), this), 0, 1);
layout->addWidget (audioDriver, 1, 1);
layout->addItem (new QSpacerItem (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefOPPageGeneral::PrefOPPageGeneral(QWidget *parent)
: QFrame(parent)
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout (this, 5);
layout->setAutoAdd (true);
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefOPPagePostProc::PrefOPPagePostProc(QWidget *parent) : QFrame(parent)
QVBoxLayout *tabLayout = new QVBoxLayout (this, 5);
postProcessing = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Enable use of postprocessing filters"), this);
postProcessing->setEnabled( true );
disablePPauto = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Disable use of postprocessing when watching TV/DVD"), this);
tabLayout->addWidget( postProcessing );
tabLayout->addWidget( disablePPauto );
tabLayout->addItem ( new QSpacerItem( 5, 5, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) );
PostprocessingOptions = new QTabWidget( this, "PostprocessingOptions" );
PostprocessingOptions->setEnabled (true);
PostprocessingOptions->setAutoMask (false);
PostprocessingOptions->setTabPosition( QTabWidget::Top );
PostprocessingOptions->setTabShape( QTabWidget::Rounded );
PostprocessingOptions->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, PostprocessingOptions->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
QWidget *presetSelectionWidget = new QWidget( PostprocessingOptions, "presetSelectionWidget" );
QGridLayout *presetSelectionWidgetLayout = new QGridLayout( presetSelectionWidget, 1, 1, 1);
QButtonGroup *presetSelection = new QButtonGroup(3, Qt::Vertical, presetSelectionWidget);
defaultPreset = new QRadioButton (i18n ("Default"), presetSelection);
defaultPreset->setChecked( true );
presetSelection->insert (defaultPreset);
customPreset = new QRadioButton (i18n ("Custom"), presetSelection);
presetSelection->insert (customPreset);
fastPreset = new QRadioButton (i18n ("Fast"), presetSelection);
presetSelection->insert (fastPreset);
presetSelection->setRadioButtonExclusive ( true);
presetSelectionWidgetLayout->addWidget( presetSelection, 0, 0 );
PostprocessingOptions->insertTab( presetSelectionWidget, "" );
// SECOND!!!
QWidget *customFiltersWidget = new QWidget( PostprocessingOptions, "customFiltersWidget" );
QVBoxLayout *customFiltersWidgetLayout = new QVBoxLayout( customFiltersWidget );
QGroupBox *customFilters = new QGroupBox(0, Qt::Vertical, customFiltersWidget, "customFilters" );
customFilters->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy((QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)2));
customFilters->setEnabled( false );
QLayout *customFiltersLayout = customFilters->layout();
QHBoxLayout *customFiltersLayout1 = new QHBoxLayout ( customFilters->layout() );
HzDeblockFilter = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Horizontal deblocking"), customFilters);
HzDeblockAQuality = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Auto quality"), customFilters);
HzDeblockAQuality->setEnabled (false);
HzDeblockCFiltering = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Chrominance filtering"), customFilters);
HzDeblockCFiltering->setEnabled (false);
customFiltersLayout1->addWidget( HzDeblockFilter );
customFiltersLayout1->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) );
customFiltersLayout1->addWidget( HzDeblockAQuality );
customFiltersLayout1->addWidget( HzDeblockCFiltering );
QFrame *line1 = new QFrame( customFilters, "line1" );
line1->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)2 ) );
line1->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
line1->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );
QHBoxLayout *customFiltersLayout2 = new QHBoxLayout ( customFilters->layout() );
VtDeblockFilter = new QCheckBox(i18n("Vertical deblocking"), customFilters);
VtDeblockAQuality = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Auto quality"), customFilters);
VtDeblockAQuality->setEnabled (false);
VtDeblockCFiltering = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Chrominance filtering"), customFilters);
VtDeblockCFiltering->setEnabled (false);
customFiltersLayout2->addWidget( VtDeblockFilter );
customFiltersLayout2->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) );
customFiltersLayout2->addWidget( VtDeblockAQuality );
customFiltersLayout2->addWidget( VtDeblockCFiltering );
QFrame *line2 = new QFrame( customFilters, "line2" );
line2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)2 ) );
line2->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
line2->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );
QHBoxLayout *customFiltersLayout3 = new QHBoxLayout ( customFilters->layout() );
DeringFilter = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Dering filter"), customFilters);
DeringAQuality = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Auto quality"), customFilters);
DeringAQuality->setEnabled (false);
DeringCFiltering=new QCheckBox(i18n("Chrominance filtering"),customFilters);
DeringCFiltering->setEnabled (false);
customFiltersLayout3->addWidget( DeringFilter );
customFiltersLayout3->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) );
customFiltersLayout3->addWidget( DeringAQuality );
customFiltersLayout3->addWidget( DeringCFiltering );
QFrame *line3 = new QFrame( customFilters, "line3" );
line3->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
line3->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );
line3->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
QHBoxLayout *customFiltersLayout4 =new QHBoxLayout(customFilters->layout());
AutolevelsFilter = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Auto brightness/contrast"), customFilters);
AutolevelsFullrange = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Stretch luminance to full range"), customFilters);
AutolevelsFullrange->setEnabled (false);
customFiltersLayout4->addItem(new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum ));
QHBoxLayout *customFiltersLayout5 = new QHBoxLayout (customFilters->layout());
TmpNoiseFilter =new QCheckBox(i18n("Temporal noise reducer"),customFilters);
/* Note: Change TmpNoiseFilter text back to "Label:" if this slider gets reactivated
TmpNoiseSlider = new QSlider( customFilters, "TmpNoiseSlider" );
TmpNoiseSlider->setEnabled( false );
TmpNoiseSlider->setMinValue( 1 );
TmpNoiseSlider->setMaxValue( 3 );
TmpNoiseSlider->setValue( 1 );
TmpNoiseSlider->setOrientation( QSlider::Horizontal );
TmpNoiseSlider->setTickmarks( QSlider::Left );
TmpNoiseSlider->setTickInterval( 1 );
TmpNoiseSlider->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1));*/
customFiltersLayout5->addItem(new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum ));
customFiltersWidgetLayout->addWidget( customFilters );
PostprocessingOptions->insertTab( customFiltersWidget, "" );
QWidget *deintSelectionWidget = new QWidget( PostprocessingOptions, "deintSelectionWidget" );
QVBoxLayout *deintSelectionWidgetLayout = new QVBoxLayout( deintSelectionWidget);
QButtonGroup *deinterlacingGroup = new QButtonGroup(5, Qt::Vertical, deintSelectionWidget, "deinterlacingGroup" );
LinBlendDeinterlacer = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Linear blend deinterlacer"), deinterlacingGroup);
LinIntDeinterlacer = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Linear interpolating deinterlacer"), deinterlacingGroup);
CubicIntDeinterlacer = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Cubic interpolating deinterlacer"), deinterlacingGroup);
MedianDeinterlacer = new QCheckBox (i18n ("Median deinterlacer"), deinterlacingGroup);
FfmpegDeinterlacer = new QCheckBox (i18n ("FFmpeg deinterlacer"), deinterlacingGroup);
deinterlacingGroup->insert( LinBlendDeinterlacer );
deinterlacingGroup->insert( LinIntDeinterlacer );
deinterlacingGroup->insert( CubicIntDeinterlacer );
deinterlacingGroup->insert( MedianDeinterlacer );
deinterlacingGroup->insert( FfmpegDeinterlacer );
deintSelectionWidgetLayout->addWidget( deinterlacingGroup, 0, 0 );
PostprocessingOptions->insertTab( deintSelectionWidget, "" );
tabLayout->addWidget( PostprocessingOptions/*, 1, 0*/ );
connect( customPreset, SIGNAL (toggled(bool) ), customFilters, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
connect( postProcessing, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), PostprocessingOptions, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
connect( HzDeblockFilter, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), HzDeblockAQuality, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
connect( HzDeblockFilter, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), HzDeblockCFiltering, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
connect( VtDeblockFilter, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), VtDeblockCFiltering, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
connect( VtDeblockFilter, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), VtDeblockAQuality, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
connect( DeringFilter, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), DeringAQuality, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
connect( DeringFilter, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), DeringCFiltering, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
//connect( TmpNoiseFilter, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), TmpNoiseSlider, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
connect( AutolevelsFilter, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), AutolevelsFullrange, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
QWhatsThis::add( defaultPreset, i18n( "Enable mplayer's default postprocessing filters" ) );
QWhatsThis::add( customPreset, i18n( "Enable custom postprocessing filters (See: Custom preset -tab)" ) );
QWhatsThis::add( fastPreset, i18n( "Enable mplayer's fast postprocessing filters" ) );
PostprocessingOptions->changeTab( presetSelectionWidget, i18n( "General" ) );
customFilters->setTitle (QString ());
QWhatsThis::add( HzDeblockAQuality, i18n( "Filter is used if there is enough CPU" ) );
QWhatsThis::add( VtDeblockAQuality, i18n( "Filter is used if there is enough CPU" ) );
QWhatsThis::add( DeringAQuality, i18n( "Filter is used if there is enough CPU" ) );
//QWhatsThis::add( TmpNoiseSlider, i18n( "Strength of the noise reducer" ) );
QWhatsThis::add( AutolevelsFullrange, i18n( "Stretches luminance to full range (0..255)" ) );
PostprocessingOptions->changeTab( customFiltersWidget, i18n( "Custom Preset" ) );
deinterlacingGroup->setTitle (QString ());
PostprocessingOptions->changeTab( deintSelectionWidget, i18n( "Deinterlacing" ) );
KDE_NO_EXPORT void Preferences::confirmDefaults() {
// TODO: Switch to KMessageBox
switch( QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("Reset Settings?"),
i18n("You are about to have all your settings overwritten with defaults.\nPlease confirm.\n"),
i18n ("&OK"), i18n ("&Cancel"), QString (), 0, 1)) {
case 0: Preferences::setDefaults();
case 1: break;
KDE_NO_EXPORT void Preferences::setDefaults() {
m_GeneralPageOutput->videoDriver->setCurrentItem (0);
#include "pref.moc"