You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

980 lines
31 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
* Copyright (C) 2004 Koos Vriezen <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* until boost gets common, a more or less compatable one ..
#include <config.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include "kmplayer_def.h"
#include "kmplayertypes.h"
#include "kmplayershared.h"
typedef struct _cairo_surface cairo_surface_t;
class TQTextStream;
namespace KMPlayer {
class Document;
class Node;
class Mrl;
class Surface;
class ElementPrivate;
class RemoteObjectPrivate;
class Visitor;
* Base class for objects that will be used as SharedPtr/WeakPtr pointers.
* Item<T> keeps its own copy of the shared SharedData<T> as a weak refence.
* \sa: self()
template <class T>
friend class SharedPtr<T>;
friend class WeakPtr<T>;
typedef SharedPtr <T> SharedType;
typedef WeakPtr <T> WeakType;
virtual ~Item () {}
SharedType self () const { return m_self; }
Item ();
WeakType m_self;
Item (const Item <T> &); // forbidden copy constructor
* Because of the m_self member of Item<T>, it's not allowed to assign a
* Item<T>* directly to SharedPtr<Item<T>>. Item<T>* will then reside in
* two independent SharedData<Item<T>> objects.
* So specialize constructor and assignment operators to fetch the
* SharedData<Item<T>> from the Item<T>* instead of creating a new one
template <> inline SharedPtr<CLASS>::SharedPtr (CLASS * t) \
: data (t ? t-> : 0L) { \
if (data) \
data->addRef (); \
} \
template <> \
inline SharedPtr<CLASS> & SharedPtr<CLASS>::operator = (CLASS * t) { \
if (t) { \
operator = (t->m_self); \
} else if (data) { \
data->release (); \
data = 0L; \
} \
return *this; \
} \
template <> inline WeakPtr<CLASS>::WeakPtr (CLASS * t) \
: data (t ? t-> : 0L) { \
if (data) \
data->addWeakRef (); \
} \
template <> \
inline WeakPtr<CLASS> & WeakPtr<CLASS>::operator = (CLASS * t) { \
if (t) { \
operator = (t->m_self); \
} else if (data) { \
data->releaseWeak (); \
data = 0L; \
} \
return *this; \
* A shareable double linked list of ListNodeBase<T> nodes
template <class T>
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT List : public Item <List <T> > {
List () {}
List (typename Item<T>::SharedType f, typename Item<T>::SharedType l)
: m_first (f), m_last (l) {}
~List () { clear (); }
typename Item<T>::SharedType first () const { return m_first; }
typename Item<T>::SharedType last () const { return m_last; }
void append (typename Item<T>::SharedType c);
void insertBefore(typename Item<T>::SharedType c, typename Item<T>::SharedType b);
void remove (typename Item<T>::SharedType c);
void clear ();
unsigned int length () const;
typename Item<T>::SharedType item (int i) const;
typename Item<T>::SharedType m_first;
typename Item<T>::WeakType m_last;
* Base class for double linked list nodes of SharedPtr/WeakPtr objects.
* The linkage is a shared nextSibling and a weak previousSibling.
template <class T>
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT ListNodeBase : public Item <T> {
friend class List<T>;
virtual ~ListNodeBase () {}
typename Item<T>::SharedType nextSibling () const { return m_next; }
typename Item<T>::SharedType previousSibling () const { return m_prev; }
ListNodeBase () {}
typename Item<T>::SharedType m_next;
typename Item<T>::WeakType m_prev;
* ListNode for class T storage
template <class T>
class ListNode : public ListNodeBase <ListNode <T> > {
ListNode (T d) : data (d) {}
T data;
* Base class for double linked tree nodes having tqparent/siblings/tqchildren.
* The linkage is a shared firstChild and weak tqparentNode.
template <class T>
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT TreeNode : public ListNodeBase <T> {
virtual ~TreeNode () {}
virtual void appendChild (typename Item<T>::SharedType c);
virtual void removeChild (typename Item<T>::SharedType c);
bool hasChildNodes () const { return m_first_child != 0L; }
typename Item<T>::SharedType tqparentNode () const { return m_parent; }
typename Item<T>::SharedType firstChild () const { return m_first_child; }
typename Item<T>::SharedType lastChild () const { return m_last_child; }
TreeNode () {}
typename Item<T>::WeakType m_parent;
typename Item<T>::SharedType m_first_child;
typename Item<T>::WeakType m_last_child;
* Attribute having a name/value pair for use with Elements
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT Attribute : public ListNodeBase <Attribute> {
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Attribute () {}
Attribute (const TrieString & n, const TQString & v);
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ~Attribute () {}
TrieString name () const { return m_name; }
TQString value () const { return m_value; }
void setName (const TrieString &);
void setValue (const TQString &);
TrieString m_name;
TQString m_value;
* Object should scale according the passed Fit value in SizedEvent
enum Fit {
fit_fill, // fill complete area, no aspect preservation
fit_hidden, // keep aspect and don't scale, cut off what doesn't fit
fit_meet, // keep aspect and scale so that the smallest size just fits
fit_slice, // keep aspect and scale so that the largest size just fits
fit_scroll // keep aspect and don't scale, add scollbars if needed
* A generic event type
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT Event : public Item <Event> {
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Event (unsigned int event_id) : m_event_id (event_id) {}
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT virtual ~Event () {}
KDE_NO_EXPORT unsigned int id () const { return m_event_id; }
unsigned int m_event_id;
extern const unsigned int event_pointer_clicked;
extern const unsigned int event_pointer_moved;
extern const unsigned int event_inbounds;
extern const unsigned int event_outbounds;
extern const unsigned int event_sized;
extern const unsigned int event_postponed;
extern const unsigned int event_timer;
extern const unsigned int mediatype_attached;
// convenient types
typedef Item<Node>::SharedType NodePtr;
typedef Item<Node>::WeakType NodePtrW;
typedef Item<Attribute>::SharedType AttributePtr;
typedef Item<Attribute>::WeakType AttributePtrW;
typedef Item<Event>::SharedType EventPtr;
typedef List<Node> NodeList; // eg. for Node's tqchildren
typedef Item<NodeList>::SharedType NodeListPtr;
typedef Item<NodeList>::WeakType NodeListPtrW;
typedef List<Attribute> AttributeList; // eg. for Element's attributes
typedef Item<AttributeList>::SharedType AttributeListPtr;
typedef ListNode<NodePtrW> NodeRefItem; // Node for ref Nodes
//typedef ListNode<NodePtr> NodeStoreItem; // list stores Nodes
typedef NodeRefItem::SharedType NodeRefItemPtr;
typedef NodeRefItem::WeakType NodeRefItemPtrW;
typedef List<NodeRefItem> NodeRefList; // ref nodes, eg. event listeners
typedef Item<NodeRefList>::SharedType NodeRefListPtr;
typedef Item<NodeRefList>::WeakType NodeRefListPtrW;
typedef Item<Surface>::SharedType SurfacePtr;
typedef Item<Surface>::WeakType SurfacePtrW;
* Weak ref of the listeners list from signaler and the listener node
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT Connection {
friend class Node;
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ~Connection () { disconnect (); }
void disconnect ();
NodePtrW connectee; // the one that will, when ever, trigger the event
Connection (NodeRefListPtr ls, NodePtr node, NodePtr invoker);
NodeRefListPtrW listeners;
NodeRefItemPtrW listen_item;
typedef SharedPtr <Connection> ConnectionPtr;
* Base class for XML nodes. Provides a w3c's DOM like API
* Most severe traps with using SharedPtr/WeakPtr for tree nodes:
* - pointer ends up in two independent shared objects (hopefully with
* template specialization for constructor for T* and assignment of T* should
* be enough of defences ..)
* - Node added two times (added ASSERT in appendChild/insertBefore)
* - Node is destroyed before being stored in a SharedPtr with kmplayer usage
* of each object having a WeakPtr to itself (eg. be extremely careful with
* using m_self in the constructor, no SharedPtr storage yet)
* Livetime of an element is
In scope begin event end event Out scope
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT Node : public TreeNode <Node> {
friend class DocumentBuilder;
enum State {
state_init, state_deferred,
state_activated, state_began, state_finished, state_deactivated
enum PlayType {
play_type_none, play_type_unknown, play_type_info,
play_type_image, play_type_audio, play_type_video
virtual ~Node ();
Document * document ();
virtual Mrl * mrl ();
virtual NodePtr childFromTag (const TQString & tag);
void characterData (const TQString & s);
TQString innerText () const;
TQString innerXML () const;
TQString outerXML () const;
virtual const char * nodeName () const;
virtual TQString nodeValue () const;
virtual void setNodeName (const TQString &) {}
* If this is a derived Mrl object and has a SRC attribute
virtual PlayType playType ();
bool isPlayable () { return playType () > play_type_none; }
virtual bool isElementNode () { return false; }
* If this node should be visible to the user
virtual bool expose () const;
* If this node should be visible to the user
bool isEditable () const { return editable; }
* If this node purpose is for storing runtime data only,
* ie. node doesn't exist in the original document
bool auxiliaryNode () const { return auxiliary_node; }
void setAuxiliaryNode (bool b) { auxiliary_node = b; }
* Add node as listener for a certain event_id.
* Return a NULL ptr if event_id is not supported.
* \sa: Connection::disconnect()
ConnectionPtr connectTo (NodePtr node, unsigned int event_id);
* Event send to this node, return true if handled
virtual bool handleEvent (EventPtr event);
* Dispatch Event to all listeners of event->id()
void propagateEvent (EventPtr event);
* Alternative to event handling is the Visitor pattern
virtual void accept (Visitor *);
* Returns a listener list for event_id, or a null ptr if not supported.
virtual NodeRefListPtr listeners (unsigned int event_id);
* Adds node to call 'handleEvent()' for all events that gets
* delivered to this node, ignored by default
virtual SurfacePtr getSurface (NodePtr node);
* Activates element, sets state to state_activated. Will call activate() on
* firstChild or call deactivate().
virtual void activate ();
* if state is between state_activated and state_deactivated
bool active () const
{ return state >= state_deferred && state < state_deactivated; }
* if state is between state_activated and state_finished
bool unfinished () const
{ return state > state_deferred && state < state_finished; }
* Defers an activated, so possible playlists items can be added.
virtual void defer ();
* Puts a deferred element in activated again, calls activate() again
virtual void undefer ();
* Sets state to state_begin when active
virtual void begin ();
* Sets state to state_finish when >= state_activated.
* Notifies tqparent with a childDone call.
virtual void finish ();
* Stops element, sets state to state_deactivated. Calls deactivate() on
* activated/deferred tqchildren. May call childDone() when active() and not
* finished yet.
virtual void deactivate ();
* Resets element, calls deactivate() if state is state_activated and sets
* state to state_init.
virtual void reset ();
* Notification from child that it has began.
virtual void childBegan (NodePtr child);
* Notification from child that it's finished. Will call deactivate() on
* child if it state is state_finished. Call activate() on nexSibling
* or deactivate() if there is none.
virtual void childDone (NodePtr child);
virtual void clear ();
void clearChildren ();
void appendChild (NodePtr c);
void insertBefore (NodePtr c, NodePtr b);
void removeChild (NodePtr c);
void replaceChild (NodePtr _new, NodePtr old);
* Get rid of whitespace only text nodes
void normalize ();
KDE_NO_EXPORT bool isDocument () const { return m_doc == m_self; }
KDE_NO_EXPORT NodeListPtr childNodes () const;
void setState (State nstate);
* Open tag is found by parser, attributes are set
virtual void opened ();
* Close tag is found by parser, tqchildren are appended
virtual void closed ();
Node (NodePtr & d, short _id=0);
NodePtr m_doc;
State state;
short id;
bool auxiliary_node;
bool editable;
const short id_node_document = 1;
const short id_node_text = 5;
const short id_node_cdata = 6;
const short id_node_group_node = 25;
const short id_node_playlist_document = 26;
const short id_node_playlist_item = 27;
const short id_node_param = 28;
const short id_node_html_object = 29;
const short id_node_html_embed = 30;
* Element node, XML node that can have attributes
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT Element : public Node {
~Element ();
void setAttributes (AttributeListPtr attrs);
void setAttribute (const TrieString & name, const TQString & value);
TQString getAttribute (const TrieString & name);
KDE_NO_EXPORT AttributeListPtr attributes () const { return m_attributes; }
virtual void init ();
virtual void reset ();
virtual void clear ();
virtual bool isElementNode () { return true; }
* Params are like attributes, but meant to be set dynamically. Caller may
* pass a modification id, that it can use to restore the old value.
* Param will be auto removed on deactivate
void setParam (const TrieString &para, const TQString &val, int * mod_id=0L);
TQString param (const TrieString & para);
void resetParam (const TrieString & para, int mod_id);
* Called from (re)setParam for specialized interpretation of params
virtual void parseParam (const TrieString &, const TQString &) {}
Element (NodePtr & d, short id=0);
AttributeListPtr m_attributes;
ElementPrivate * d;
* Node that references another node
class RefNode : public Node {
RefNode (NodePtr & d, NodePtr ref);
virtual const char * nodeName () const { return tag_name.ascii (); }
NodePtr refNode () const { return ref_node; }
void setRefNode (const NodePtr ref);
NodePtrW ref_node;
TQString tag_name;
template <class T>
inline KDE_NO_EXPORT T * convertNode (NodePtr e) {
return static_cast <T *> (e.ptr ());
* Element representing a playable link, like URL to a movie or playlist.
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT Mrl : public Element {
Mrl (NodePtr & d, short id=0);
NodePtr childFromTag (const TQString & tag);
void parseParam (const TrieString &, const TQString &);
unsigned int cached_ismrl_version;
PlayType cached_play_type;
~Mrl ();
PlayType playType ();
* The original node (or this) having the URL, needed for playlist expansion
virtual Mrl * linkNode ();
virtual Mrl * mrl ();
virtual void endOfFile ();
TQString absolutePath ();
* Reimplement to callback with requestPlayURL if isPlayable()
virtual void activate ();
virtual void begin ();
* By default support one event handler (eg. SMIL or RP child document)
virtual SurfacePtr getSurface (NodePtr node);
virtual bool handleEvent (EventPtr event);
* If this Mrl is top node of external document, opener has the
* location in SCR. Typically that's the tqparent of this node.
NodePtrW opener; //if this node is top node of external document,
TQString src;
TQString pretty_name;
TQString mimetype;
Single width;
Single height;
float aspect;
int repeat;
enum { SingleMode = 0, WindowMode } view_mode;
bool resolved;
bool bookmarkable;
* Document listener interface
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT PlayListNotify {
virtual ~PlayListNotify () {}
* Ask for playing a video/audio mrl by backend players
* If returning false, the element will be set to finished
virtual bool requestPlayURL (NodePtr mrl) = 0;
* Called by an unresolved Mrl, check if this node points to a playlist
virtual bool resolveURL (NodePtr mrl) = 0;
* Element has activated or deactivated notification
virtual void stateElementChanged (Node * element, Node::State old_state, Node::State new_state) = 0;
* Set element to which to send GUI events and return a surface for drawing
virtual SurfacePtr getSurface (NodePtr node) = 0;
* Request to show msg for informing the user
virtual void setInfoMessage (const TQString & msg) = 0;
* Ask for connection bitrates settings
virtual void bitRates (int & preferred, int & maximal) = 0;
* Sets next call to Document::timer() or -1 to cancel a previous call
virtual void setTimeout (int ms) = 0;
* Base class for cached network data
class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT RemoteObject {
friend class RemoteObjectPrivate;
RemoteObject ();
virtual ~RemoteObject ();
bool wget (const TQString & url);
void killWGet ();
void clear ();
TQString mimetype ();
KDE_NO_EXPORT virtual void remoteReady (TQByteArray &) {}
bool downloading () const;
RemoteObjectPrivate *d;
class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Surface : public TreeNode <Surface> {
Surface (NodePtr node, const SRect & rect);
virtual SurfacePtr createSurface (NodePtr owner, const SRect & rect) = 0;
virtual IRect toScreen (Single x, Single y, Single w, Single h) = 0;
virtual void resize (const SRect & rect) = 0;
virtual void tqrepaint () = 0;
virtual void tqrepaint (const SRect &rect) = 0;
virtual void video () = 0;
void remove (); // remove from tqparent, mark ancestors dirty
void markDirty (); // mark this and ancestors dirty
NodePtrW node;
SRect bounds; // bounds in in tqparent coord.
float xscale, yscale; // internal scaling
unsigned int background_color; // rgba background color
bool dirty; // a decendant is removed
cairo_surface_t *surface;
* To have a somewhat synchronized time base, node having timers should use
* this. Idea is that if a node still waiting for network data, it can hold
* this time line.
class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT TimerInfo : public ListNodeBase <TimerInfo> {
TimerInfo (NodePtr n, unsigned id, struct timeval & now, int ms);
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ~TimerInfo () {}
NodePtrW node;
unsigned event_id;
struct timeval timeout;
int milli_sec;
typedef Item <TimerInfo>::SharedType TimerInfoPtr;
typedef Item <TimerInfo>::WeakType TimerInfoPtrW;
* Event signaling a timer event
class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT TimerEvent : public Event {
TimerEvent (TimerInfoPtr tinfo);
TimerInfoPtrW timer_info;
bool interval; // set to 'true' in 'Node::handleEvent()' to make it repeat
* Event signaling postponed or proceeded
class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT PostponedEvent : public Event {
PostponedEvent (bool postponed);
bool is_postponed; // postponed or proceeded
* Postpone object representing a postponed document
* During its livetime, no TimerEvent's happen
class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Postpone {
friend class Document;
struct timeval postponed_time;
NodePtrW m_doc;
Postpone (NodePtr doc);
~Postpone ();
typedef SharedPtr <Postpone> PostponePtr;
typedef WeakPtr <Postpone> PostponePtrW;
* The root of the DOM tree
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT Document : public Mrl {
friend class Postpone;
Document (const TQString &, PlayListNotify * notify = 0L);
~Document ();
NodePtr getElementById (const TQString & id);
NodePtr getElementById (NodePtr start, const TQString & id, bool inter_doc);
/** All nodes have shared pointers to Document,
* so explicitly dispose it (calls clear and set m_doc to 0L)
* */
void dispose ();
virtual NodePtr childFromTag (const TQString & tag);
KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "document"; }
virtual void activate ();
virtual void defer ();
virtual void undefer ();
virtual void reset ();
* Ask for TimerEvent for Node n in ms milli-seconds.
* Returns weak ref to TimerInfo ptr, which is an item in the timers list
TimerInfoPtrW setTimeout (NodePtr n, int ms, unsigned id=0);
void cancelTimer (TimerInfoPtr ti);
void timeOfDay (struct timeval &);
PostponePtr postpone ();
* Called by PlayListNotify, creates TimerEvent on first item in timers.
* Returns true if to repeat this same timeout FIXME.
bool timer ();
* Document has list of postponed listeners, eg. for running (gif)movies
virtual NodeRefListPtr listeners (unsigned int event_id);
* Reimplement, so it will call PlayListNotify::getSurface()
virtual SurfacePtr getSurface (NodePtr node);
List <TimerInfo> timers; //FIXME: make as connections
PlayListNotify * notify_listener;
unsigned int m_tree_version;
unsigned int last_event_time;
void proceed (const struct timeval & postponed_time);
PostponePtrW postpone_ref;
PostponePtr postpone_lock;
NodeRefListPtr m_PostponedListeners;
int cur_timeout;
struct timeval first_event_time;
bool intimer;
* Represents XML text, like "some text" in '<foo>some text</foo>'
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT TextNode : public Node {
TextNode (NodePtr & d, const TQString & s, short _id = id_node_text);
void appendText (const TQString & s);
void setText (const TQString & txt) { text = txt; }
const char * nodeName () const { return "#text"; }
TQString nodeValue () const;
bool expose () const;
TQString text;
* Represents cdata sections, like "some text" in '<![CDATA[some text]]>'
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT CData : public TextNode {
CData (NodePtr & d, const TQString & s);
const char * nodeName () const { return "#cdata"; }
* Unrecognized tag by tqparent element or just some auxiliary node
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT DarkNode : public Element {
DarkNode (NodePtr & d, const TQString & n, short id=0);
const char * nodeName () const { return name.ascii (); }
NodePtr childFromTag (const TQString & tag);
virtual bool expose () const;
TQString name;
namespace SMIL {
class RegionBase;
class Region;
class Layout;
class Transition;
class MediaType;
class ImageMediaType;
class TextMediaType;
class RefMediaType;
class AVMediaType;
class Brush;
class TimedMrl;
class Anchor;
class Area;
namespace RP {
class Imfl;
class Crossfade;
class Fadein;
class Fadeout;
class Fill;
class Wipe;
class ViewChange;
class Animate;
class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Visitor {
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT virtual ~Visitor () {}
virtual void visit (Node *) {}
virtual void visit (SMIL::Region *);
virtual void visit (SMIL::Layout *);
virtual void visit (SMIL::Transition *);
virtual void visit (SMIL::TimedMrl *);
virtual void visit (SMIL::MediaType *);
virtual void visit (SMIL::ImageMediaType *);
virtual void visit (SMIL::TextMediaType *);
virtual void visit (SMIL::RefMediaType *);
virtual void visit (SMIL::AVMediaType *);
virtual void visit (SMIL::Brush *);
virtual void visit (SMIL::Anchor *);
virtual void visit (SMIL::Area *);
virtual void visit (RP::Imfl *) {}
virtual void visit (RP::Crossfade *) {}
virtual void visit (RP::Fadein *) {}
virtual void visit (RP::Fadeout *) {}
virtual void visit (RP::Fill *) {}
virtual void visit (RP::Wipe *) {}
virtual void visit (RP::ViewChange *) {}
virtual void visit (RP::Animate *) {}
* just some url, can get a SMIL, RSS, or ASX childtree
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT GenericURL : public Mrl {
GenericURL(NodePtr &d, const TQString &s, const TQString &n=TQString ());
KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "url"; }
void closed ();
* Non url mrl
class KMPLAYER_EXPORT GenericMrl : public Mrl {
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT GenericMrl (NodePtr & d) : Mrl (d), node_name ("mrl") {}
GenericMrl(NodePtr &d, const TQString &s, const TQString & name=TQString (), const TQString &tag=TQString ("mrl"));
KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return node_name.ascii (); }
void closed ();
bool expose () const;
TQString node_name;
void readXML (NodePtr root, TQTextStream & in, const TQString & firstline, bool set_opener=true);
KMPLAYER_EXPORT Node * fromXMLDocumentTag (NodePtr & d, const TQString & tag);
template <class T>
inline Item<T>::Item () : m_self (static_cast <T*> (this), true) {}
template <class T> inline void List<T>::append(typename Item<T>::SharedType c) {
if (!m_first) {
m_first = m_last = c;
} else {
m_last->m_next = c;
c->m_prev = m_last;
m_last = c;
template <class T> inline void List<T>::insertBefore(typename Item<T>::SharedType c, typename Item<T>::SharedType b) {
if (!b) {
append (c);
} else {
if (b->m_prev) {
b->m_prev->m_next = c;
c->m_prev = b->m_prev;
} else {
c->m_prev = 0L;
m_first = c;
b->m_prev = c;
c->m_next = b;
template <class T> inline void List<T>::remove(typename Item<T>::SharedType c) {
if (c->m_prev) {
c->m_prev->m_next = c->m_next;
} else
m_first = c->m_next;
if (c->m_next) {
c->m_next->m_prev = c->m_prev;
c->m_next = 0L;
} else
m_last = c->m_prev;
c->m_prev = 0L;
template <class T> inline unsigned int List<T>::length () const {
unsigned int count = 0;
for (typename Item<T>::SharedType t = m_first; t; t = t->nextSibling ())
return count;
template <class T> inline void List<T>::clear () {
m_first = m_last = 0L;
template <class T>
inline typename Item<T>::SharedType List<T>::item (int i) const {
for (typename Item<T>::SharedType t = m_first; t; t = t->nextSibling(), --i)
if (i == 0)
return t;
return typename Item<T>::SharedType ();
template <class T>
inline void TreeNode<T>::appendChild (typename Item<T>::SharedType c) {
if (!m_first_child) {
m_first_child = m_last_child = c;
} else {
m_last_child->m_next = c;
c->m_prev = m_last_child;
m_last_child = c;
c->m_parent = Item<T>::m_self;
template <class T>
inline void TreeNode<T>::removeChild (typename Item<T>::SharedType c) {
if (c->m_prev) {
c->m_prev->m_next = c->m_next;
} else
m_first_child = c->m_next;
if (c->m_next) {
c->m_next->m_prev = c->m_prev;
c->m_next = 0L;
} else
m_last_child = c->m_prev;
c->m_prev = 0L;
c->m_parent = 0L;
inline KDE_NO_EXPORT NodeListPtr Node::childNodes () const {
return new NodeList (m_first_child, m_last_child);
} // KMPlayer namespace