@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ option(WITH_SDL "Search for the Simple Direct Media Layer library to build an ex
option(WITH_THREADS "Search for a threading library to build with multithreading support" ON)
option(WITH_GNUTLS "Search for the GnuTLS secure communications library to support encryption" ON)
option(WITH_OPENSSL "Search for the OpenSSL cryptography library to support encryption" ON)
option(WITH_SYSTEMD "Search for libsystemd to build with systemd socket activation support" ON)
option(WITH_SYSTEMD "Search for libsystemd to build with systemd socket activation support" OFF)
option(WITH_GCRYPT "Search for libgcrypt to support additional authentication methods in LibVNCClient" ON)
option(WITH_FFMPEG "Search for FFMPEG to build an example VNC to MPEG encoder" ON)
option(WITH_TIGHTVNC_FILETRANSFER "Enable filetransfer if there is pthreads support" ON)