@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ class ConfigurePyTQt3(ConfigureBase):
check_module("tqtxml", "tqdom.h", "TQDomImplementation()")
check_module("tqtgl", "tqgl.h", "TQGLWidget()", opengl=1)
if tqt_version >= 0x030000:
check_module("tqtui", "tqwidgetfactory.h", "TQWidgetFactory()", lib="tqui")
if tqt_edition in ("enterprise", "free"):
@ -224,7 +223,6 @@ class ConfigurePyTQt3(ConfigureBase):
tqtmod_lib = None
if tqt_version >= 0x030100:
sip_tqt_config.inform("Checking to see if the TQAssistantClient class is available...")
if check_class("tqassistantclient.h", "TQAssistantClient(\"foo\")", lib="tqassistantclient"):
@ -290,7 +288,6 @@ class ConfigurePyTQt3(ConfigureBase):
def tools(self):
tool_dirs = []
if tqt_version >= 0x030000:
# The Professional Edition needs special handling.
prof = (tqt_edition == "professional")
@ -320,8 +317,6 @@ class ConfigurePyTQt3(ConfigureBase):
if prof or "tqtxml" not in pytqt_modules:
if tqt_version < 0x030100:
makefile.extra_include_dirs.append(tqt_dir + "/src/3rdparty/zlib")
makefile.extra_include_dirs.append(os.path.join(src_dir, "pytquic3"))
if not os.access("pytquic3", os.F_OK):
@ -386,10 +381,7 @@ def inform_user():
sip_tqt_config.inform("The TQt header files are in %s." % tqt_incdir)
sip_tqt_config.inform("The %s TQt library is in %s." % (opt_tqtlib, tqt_libdir))
if tqt_version >= 0x020000:
sip_tqt_config.inform("pyuic will be installed in %s." % opt_pytqtbindir)
if tqt_version >= 0x030000:
sip_tqt_config.inform("pylupdate will be installed in %s." % opt_pytqtbindir)
if opt_vendorcheck:
@ -700,7 +692,7 @@ int main(int argc,char **argv)
fprintf(fp,"-x TQt_THREAD_SUPPORT\\n");
#if !defined(Q_WS_WIN) || TQT_VERSION < 0x030000 || defined(TQT_NO_STYLE_WINDOWSXP)
#if !defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(TQT_NO_STYLE_WINDOWSXP)
fprintf(fp,"-x TQt_STYLE_WINDOWSXP\\n");
@ -1112,24 +1104,9 @@ def check_tqt_installation(macros):
tqt_version, ignore = sip_tqt_config.read_version(tqglobal, "TQt", "TQT_VERSION")
# Early versions of TQt for the Mac didn't include everything. Rather than
# maintain these in the future we just mandate a later version.
if sys.platform == "darwin" and tqt_version < 0x030100:
sip_tqt_config.error("PyTQt for MacOS/X requires TQt v3.1.0 or later.")
# The way SIP-TQt v4.2 and later handle connections between signals and Python
# slots only works with TQt v3 and later. Therefore TQt v2 and earlier needs
# SIP-TQt v3.
if tqt_version < 0x030000:
sip_tqt_config.error("TQt v2.x and earlier require SIP-TQt v3.x.")
if tqt_version >= 0x040000:
sip_tqt_config.error("TQt v4.x requires PyTQt v5.x.")
# Try and work out which edition it is.
global tqt_edition
if tqt_version >= 0x030000:
if opt_tqconfigdir:
tqconfigdir = opt_tqconfigdir
@ -1158,10 +1135,6 @@ def check_tqt_installation(macros):
if not tqt_edition:
sip_tqt_config.error("The TQt edition could not be determined by parsing %s." % tqconfig)
elif tqt_version == 0x020300 and sys.platform == "win32":
# See if we have the TQt v2 non-commercial version.
if os.access(os.path.join(tqt_libdir, "tqt-mt230nc.lib"), os.F_OK):
tqt_edition = "non-commercial"
if sys.platform == "win32":
# Work out how TQt was built on Windows.