@ -974,6 +974,7 @@ macro( tde_create_translation )
unset( _srcs )
unset( _srcs )
unset( _lang )
unset( _lang )
unset( _dest )
unset( _dest )
unset( _out_name )
unset( _directive )
unset( _directive )
unset( _var )
unset( _var )
@ -1000,6 +1001,13 @@ macro( tde_create_translation )
set( _directive 1 )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
endif( )
# found directive "DESTINATION"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "OUTPUT_NAME" )
unset( _proj )
set( _var _out_name )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# collect data
# collect data
if( _directive )
if( _directive )
unset( _directive )
unset( _directive )
@ -1013,30 +1021,60 @@ macro( tde_create_translation )
tde_message_fatal( "MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE variable is not defined" )
tde_message_fatal( "MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE variable is not defined" )
elseif( NOT _lang )
elseif( NOT _lang )
tde_message_fatal( "missing LANG directive" )
tde_message_fatal( "missing LANG directive" )
elseif( NOT _dest )
set( _dest "${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR}/${_lang}/LC_MESSAGES" )
endif( )
endif( )
# if no file specified, include all *.po files
# if no file specified, include all *.po files
if( NOT _srcs )
if( NOT _srcs )
endif( )
if( NOT _srcs )
if( NOT _srcs )
tde_message_fatal( "no source files" )
tde_message_fatal( "no source files" )
endif( )
if( NOT _lang STREQUAL "auto")
set( _real_lang ${_lang} )
if( NOT _dest )
set( _dest "${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR}/${_lang}/LC_MESSAGES" )
endif( )
# OUTPUT_NAME can only be used if we have only one file
list( LENGTH _srcs _srcs_num)
if( _out_name AND _srcs_num GREATER 1 )
tde_message_fatal( "OUTPUT_NAME can be supplied only with single file or LANG=auto" )
endif( )
elseif( NOT _out_name )
tde_message_fatal( "LANG=auto reqires OUTPUT_NAME directive to be set" )
elseif( _dest )
tde_message_fatal( "DESTINATION cannot be used with LANG=auto" )
endif( )
# generate *.mo files
# generate *.mo files
foreach( _src ${_srcs} )
foreach( _src ${_srcs} )
get_filename_component( _src ${_src} ABSOLUTE )
get_filename_component( _src ${_src} ABSOLUTE )
get_filename_component( _out ${_src} NAME_WE )
set( _out_name "${_out}-${_lang}.mo" )
if( _out_name )
set( _out_real_name "${_out}.mo" )
set( _out ${_out_name} )
if( _lang STREQUAL "auto" )
get_filename_component( _real_lang ${_src} NAME_WE )
set( _dest "${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR}/${_real_lang}/LC_MESSAGES" )
endif( )
else( )
get_filename_component( _out ${_src} NAME_WE )
endif( )
set( _out_filename "${_out}-${_real_lang}.mo" )
set( _install_filename "${_out}.mo" )
OUTPUT ${_out_name}
OUTPUT ${_out_filename}
COMMAND ${MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE} ${_src} -o ${_out_name}
COMMAND ${MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE} ${_src} -o ${_out_filename}
DEPENDS ${_src} )
DEPENDS ${_src} )
add_custom_target( "${_out}-${_lang}-translation" ALL DEPENDS ${_out_name} )
add_custom_target( "${_out}-${_real_lang}-translation" ALL DEPENDS ${_out_filename} )
install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_out_name} RENAME ${_out_real_name} DESTINATION ${_dest} )
install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_out_filename} RENAME ${_install_filename} DESTINATION ${_dest} )
endforeach( )
endforeach( )
endmacro( )
endmacro( )