kdemimedir = $(kde_mimedir)/application
kdemime_DATA = x-ksysguard.desktop
rcdir = $(kde_datadir)/ksysguard
rc_DATA = ksysguardui.rc
xdg_apps_DATA = ksysguard.desktop
lnkdir = $(kde_datadir)/kicker/applets
lnk_DATA = ksysguardapplet.desktop
# claim, which subdirectories you want to install
SUBDIRS = ksgrd SensorDisplayLib
# set the include path for X, qt and KDE
INCLUDES = -I$(srcdir)/ksgrd -I$(srcdir)/SensorDisplayLib -I$(top_builddir)/ksysguard/gui/SensorDisplayLib $(all_includes)
####### This part is very ksysguard specific
# you can add here more. This one gets installed
bin_PROGRAMS = ksysguard kpm
# Which sources should be compiled for ksysguard.
ksysguard_SOURCES = \
SensorBrowser.cc \
WorkSheet.cc \
WorkSheetSettings.cc \
Workspace.cc \
ksysguard.cc ksysguard.skel
ksysguard_LDADD = \
ksgrd/libksgrd.la \
SensorDisplayLib/libsensordisplays.la \
ksysguard_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_TQT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_TDEIO) -ltdetexteditor
kpm_SOURCES = kpm.c
appdatadir = $(kde_datadir)/ksysguard
appdata_DATA = ProcessTable.sgrd SystemLoad.sgrd KSysGuardApplet.xml
# This stuff is now for the kicker applet
kde_module_LTLIBRARIES = sysguard_panelapplet.la
sysguard_panelapplet_la_SOURCES = \
KSysGuardApplet.cc \
sysguard_panelapplet_la_LIBADD = \
ksgrd/libksgrd.la \
SensorDisplayLib/libsensordisplays.la \
sysguard_panelapplet_la_LDFLAGS = -module $(KDE_PLUGIN) $(all_libraries)
# just to make sure, automake makes them
messages: rc.cpp
$(EXTRACTRC) `find . -name "*.ui"` >> rc.cpp
extractattr --attr=display,title SystemLoad.sgrd KSysGuardApplet.xml >> rc.cpp
$(XGETTEXT) `find . -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.cc"` -o $(podir)/ksysguard.pot