You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

541 lines
17 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Dawit Alemayehu <>
Copyright (C) 2000 Yves Arrouye <>
Copyright (C) 1999 Simon Hausmann <>
Advanced web shortcuts:
Copyright (C) 2001 Andreas Hochsteger <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqtextcodec.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kprotocolinfo.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
#include "kuriikwsfiltereng.h"
#include "searchprovider.h"
#define PIDDBG kdDebug(7023) << "(" << getpid() << ") "
#define PDVAR(n,v) PIDDBG << n << " = '" << v << "'\n"
* IMPORTANT: If you change anything here, please run the regression test
* kdelibs/kio/tests/kurifiltertest
KURISearchFilterEngine *KURISearchFilterEngine::s_pSelf = 0;
static KStaticDeleter<KURISearchFilterEngine> kurisearchfilterengsd;
TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::webShortcutQuery( const TQString& typedString ) const
TQString result;
if (m_bWebShortcutsEnabled)
TQString search = typedString;
int pos = search.find(m_cKeywordDelimiter);
TQString key;
if (pos > -1)
key = search.left(pos);
else if (m_cKeywordDelimiter == ' ' && !search.isEmpty())
key = search;
if (!key.isEmpty() && !KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol( key ))
// Make web shortcut keywords case-insensitive, i.e.
// kde == KDE == Kde == kDe == kdE
SearchProvider *provider = SearchProvider::findByKey(key.lower());
if (provider)
result = formatResult(provider->query(), provider->charset(),
TQString::null, search.mid(pos+1), true);
delete provider;
return result;
TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::autoWebSearchQuery( const TQString& typedString ) const
TQString result;
if (m_bWebShortcutsEnabled && !m_defaultSearchEngine.isEmpty())
// Make sure we ignore supported protocols, e.g. "smb:", "http:"
int pos = typedString.find(':');
if (pos == -1 || !KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol(typedString.left(pos)))
SearchProvider *provider = SearchProvider::findByDesktopName(m_defaultSearchEngine);
if (provider)
result = formatResult (provider->query(), provider->charset(),
TQString::null, typedString, true);
delete provider;
return result;
TQCString KURISearchFilterEngine::name() const
return "kuriikwsfilter";
KURISearchFilterEngine* KURISearchFilterEngine::self()
if (!s_pSelf)
kurisearchfilterengsd.setObject( s_pSelf, new KURISearchFilterEngine );
return s_pSelf;
TQStringList KURISearchFilterEngine::modifySubstitutionMap(SubstMap& map,
const TQString& query) const
// Returns the number of query words
TQString userquery = query;
// Do some pre-encoding, before we can start the work:
int start = 0;
int pos = 0;
TQRegExp qsexpr("\\\"[^\\\"]*\\\"");
// Temporary substitute spaces in quoted strings (" " -> "%20")
// Needed to split user query into StringList correctly.
while ((pos =, start)) >= 0)
int i = 0;
int n = 0;
TQString s = userquery.mid (pos, qsexpr.matchedLength());
while ((i = s.find(" ")) != -1)
s = s.tqreplace (i, 1, "%20");
start = pos + qsexpr.matchedLength() + 2*n; // Move after last quote
userquery = userquery.tqreplace (pos, qsexpr.matchedLength(), s);
// Split user query between spaces:
TQStringList l = TQStringList::split(" ", userquery.simplifyWhiteSpace());
// Back-substitute quoted strings (%20 -> " "):
int i = 0;
while ((i = userquery.find("%20")) != -1)
userquery = userquery.tqreplace(i, 3, " ");
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it )
*it = (*it).tqreplace("%20", " ");
PIDDBG << "Generating substitution map:\n";
// Generate substitution map from user query:
for (unsigned int i=0; i<=l.count(); i++)
int j = 0;
int pos = 0;
TQString v = "";
TQString nr = TQString::number(i);
// Add whole user query (\{0}) to substitution map:
if (i==0)
v = userquery;
// Add partial user query items to substitution map:
v = l[i-1];
// Back-substitute quoted strings (%20 -> " "):
while ((j = v.find("%20")) != -1)
v = v.tqreplace(j, 3, " ");
// Insert partial queries (referenced by \1 ... \n) to map:
map.tqreplace(TQString::number(i), v);
PDVAR (" map['" + nr + "']", map[nr]);
// Insert named references (referenced by \name) to map:
j = 0;
if ((i>0) && (pos = v.find("=")) > 0)
TQString s = v.mid(pos + 1);
TQString k = v.left(pos);
// Back-substitute references contained in references (e.g. '\refname' substitutes to 'thisquery=\0')
while ((j = s.find("%5C")) != -1) s = s.tqreplace(j, 3, "\\");
map.tqreplace(k, s);
PDVAR (" map['" + k + "']", map[k]);
return l;
static TQString encodeString(const TQString &s, int mib)
TQStringList l = TQStringList::split(" ", s, true);
for(TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin();
it != l.end(); ++it)
*it = KURL::encode_string(*it, mib);
return l.join("+");
TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::substituteQuery(const TQString& url, SubstMap &map, const TQString& userquery, const int encodingMib) const
TQString newurl = url;
TQStringList ql = modifySubstitutionMap (map, userquery);
int count = ql.count();
// Check, if old style '\1' is found and tqreplace it with \{@} (compatibility mode):
int pos = -1;
if ((pos = newurl.find("\\1")) >= 0)
PIDDBG << "WARNING: Using compatibility mode for newurl='" << newurl
<< "'. Please tqreplace old style '\\1' with new style '\\{0}' "
"in the query definition.\n";
newurl = newurl.tqreplace(pos, 2, "\\{@}");
PIDDBG << "Substitute references:\n";
// Substitute references (\{ref1,ref2,...}) with values from user query:
int pos = 0;
TQRegExp reflist("\\\\\\{[^\\}]+\\}");
// Substitute reflists (\{ref1,ref2,...}):
while ((pos =, 0)) >= 0)
bool found = false;
//bool rest = false;
TQString v = "";
TQString rlstring = newurl.mid(pos + 2, reflist.matchedLength() - 3);
PDVAR (" reference list", rlstring);
// \{@} gets a special treatment later
if (rlstring == "@")
v = "\\@";
found = true;
// TODO: strip whitespaces around commas
TQStringList rl = TQStringList::split(",", rlstring);
unsigned int i = 0;
while ((i<rl.count()) && !found)
TQString rlitem = rl[i];
TQRegExp range("[0-9]*\\-[0-9]*");
// Substitute a range of keywords
if (, 0) >= 0)
int pos = rlitem.find("-");
int first = rlitem.left(pos).toInt();
int last = rlitem.right(rlitem.length()-pos-1).toInt();
if (first == 0)
first = 1;
if (last == 0)
last = count;
for (int i=first; i<=last; i++)
v += map[TQString::number(i)] + " ";
// Remove used value from ql (needed for \{@}):
ql[i-1] = "";
v = v.stripWhiteSpace();
if (!v.isEmpty())
found = true;
PDVAR (" range", TQString::number(first) + "-" + TQString::number(last) + " => '" + v + "'");
v = encodeString(v, encodingMib);
else if ( rlitem.startsWith("\"") && rlitem.endsWith("\"") )
// Use default string from query definition:
found = true;
TQString s = rlitem.mid(1, rlitem.length() - 2);
v = encodeString(s, encodingMib);
PDVAR (" default", s);
else if (map.tqcontains(rlitem))
// Use value from substitution map:
found = true;
PDVAR (" map['" + rlitem + "']", map[rlitem]);
v = encodeString(map[rlitem], encodingMib);
// Remove used value from ql (needed for \{@}):
TQString c = rlitem.left(1);
if (c=="0")
// It's a numeric reference to '0'
for (TQStringList::Iterator it = ql.begin(); it!=ql.end(); ++it)
(*it) = "";
else if ((c>="0") && (c<="9"))
// It's a numeric reference > '0'
int n = rlitem.toInt();
ql[n-1] = "";
// It's a alphanumeric reference
TQStringList::Iterator it = ql.begin();
while ((it != ql.end()) && ((rlitem + "=") != (*it).left(rlitem.length()+1)))
if ((rlitem + "=") == (*it).left(rlitem.length()+1))
(*it) = "";
// Encode '+', otherwise it would be interpreted as space in the resulting url:
int vpos = 0;
while ((vpos = v.find('+')) != -1)
v = v.tqreplace (vpos, 1, "%2B");
else if (rlitem == "@")
v = "\\@";
PDVAR (" v", v);
newurl = newurl.tqreplace(pos, reflist.matchedLength(), v);
// Special handling for \{@};
PDVAR (" newurl", newurl);
// Generate list of unmatched strings:
TQString v = "";
for (unsigned int i=0; i<ql.count(); i++) {
v += " " + ql[i];
v = v.simplifyWhiteSpace();
PDVAR (" rest", v);
v = encodeString(v, encodingMib);
// Substitute \{@} with list of unmatched query strings
int vpos = 0;
while ((vpos = newurl.find("\\@")) != -1)
newurl = newurl.tqreplace (vpos, 2, v);
return newurl;
TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::formatResult( const TQString& url,
const TQString& cset1,
const TQString& cset2,
const TQString& query,
bool isMalformed ) const
SubstMap map;
return formatResult (url, cset1, cset2, query, isMalformed, map);
TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::formatResult( const TQString& url,
const TQString& cset1,
const TQString& cset2,
const TQString& query,
bool /* isMalformed */,
SubstMap& map ) const
// Return nothing if userquery is empty and it tqcontains
// substitution strings...
if (query.isEmpty() && url.find(TQRegExp(TQRegExp::escape("\\{"))) > 0)
return TQString::null;
// Debug info of map:
if (!map.isEmpty())
PIDDBG << "Got non-empty substitution map:\n";
for(SubstMap::Iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it)
PDVAR (" map['" + it.key() + "']",;
// Create a codec for the desired encoding so that we can transcode the user's "url".
TQString cseta = cset1;
if (cseta.isEmpty())
cseta = "iso-8859-1";
TQTextCodec *csetacodec = TQTextCodec::codecForName(cseta.latin1());
if (!csetacodec)
cseta = "iso-8859-1";
csetacodec = TQTextCodec::codecForName(cseta.latin1());
// Decode user query:
TQString userquery = KURL::decode_string(query, 106 /* utf-8*/);
PDVAR ("user query", userquery);
PDVAR ("query definition", url);
// Add charset indicator for the query to substitution map:
map.tqreplace("ikw_charset", cseta);
// Add charset indicator for the fallback query to substitution map:
TQString csetb = cset2;
if (csetb.isEmpty())
csetb = "iso-8859-1";
map.tqreplace("wsc_charset", csetb);
TQString newurl = substituteQuery (url, map, userquery, csetacodec->mibEnum());
PDVAR ("substituted query", newurl);
return newurl;
void KURISearchFilterEngine::loadConfig()
// Migrate from the old format, this block should remain until
// we can assume "every" user has upgraded to a KDE version that
// tqcontains the sycoca based search provider configuration (malte).
// TODO: Remove in KDE 4 !!! This has been here a sufficient amount of time...
KSimpleConfig oldConfig(kapp->dirs()->saveLocation("config") + TQString(name()) + "rc");
if (oldConfig.hasKey("SearchEngines"))
// User has an old config file in his local config dir
PIDDBG << "Migrating config file to .desktop files..." << endl;
TQString fallback = oldConfig.readEntry("InternetKeywordsSearchFallback");
TQStringList engines = oldConfig.readListEntry("SearchEngines");
for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = engines.begin(); it != engines.end(); ++it)
if (!oldConfig.hasGroup(*it + " Search"))
oldConfig.setGroup(*it + " Search");
TQString query = oldConfig.readEntry("Query");
TQStringList keys = oldConfig.readListEntry("Keys");
TQString charset = oldConfig.readEntry("Charset");
oldConfig.deleteGroup(*it + " Search");
TQString name;
for (TQStringList::ConstIterator key = keys.begin(); key != keys.end(); ++key)
// take the longest key as name for the .desktop file
if ((*key).length() > name.length())
name = *key;
if (*it == fallback)
fallback = name;
SearchProvider *provider = SearchProvider::findByKey(name);
if (provider)
// If this entry has a corresponding global entry
// that comes with KDE's default configuration,
// compare both and if thei're equal, don't
// create a local copy
if (provider->name() == *it && provider->query() == query &&
provider->keys() == keys && (provider->charset() == charset ||
(provider->charset().isEmpty() && charset.isEmpty())))
PIDDBG << *it << " is unchanged, skipping" << endl;
delete provider;
KSimpleConfig desktop(kapp->dirs()->saveLocation("services", "searchproviders/") + name + ".desktop");
desktop.setGroup("Desktop Entry");
desktop.writeEntry("Type", "Service");
desktop.writeEntry("ServiceTypes", "SearchProvider");
desktop.writeEntry("Name", *it);
desktop.writeEntry("Query", query);
desktop.writeEntry("Keys", keys);
desktop.writeEntry("Charset", charset);
PIDDBG << "Created searchproviders/" << name << ".desktop for " << *it << endl;
oldConfig.deleteEntry("SearchEngines", false);
oldConfig.writeEntry("InternetKeywordsSearchFallback", fallback);
PIDDBG << "...completed" << endl;
PIDDBG << "Keywords Engine: Loading config..." << endl;
// Load the config.
KConfig config( name() + "rc", false, false );
config.setGroup( "General" );
m_cKeywordDelimiter = config.readNumEntry("KeywordDelimiter", ':');
m_bWebShortcutsEnabled = config.readBoolEntry("EnableWebShortcuts", true);
m_defaultSearchEngine = config.readEntry("DefaultSearchEngine");
m_bVerbose = config.readBoolEntry("Verbose", false);
// Use either a white space or a : as the keyword delimiter...
if (strchr (" :",m_cKeywordDelimiter) == 0)
m_cKeywordDelimiter = ':';
PIDDBG << "Keyword Delimiter: " << m_cKeywordDelimiter << endl;
PIDDBG << "Default Search Engine: " << m_defaultSearchEngine << endl;
PIDDBG << "Web Shortcuts Enabled: " << m_bWebShortcutsEnabled << endl;
PIDDBG << "Verbose: " << m_bVerbose << endl;