You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

562 lines
19 KiB

copyright : (C) 2002 Jonathan Riddell
email :
version : 1.0.1
release date : 19 July 2002
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#define PARTITION "/dev/hda11"
#include <kinstance.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include "kio_mac.moc"
using namespace KIO;
extern "C" {
int KDE_EXPORT kdemain(int, char **argv) {
KInstance instance("kio_mac");
MacProtocol slave(argv[2], argv[3]);
return 0;
MacProtocol::MacProtocol(const QCString &pool, const QCString &app)
: QObject(), SlaveBase("mac", pool, app) {
/* logFile = new QFile("/home/jr/logfile");
logFile->open(IO_ReadWrite | IO_Append);
logStream = new QTextStream(logFile);
*logStream << "Start Macprotocol()" << endl;
MacProtocol::~MacProtocol() {
/* *logStream << "destructor ~MacProtocol()" << endl;
delete logFile;
logFile = 0;
delete logStream;
logStream = 0;
delete myKProcess;
myKProcess = 0L;
//get() called when a file is to be read
void MacProtocol::get(const KURL& url) {
QString path = prepareHP(url); //mount and change to correct directory - return the filename
QString query = url.query();
QString mode("-");
QString mime;
processedBytes = 0;
//Find out the size and if it's a text file
UDSEntry entry = doStat(url);
UDSEntry::Iterator it;
for(it = entry.begin(); it != entry.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it).m_uds == KIO::UDS_MIME_TYPE) {
mime = (*it).m_str;
if ((*it).m_uds == KIO::UDS_SIZE) {
//find out if a mode has been specified in the query e.g. ?mode=t
//or if it's a text file then set the mode to text
int modepos = query.find("mode=");
int textpos = mime.find("text");
if (modepos != -1) {
mode += query.mid(modepos + 5, 1);
if (mode != "-r" && mode != "-b" && mode != "-m" && mode != "-t" && mode != "-a") {
error(ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Unknown mode"));
} else if (textpos != -1) {
mode += "t";
} else {
mode += "r";
//now we can read the file
myKProcess = new KProcess();
*myKProcess << "hpcopy" << mode << path << "-";
//data is now sent directly from the slot
connect(myKProcess, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)),
this, SLOT(slotSetDataStdOutput(KProcess *, char *, int)));
myKProcess->start(KProcess::Block, KProcess::All);
if (!myKProcess->normalExit() || !(myKProcess->exitStatus() == 0)) {
i18n("There was an error with hpcopy - please ensure it is installed"));
//clean up
delete myKProcess; myKProcess = 0;
//listDir() called when the user is looking at a directory
void MacProtocol::listDir(const KURL& url) {
QString filename = prepareHP(url);
if (filename.isNull()) {
error(ERR_CANNOT_LAUNCH_PROCESS, i18n("No filename was found"));
} else {
myKProcess = new KProcess();
*myKProcess << "hpls" << "-la" << filename;
standardOutputStream = QString::null;
connect(myKProcess, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)),
this, SLOT(slotGetStdOutput(KProcess *, char *, int)));
myKProcess->start(KProcess::Block, KProcess::All);
if ((!myKProcess->normalExit()) || (!myKProcess->exitStatus() == 0)) {
i18n("There was an error with hpls - please ensure it is installed"));
//clean up
delete myKProcess; myKProcess = 0;
disconnect(myKProcess, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)),
this, SLOT(slotGetStdOutput(KProcess *, char *, int)));
UDSEntry entry;
if (!standardOutputStream.isEmpty()) {
QTextStream in(&standardOutputStream, IO_ReadOnly);
QString line = in.readLine(); //throw away top file which shows current directory
line = in.readLine();
while (line != NULL) {
//1.0.4 puts this funny line in sometimes, we don't want it
if (line.contains("Thread ") == 0) {
entry = makeUDS(line);
listEntry(entry, false);
line = in.readLine();
}//if standardOutputStream != null
listEntry(entry, true);
}//if filename == null
//stat() called to see if it's a file or directory, called before listDir() or get()
void MacProtocol::stat(const KURL& url) {
//doStat(), does all the work that stat() needs
//it's been separated out so it can be called from get() which
//also need information
QValueList<KIO::UDSAtom> MacProtocol::doStat(const KURL& url) {
QString filename = prepareHP(url);
if (filename.isNull()) {
error(ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("No filename was found in the URL"));
} else if (! filename.isEmpty()) {
myKProcess = new KShellProcess();
*myKProcess << "hpls" << "-ld" << filename;
standardOutputStream = QString::null;
connect(myKProcess, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)),
this, SLOT(slotGetStdOutput(KProcess *, char *, int)));
myKProcess->start(KProcess::Block, KProcess::All);
if ((!myKProcess->normalExit()) || (!myKProcess->exitStatus() == 0)) {
i18n("hpls did not exit normally - please ensure you have installed the hfsplus tools"));
//clean up
delete myKProcess; myKProcess = 0;
disconnect(myKProcess, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)),
this, SLOT(slotGetStdOutput(KProcess *, char *, int)));
if (standardOutputStream.isEmpty()) {
filename.replace("\\ ", " "); //get rid of escapes
filename.replace("\\&", "&"); //mm, slashes...
filename.replace("\\!", "!");
filename.replace("\\(", "(");
filename.replace("\\)", ")");
error(ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, filename);
} else {
//remove trailing \n
QString line = standardOutputStream.left(standardOutputStream.length()-1);
UDSEntry entry = makeUDS(line);
return entry;
} else { //filename is empty means we're looking at root dir
//we don't have a listing for the root directory so here's a dummy one
UDSEntry entry = makeUDS("d 0 item Jan 01 2000 /");
return entry;
}//if filename == null
return QValueList<KIO::UDSAtom>();
//prepareHP() called from get() listDir() and stat()
//(re)mounts the partition and changes to the appropriate directory
QString MacProtocol::prepareHP(const KURL& url) {
QString path = url.path(-1);
if (path.left(1) == "/") {
path = path.mid(1); // strip leading slash
//find out if a device has been specified in the query e.g. ?dev=/dev/fd0
//or in the config file (query device entries are saved to config file)
QString device;
KConfig* config = new KConfig("macrc");
QString query = url.query();
int modepos = query.find("dev=");
if (modepos == -1) {
//no device specified, read from config or go with #define PARTITION
device = config->readEntry("device",PARTITION);
} else {
//TODO this means dev=foo must be the last argument in the query
device = query.mid(modepos + 4);
delete config; config = 0;
//first we run just hpmount and check the output to see if it's version 1.0.2 or 1.0.4
myKProcess = new KProcess();
*myKProcess << "hpmount";
standardOutputStream = QString::null;
connect(myKProcess, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess *, char *, int)),
this, SLOT(slotGetStdOutput(KProcess *, char *, int)));
myKProcess->start(KProcess::Block, KProcess::All);
bool version102 = true;
if (standardOutputStream.contains("options") != 0) {
version102 = false;
delete myKProcess; myKProcess = 0;
disconnect(myKProcess, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess *, char *, int)),
this, SLOT(slotGetStdOutput(KProcess *, char *, int)));
//now mount the drive
myKProcess = new KProcess();
if (version102) {
*myKProcess << "hpmount" << device;
} else {
*myKProcess << "hpmount" << "-r" << device;
myKProcess->start(KProcess::Block, KProcess::All);
if ((!myKProcess->normalExit()) || (!myKProcess->exitStatus() == 0)) {
//TODO this error interrupts the user when typing ?dev=foo on each letter of foo
i18n("hpmount did not exit normally - please ensure that hfsplus utils are installed,\n"
"that you have permission to read the partition (ls -l /dev/hdaX)\n"
"and that you have specified the correct partition.\n"
"You can specify partitions by adding ?dev=/dev/hda2 to the URL."));
return NULL;
//clean up
delete myKProcess; myKProcess = 0;
//escape any funny characters
//TODO are there any more characters to escape?
path.replace(" ", "\\ ");
path.replace("&", "\\&");
path.replace("!", "\\!");
path.replace("(", "\\(");
path.replace(")", "\\)");
//then change to the right directory
int s; QString dir;
s = path.find('/');
while (s != -1) {
dir = path.left(s);
path = path.mid(s+1);
myKProcess = new KProcess();
*myKProcess << "hpcd" << dir;
myKProcess->start(KProcess::Block, KProcess::All);
if ((!myKProcess->normalExit()) || (!myKProcess->exitStatus() == 0)) {
i18n("hpcd did not exit normally - please ensure it is installed"));
return NULL;
//clean up
delete myKProcess; myKProcess = 0;
s = path.find('/');
return path;
//makeUDS() takes a line of output from hpls -l and converts it into
// one of these UDSEntrys to return
//called from listDir() and stat()
QValueList<KIO::UDSAtom> MacProtocol::makeUDS(const QString& _line) {
QString line(_line);
UDSEntry entry;
//is it a file or a directory
QRegExp dirRE("^d. +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +(.*)");
QRegExp fileRE("^([f|F]). +(....)/(....) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +(.*)");
if (dirRE.exactMatch(line)) {
UDSAtom atom;
atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_NAME;
atom.m_str = dirRE.cap(6);
atom.m_long = makeTime(dirRE.cap(4), dirRE.cap(3), dirRE.cap(5));
atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE;
atom.m_long = S_IFDIR;
atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_ACCESS;
atom.m_long = 0755;
} else if (fileRE.exactMatch(line)) {
UDSAtom atom;
atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_NAME;
atom.m_str = fileRE.cap(9);
atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_SIZE;
QString theSize(fileRE.cap(4)); //TODO: this is data size, what about resource size?
atom.m_long = theSize.toLong();
atom.m_long = makeTime(fileRE.cap(7), fileRE.cap(6), fileRE.cap(8));
atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_ACCESS;
if (QString(fileRE.cap(1)) == QString("F")) { //if locked then read only
atom.m_long = 0444;
} else {
atom.m_long = 0644;
atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_MIME_TYPE;
QString mimetype = getMimetype(fileRE.cap(2),fileRE.cap(3));
atom.m_str = mimetype.local8Bit();
// Is it a file or a link/alias, just make aliases link to themselves
if (QString(fileRE.cap(2)) == QString("adrp") ||
QString(fileRE.cap(2)) == QString("fdrp")) {
atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE;
atom.m_long = S_IFREG;
atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_LINK_DEST;
atom.m_str = fileRE.cap(9); //I have a file called "Mozilla alias" the name
// of which displays funny because of this.
// No idea why. Same for other kioslaves. A font thing?
} else {
atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE;
atom.m_long = S_IFREG;
} else {
error(ERR_INTERNAL, i18n("hpls output was not matched"));
} //if match dirRE or fileRE
return entry;
//slotGetStdOutput() grabs output from the hp commands
// and adds it to the buffer
void MacProtocol::slotGetStdOutput(KProcess*, char *s, int len) {
standardOutputStream += QString::fromLocal8Bit(s, len);
//slotSetDataStdOutput() is used during hpcopy to give
//standard output to KDE
void MacProtocol::slotSetDataStdOutput(KProcess*, char *s, int len) {
processedBytes += len;
QByteArray array;
array.setRawData(s, len);
array.resetRawData(s, len);
//makeTime() takes in the date output from hpls -l
//and returns as good a timestamp as we're going to get
int MacProtocol::makeTime(QString mday, QString mon, QString third) {
int year; int month; int day;
int hour; int minute;
//find the month
if (mon == "Jan") { month = 1; }
else if (mon == "Feb") { month = 2; }
else if (mon == "Mar") { month = 3; }
else if (mon == "Apr") { month = 4; }
else if (mon == "May") { month = 5; }
else if (mon == "Jun") { month = 6; }
else if (mon == "Jul") { month = 7; }
else if (mon == "Aug") { month = 8; }
else if (mon == "Sep") { month = 9; }
else if (mon == "Oct") { month = 10; }
else if (mon == "Nov") { month = 11; }
else if (mon == "Dec") { month = 12; }
else {
error(ERR_INTERNAL, i18n("Month output from hpls -l not matched"));
month = 13;
//if the file is recent (last 12 months) hpls gives us the time,
// otherwise it only prints the year
QRegExp hourMin("(..):(..)");
if (hourMin.exactMatch(third)) {
QDate currentDate(QDate::currentDate());
if (month > currentDate.month()) {
year = currentDate.year() - 1;
} else {
year = currentDate.year();
QString h(hourMin.cap(1));
QString m(hourMin.cap(2));
hour = h.toInt();
minute = m.toInt();
} else {
year = third.toInt();
hour = 0;
minute = 0;
}// if hour:min or year
day = mday.toInt();
//check it's valid
if ( (!QDate::isValid(year, month, day)) || (!QTime::isValid(hour, minute, 0) ) ) {
error(ERR_INTERNAL, i18n("Could not parse a valid date from hpls"));
//put it together and work it out
QDate fileDate(year, month, day);
QTime fileTime(hour, minute);
QDateTime fileDateTime(fileDate, fileTime);
return fileDateTime.toTime_t();
QString MacProtocol::getMimetype(QString type, QString app) {
if (type == QString("TEXT") && app == QString("ttxt")) {
return QString("text/plain");
} else if (type == QString("TEXT") && app == QString("udog")) {
return QString("text/html");
} else if (type == QString("svgs")) {
return QString("text/xml");
} else if (type == QString("ZIP ")) {
return QString("application/zip");
} else if (type == QString("pZip")) {
return QString("application/zip");
} else if (type == QString("APPL")) {
return QString("application/x-executable");
} else if (type == QString("MooV")) {
return QString("video/quicktime");
} else if (type == QString("TEXT") && app == QString("MSWD")) {
return QString("application/");
} else if (type == QString("PDF ")) {
return QString("application/pdf");
} else if (app == QString("CARO")) {
return QString("application/pdf");
} else if (type == QString("SIT5")) {
return QString("application/x-stuffit");
} else if (type == QString("SITD")) {
return QString("application/x-stuffit");
} else if (type == QString("SIT!")) {
return QString("application/x-stuffit");
} else if (app == QString("SIT!")) {
return QString("application/x-stuffit");
} else if (type == QString("RTFf")) {
return QString("text/rtf");
} else if (type == QString("GIFf")) {
return QString("image/gif");
} else if (type == QString("JPEG")) {
return QString("image/jpeg");
} else if (type == QString("PNGf")) {
return QString("image/png");
} else if (type == QString("XBMm")) {
return QString("image/x-xbm");
} else if (type == QString("EPSF")) {
return QString("image/x-epsf");
} else if (type == QString("TIFF")) {
return QString("image/tiff");
} else if (type == QString("PICT")) {
return QString("image/pict");
} else if (type == QString("TPIC")) {
return QString("image/x-targa");
} else if (type == QString("ULAW")) {
return QString("audio/basic");
} else if (type == QString("AIFF")) {
return QString("audio/x-aiff");
} else if (type == QString("WAVE")) {
return QString("audio/x-wav");
} else if (type == QString("FFIL") && app == QString("DMOV")) {
return QString("application/x-font");
} else if (type == QString("XLS3")) {
return QString("application/");
} else if (type == QString("XLS4")) {
return QString("application/");
} else if (type == QString("XLS5")) {
return QString("application/");
} else if (app == QString("MSWD")) {
return QString("application/");
} else if (type == QString("TEXT")) {
return QString("text/plain");
} else if (app == QString("ttxt")) {
return QString("text/plain");
return QString("application/octet-stream");