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<chapter id="configure">
<title>Configuring &tde;</title>
<para>How do I set the language used by &tde;?</para>
<para>First ensure the appropriate tde-i18n language package is installed.</para>
<para>Thereafter there are two ways to set the language &tde; uses in the
messages it will display:</para>
<varlistentry><term>Using the <application>&tde; Control Center</application></term>
<listitem><para>Open the <application>&tde; Control Center</application> and select
<guimenu>Regional &amp; Accessibility</guimenu> then
<guimenuitem>Country/Region &amp; Language</guimenuitem>. You can select your language and location
here. If &tde; cannot find a translation in the first language
chosen, it will fall back on the default language. This is usually
(American) English by default.</para>
<note><para>Using the <application>&tde; Control Center</application> is the preferred way of choosing
languages in &tde;.</para></note></listitem>
<varlistentry><term>Using the <envar>LANG</envar> environment variable</term>
<listitem><para>The second method uses the standard locale setting on
your system. To change the language, simply set the environment
variable <envar>LANG</envar> accordingly. For example, if your shell
is <application>bash</application>, execute
<userinput><command>export</command> <envar>LANG</envar>=de</userinput>
to set German as the language used.</para></listitem>
<para>Is there any keyboard switcher for international keyboards for
Yes, configure the switcher using the <application>&tde; Control Center</application>
<menuchoice><guimenu>Regional &amp; Accessibility</guimenu><guimenuitem>
Keyboard Layout</guimenuitem></menuchoice> configuration page.
<para>How do I replace the standard text login screen with the
&tde; login screen?</para>
<note><para>Your &UNIX; distribution might have its own setup tools to
change this (&eg; <application>YaST</application> on &SuSE; &Linux;). This will
be the safest way to enable the &tde; login screen. However, if for some reason
you do not wish to use these tools, the following instructions might be useful.</para></note>
<para>First, ychange to the <quote>xdm runlevel</quote> (runlevel 5 on
&RedHat; and &SuSE; systems) by editing your
<filename>/etc/inittab</filename> file. In the file, there should be
a line saying <userinput>id:3:initdefault:</userinput>. Change it to
<userinput>id:5:initdefault:</userinput>. At the end of the file,
comment out the following line:
<literal>x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/X11/xdm -nodaemon</literal> and
replace it with
<note><para>The location of &tdm; might differ on your
<para>For changes to take effect immediately, type <command>init
5</command> (for &RedHat; systems) at the shell prompt.
<caution><para>It is risky to initiate a graphical login without
checking beforehand whether it works. If it fails to work, you would
be in for a hard time getting back.</para></caution></para>
For FreeBSD, you should edit the file <filename>/etc/ttys</filename>
and change one of the lines that look like
<programlisting>ttyv8 "/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon" xterm off secure</programlisting>
to instead say <userinput>ttyv8 "/usr/local/bin/tdm -nodaemon" xterm
off secure</userinput>.</para>
<para>I would like to click the &LMB; anywhere on the
desktop and have the <guimenu>TDE</guimenu> menu displayed.</para>
<para>Use the &RMB; to select the desktop. From the popup menu, select
<guisubmenu>Configure Desktop</guisubmenu>. From the icon list
select the Behavior icon. Choose the behavior of mouse clicks on the desktop. To have
the <guimenu>TDE</guimenu> menu open from a single &LMB; click, change
the entry labeled <guilabel>Left button</guilabel> to say
<guilabel>Application Menu</guilabel>.</para>
<para>Where do I find additional &tde; themes?</para>
<para>Go to <ulink url=""></ulink>.</para>
<para>How do I change &MIME; Types?</para>
<para>When using &konqueror;, open a &konqueror; window and choose
Konqueror</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. From the icon list select
<guilabel>File Associations</guilabel>. Find the mime type you want to change
(&eg; <literal>text/english</literal> or
<literal>image/gif</literal>), and set the application preference order
to whatever you want.</para>
<para>The same thing can be accomplished by using the <application>&tde; Control Center
</application>. Select <menuchoice><guimenu>TDE Components</guimenu><guimenuitem>File Associations</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
<para>&tde; (&tdm;) does not read my <filename>.bash_profile</filename>.</para>
<para>The login managers<application>xdm</application> and &tdm; do
not run a login shell, so <filename>.profile</filename>,
<filename>.bash_profile</filename>, &etc; are not
sourced. When the user logs in, <application>xdm</application> runs
<command>Xstartup</command> as root and then
<command>Xsession</command> as user. The normal practice is to add
statements in <filename>Xsession</filename> to source the user
profile. Please edit your <filename>Xsession</filename> and
<filename>.xsession</filename> files.</para>
<para>How do I use &TrueType; fonts in &tde;?</para>
<para>Install &TrueType; font support into your &X-Window; configuration.
<!--Please take a look at <ulink
url=""></ulink> for the fonts, and
<ulink url="">xfsft:
&TrueType; Font Support For X11</ulink> or <ulink
url="">X-&TrueType; Server Project Home
Page</ulink> for the font servers.-->
<para>If you have a bunch of &TrueType; fonts from &Microsoft;
&Windows;, edit the <filename>xorg.conf</filename> file to get the
fonts from the font folder. Then configure &tde; to use these new
fonts with the <filename>Font Administrator</filename> utility.</para>
<para>Is it possible to enter, show, and work with the Euro Symbol in
<para>Yes. Open the <application>&tde; Control Center</application> and select
<guimenu>Regional &amp; Accessibility</guimenu>, then
<guimenuitem>Keyboard Layout</guimenuitem>. Select the <guimenuitem>Xkb Options</guimenuitem>
tab and enable the <guilabel>Enable xkb options</guilabel> check box. Choose a compose key.
Enable <guilabel>Adding Eurosign to certain keys</guilabel> and select the desired key.</para>
<question><para>How do I run a program at &tde; startup?</para></question>
<answer><para>There are several ways to do that. If you want to
run some scripts that set environment variables (for
example, to start <command>gpg-agent</command>, <command>ssh-agent</command> and others), place the
scripts into <filename class="directory">$<envar>TDEHOME</envar>/env/</filename>. Make sure their names end in
<literal role="extension">.sh</literal>. $<envar>TDEHOME</envar> is
usually a folder named <filename class="directory">.trinity</filename>
(notice the period at the beginning) in your home
folder. If you want scripts to be executed for all &tde; users, you can
put them under <filename class="directory">$<envar>TDEDIR</envar>/env/</filename>, where $<envar>TDEDIR</envar> is the prefix &tde; is installed (you can find this out using the command
<userinput><command>tde-config --prefix</command></userinput>).</para>
<para>If you wish to start a program after &tde; has started, you may want to use the
<filename class="directory">Autostart</filename> folder. To add
entries to the <filename class="directory">Autostart</filename> folder:
<listitem><para>Open &konqueror;.</para>
<listitem><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Go</guimenu><guimenuitem>Autostart</guimenuitem>
</menuchoice> from the menubar.</para>
<listitem><para>Right-click in the window view area and select <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Create New</guisubmenu><guisubmenu>File</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Link to
<listitem><para>Click on the <guilabel>Application</guilabel> tab in
the window that appears and enter the name of the command to run in
the <guilabel>Command</guilabel> text box.</para>
<para>How can I allow more than one user to be logged in a at a time? Can &tde; do <quote>fast user switching</quote>?</para>
<para>Yes, when starting &tde; through the graphical login mode. When starting &tde;
from the command line using <filename>startx</filename>, then toggle to a different console
to login in.</para>
<para>To enable more than one user to log in at one time on the same
computer (sometimes referred to as <quote>fast user switching</quote>)
configure the program that logs you in to allow more than one
session (or, in &X-Window; terms, <quote>display</quote>) at a time.</para>
<para>In &tde;, this program is called &tdm; which stands for <quote>&tde;
Display Manager</quote>. If you are not using &tdm; as your login screen
then you will need to consult the documentation for the software you are using on how to
accomplish multiple sessions.</para>
<para>By default, this will be configured at installation time automatically
if &tdm; supports virtual terminals on your system (currently Linux only).
If it was not configured automatically, consult the &tdm; manual, section
<ulink url="help:/tdm/tdmrc-xservers.html">Specifying permanent &X-Server;s</ulink>.
After modifying tdmrc, you will have to restart &tdm;; just
invoke <command>killall -HUP tdm</command>.</para>