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KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard
Copyright (c) 1999 - 2002 Chris Schlaeger <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
KSysGuard is currently maintained by Chris Schlaeger <>.
Please do not commit any changes without consulting me first. Thanks!
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <SensorDisplay.h>
class QDomElement;
class QDragEnterEvent;
class QDropEvent;
class QGridLayout;
class QString;
class QStringList;
A WorkSheet contains the displays to visualize the sensor results. When
creating the WorkSheet you must specify the number of columns. Displays
can be added and removed on the fly. The grid layout will handle the
layout. The number of columns can not be changed. Displays are added by
dragging a sensor from the sensor browser over the WorkSheet.
class WorkSheet : public QWidget, public KSGRD::SensorBoard
WorkSheet( QWidget* parent, const char *name = 0 );
WorkSheet( uint rows, uint columns, uint interval, QWidget* parent,
const char *name = 0 );
bool load( const QString &fileName );
bool save( const QString &fileName );
void cut();
void copy();
void paste();
void setFileName( const QString &fileName );
const QString& fileName() const;
bool modified() const;
void setTitle( const QString &title );
QString title() const;
KSGRD::SensorDisplay* addDisplay( const QString &hostname,
const QString &monitor,
const QString &sensorType,
const QString &sensorDescr,
uint rows, uint columns );
//Returns the sensor at position row,column.
//Return NULL if invalid row or column
KSGRD::SensorDisplay *display( uint row, uint column );
void settings();
void setIsOnTop( bool onTop );
public slots:
void showPopupMenu( KSGRD::SensorDisplay *display );
void setModified( bool mfd );
void applyStyle();
void sheetModified( QWidget *sheet );
void titleChanged( QWidget *sheet );
virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
void dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* );
void dropEvent( QDropEvent* );
void customEvent( QCustomEvent* );
void removeDisplay( KSGRD::SensorDisplay *display );
bool replaceDisplay( uint row, uint column, QDomElement& element );
void replaceDisplay( uint row, uint column,
KSGRD::SensorDisplay* display = 0 );
void collectHosts( QStringList &list );
void createGrid( uint rows, uint columns );
void resizeGrid( uint rows, uint columns );
KSGRD::SensorDisplay* currentDisplay( uint* row = 0, uint* column = 0 );
void fixTabOrder();
QString currentDisplayAsXML();
bool mModified;
uint mRows;
uint mColumns;
QGridLayout* mGridLayout;
QString mFileName;
QString mTitle;
This two dimensional array stores the pointers to the sensor displays
or if no sensor is present at a position a pointer to a dummy widget.
The size of the array corresponds to the size of the grid layout.
KSGRD::SensorDisplay*** mDisplayList;