<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
<chapter id="desktop">
<title>The desktop</title>
<para>How do I add an application to the desktop?</para>
<para>Just choose the desired application from the <guimenu>K</guimenu> menu and drag and drop it to the Desktop.
<para>For applications not listed in the <guimenu>K</guimenu> menu,
use the &RMB; on the desktop and choose <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Create New</guimenuitem><guisubmenu>File</guisubmenu>
<guimenuitem>Link to Application...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and fill in the configuration for the application you want to link to.
<para>How do I mount/unmount a device from the desktop?</para>
<para>First, make sure you are allowed to <command>mount</command>/<command>umount</command> the relevant device as a user.
<para>Then you can add any device via &RMB; on the desktop and then choosing <menuchoice><guimenu>Create New</guimenu><guimenuitem>Link to Device</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and then selecting the device of the type you wish to control from the desktop. Fill in the settings for the device in the dialog that appears and click <guilabel>OK</guilabel>. You can use the resulting desktop icon to mount/unmount the device from the desktop.
that will automatically support the use of the mouse scroll wheel if your system is configured correctly. Check your &X-Server; settings support the use of a scrollwheel if it is not working.</para>
<para>How do I launch applications in a particular desktop?</para>