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// Copyright (C) 2003 Dominique Devriese <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
// 02110-1301, USA.
#include "common.h"
#include "../misc/boost_intrusive_pointer.h"
class ObjectCalcer;
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref( ObjectCalcer* p );
void intrusive_ptr_release( ObjectCalcer* p );
* An ObjectCalcer is an object that represents an algorithm for
* calculating an ObjectImp from other ObjectImp's. It is also a node
* in the dependency graph of a certain document. E.g. a LineImp can
* be calculated from the two PointImp's it has to go through; every
* time either of them moves, this calculation is redone. In this
* case, there would be an ObjectCalcer that keeps a reference to its
* two parents ( the ObjectCalcer's representing the points ), and
* that will calculate its ObjectImp value every time it is asked to
* do so ( i.e. every time one of its parents moves.. ).
* Each ObjectHolder keeps its ObjectImp itself, and recalculates it
* from its parents in its calc() method ( if necessary ).
* Because of the complex relations that ObjectCalcer's hold to other
* ObjectCalcer's and to other classes, they have been made
* reference-counted. This means that they keep a count internally of
* how much times a pointer to them is held. If this count reaches 0,
* this means that nobody needs them anymore, and they delete
* themselves. E.g. an ObjectCalcer always keeps a reference to its
* parents, to ensure that those aren't deleted before it is deleted.
* At runtime, there will be an entire graph of ObjectCalcer that
* depend on their parents.. At the bottom, there are Calcer's that
* the user is aware of, and that are held by ObjectHolder's. At the
* top, there are Calcer's without parents that serve only to hold
* some data. Those are most likely ObjectConstCalcer's. There are
* some algorithms to work with the dependency graph in various ways
* in ../misc/calcpath.h
* ObjectCalcer's also decide how an object should be allowed to
* move. If the user selects a point, and tries to move it, then its
* ObjectCalcer will be asked whether it can move, and if so, will be
* asked to move. See below with the canMove(), move() and
* moveReferencePoint() methods..
class ObjectCalcer
* ObjectCalcer's are reference counted.. They all take a reference
* to their parents, and some other classes like ObjectHolder take a
* reference to some ObjectCalcer's that they don't want to see
* deleted..
friend void intrusive_ptr_add_ref( ObjectCalcer* p );
friend void intrusive_ptr_release( ObjectCalcer* p );
int refcount;
void ref();
void deref();
// we keep track of our children, so algorithms can easily walk over
// the dependency graph..
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> mchildren;
* a calcer should call this to register itself as a child of this
* calcer. This automatically takes a reference.
void addChild( ObjectCalcer* c );
* a calcer should call this in its destructor, to inform its parent
* that it is no longer a child of this calcer. This will release
* the reference taken in addChild..
void delChild( ObjectCalcer* c );
// use this pointer type to keep a reference to an ObjectCalcer...
typedef myboost::intrusive_ptr<ObjectCalcer> shared_ptr;
* Returns the child ObjectCalcer's of this ObjectCalcer.
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> children() const;
virtual ~ObjectCalcer();
* Returns the parent ObjectCalcer's of this ObjectCalcer.
virtual std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> parents() const = 0;
* Returns the ObjectImp of this ObjectCalcer.
virtual const ObjectImp* imp() const = 0;
* Makes the ObjectCalcer recalculate its ObjectImp from its
* parents.
virtual void calc( const KigDocument& ) = 0;
* An ObjectCalcer expects its parents to have an ObjectImp of a
* certain type. This method returns the ObjectImpType that \p o
* should have. \p os is a list of all the parents in order, and
* \p o is part of it. This method will return the ObjectImpType
* that the parent should *at least* be. For example, a Translated
* object can translate any sort of object, so it will return
* ObjectImp::stype() here ( the topmost ObjectImpType, that all
* other ObjectImpType's inherit ).
virtual const ObjectImpType* impRequirement(
ObjectCalcer* o, const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& os ) const = 0;
* Returns whether this ObjectCalcer supports moving.
virtual bool canMove() const;
* Returns whether this ObjectCalcer can be translated at any position
* in the coordinate plane. Note that a ConstrainedPointType can be
* moved, but cannot be moved everywhere.
virtual bool isFreelyTranslatable() const;
* Moving an object most of the time signifies invoking changes in
* some of its parents. This method returns the set of parents that
* will be changed in the move() method. The object itself should
* not be included.
virtual std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> movableParents() const;
* In order to support simultaneously moving objects that are in
* different locations, we need for each object a location that it
* is assumed to be at, at the moment the moving starts. This
* method returns such a point.
virtual Coordinate moveReferencePoint() const;
* This is the method that does the real moving work. It will be
* invoked to tell the object to move to the new location to. After
* this, the calc() method will be calced, so you only need to do
* the real changes in this method, updating the ObjectImp should be
* done in the calc() method, not here.
virtual void move( const Coordinate& to, const KigDocument& doc );
* If this ObjectCalcer represents a curve, return true if the given
* point is by construction on this curve. If this ObjectCalcer
* represents a point, return true if this point is by construction
* on the given curve.
virtual bool isDefinedOnOrThrough( const ObjectCalcer* o ) const = 0;
* This is an ObjectCalcer that uses one of the various ObjectType's
* to calculate its ObjectImp. It basically forwards all of its
* functionality to the ObjectType that it holds a pointer to.
class ObjectTypeCalcer
: public ObjectCalcer
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> mparents;
const ObjectType* mtype;
ObjectImp* mimp;
typedef myboost::intrusive_ptr<ObjectTypeCalcer> shared_ptr;
* Construct a new ObjectTypeCalcer with a given type and parents.
// ObjectTypeCalcer( const ObjectType* type, const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& parents );
* the sort boolean tells whether the sortArgs method should be invoked or not;
* if not present
ObjectTypeCalcer( const ObjectType* type, const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& parents, bool sort=true );
const ObjectImp* imp() const;
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> parents() const;
void calc( const KigDocument& doc );
* Set the parents of this ObjectTypeCalcer to np. This object will
* release the reference it had to its old parents, and take a new
* one on the new parents.
void setParents( const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> np );
void setType( const ObjectType* t );
const ObjectType* type() const;
const ObjectImpType* impRequirement(
ObjectCalcer* o, const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& os ) const;
bool isDefinedOnOrThrough( const ObjectCalcer* o ) const;
bool canMove() const;
bool isFreelyTranslatable() const;
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> movableParents() const;
Coordinate moveReferencePoint() const;
void move( const Coordinate& to, const KigDocument& doc );
* This is an ObjectCalcer that keeps an ObjectImp, and never
* calculates a new one. It is a trivial, but very useful
* ObjectCalcer. It is used often in Kig, for holding data to be used
* by other ObjectCalcer's.
class ObjectConstCalcer
: public ObjectCalcer
ObjectImp* mimp;
typedef myboost::intrusive_ptr<ObjectConstCalcer> shared_ptr;
* Construct a new ObjectConstCalcer with the given imp as the
* stored ObjectImp.
* This class takes ownership of the imp you pass it, it should have
* been constructed using new, and this class is responsible for
* deleting it.
ObjectConstCalcer( ObjectImp* imp );
const ObjectImp* imp() const;
void calc( const KigDocument& doc );
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> parents() const;
* Set the ObjectImp of this ObjectConstCalcer to the given
* newimp. The old one will be deleted.
void setImp( ObjectImp* newimp );
* Set the ObjectImp of this ObjectConstCalcer to the given
* newimp. The old one will not be deleted, but returned.
ObjectImp* switchImp( ObjectImp* newimp );
const ObjectImpType* impRequirement(
ObjectCalcer* o, const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& os ) const;
bool isDefinedOnOrThrough( const ObjectCalcer* o ) const;
* This is an ObjectCalcer that has a single parent, and gets a
* certain property from it in its calc() method.
* \see ObjectImp::property
class ObjectPropertyCalcer
: public ObjectCalcer
ObjectImp* mimp;
ObjectCalcer* mparent;
int mpropid;
* Construct a new ObjectPropertyCalcer, that will get the property
* from parent with number propid.
ObjectPropertyCalcer( ObjectCalcer* parent, int propid );
const ObjectImp* imp() const;
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> parents() const;
void calc( const KigDocument& doc );
int propId() const;
ObjectCalcer* parent() const;
const ObjectImpType* impRequirement(
ObjectCalcer* o, const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& os ) const;
bool isDefinedOnOrThrough( const ObjectCalcer* o ) const;