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fov.cpp - description
begin : Fri 05 Sept 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Jason Harris
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include "fov.h"
FOV::FOV( QString n, float sz, int sh, QString col ) : Name( n ), Color( col ), Size( sz ), Shape( sh )
FOV::FOV() : Name( i18n( "No FOV" ) ), Color( "#FFFFFF" ), Size( 0.0 ), Shape( 0 )
FOV::FOV( QString sname ) {
QFile f;
f.setName( locate( "appdata", "fov.dat" ) );
int sh;
float sz;
if ( f.exists() && IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
QTextStream stream( &f );
while ( !stream.eof() ) {
QStringList fields = QStringList::split( ":", stream.readLine() );
bool ok( false );
if ( fields.count() == 4 ) {
if ( fields[0] == sname ) {
sz = (float)(fields[1].toDouble( &ok ));
if ( ok ) {
sh = fields[2].toInt( &ok );
if ( ok ) {
Name = fields[0];
Size = sz;
Shape = sh;
Color = fields[3];
//If we get here, then the symbol could not be assigned
Name = i18n( "No FOV" );
Size = 0.0;
Shape = 0;
Color = "#FFFFFF";
void FOV::draw( QPainter &p, float pixelsize ) {
p.setPen( QColor( color() ) );
p.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
int w = p.viewport().width();
int h = p.viewport().height();
switch ( shape() ) {
case 0: { //Square
int s = int( pixelsize );
p.drawRect( (w - s)/2, (h - s)/2, s, s );
case 1: { //Circle
int s = int( pixelsize );
p.drawEllipse( (w - s)/2, (h - s)/2, s, s );
case 2: { //Crosshairs
int s1 = int( pixelsize );
int s2 = 2*int( pixelsize );
int s3 = 3*int( pixelsize );
int x0 = w/2; int y0 = h/2;
int x1 = x0 - s1/2; int y1 = y0 - s1/2;
int x2 = x0 - s2/2; int y2 = y0 - s2/2;
int x3 = x0 - s3/2; int y3 = y0 - s3/2;
//Draw radial lines
p.drawLine( x1, y0, x3, y0 );
p.drawLine( x0+s3/2, y0, x0+s1/2, y0 );
p.drawLine( x0, y1, x0, y3 );
p.drawLine( x0, y0+s1/2, x0, y0+s3/2 );
//Draw circles at 0.5 & 1 degrees
p.drawEllipse( x1, y1, s1, s1 );
p.drawEllipse( x2, y2, s2, s2 );
case 3: { //Bullseye
int s1 = int( pixelsize );
int s2 = 2*int( pixelsize );
int s3 = 3*int( pixelsize );
int x0 = w/2; int y0 = h/2;
int x1 = x0 - s1/2; int y1 = y0 - s1/2;
int x2 = x0 - s2/2; int y2 = y0 - s2/2;
int x3 = x0 - s3/2; int y3 = y0 - s3/2;
p.drawEllipse( x1, y1, s1, s1 );
p.drawEllipse( x2, y2, s2, s2 );
p.drawEllipse( x3, y3, s3, s3 );
case 4: { // Solid Circle
int s = int( pixelsize );
p.setBrush( QBrush ( QColor( color() ), Qt::Dense4Pattern) );
p.drawEllipse( (w - s)/2, (h - s)/2, s, s );