You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

290 lines
9.3 KiB

statistics dialog page
begin : Thu Sep 21 20:50:53 MET 1999
copyright : (C) 1999-2001 Ewald Arnold <>
(C) 2001 The KDE-EDU team
(C) 2005 Peter Hedlund <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "StatistikPage.h"
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kvoctraindoc.h>
#include <prefs.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#define MIN_COL_WIDTH 2
#define PIX_SHIFT 2
#define SIZE_COUNT 70
#define SIZE_LESSON 300
#define TB_FGRADE 0
#define TB_TGRADE 1
#define TB_COUNT 2
#define TB_LESSON 3
class GradeListItem : public QListViewItem
inline GradeListItem (QListView* parent, int _lesson): QListViewItem(parent), lesson(_lesson) {}
inline int getLesson() const { return lesson; }
int lesson;
StatistikPage::StatistikPage(int col, kvoctrainDoc *_doc, QWidget *parent, const char *name)
: StatistikPageForm( parent, name ), doc(_doc)
StatListView->setColumnWidth(0, SIZE_GRADE + 10);
StatListView->setColumnWidth(1, SIZE_GRADE + 10);
StatListView->setColumnWidth(2, SIZE_COUNT);
StatListView->setColumnWidth(3, SIZE_LESSON);
vector<QString> lesson = doc->getLessonDescr();
// accumulate numbers of grades per lesson
for (int i = 0; i < (int) doc->numEntries(); i++) {
kvoctrainExpr *expr = doc->getEntry(i);
int fg = QMIN(KV_MAX_GRADE, expr->getGrade(col, false));
int tg = QMIN(KV_MAX_GRADE, expr->getGrade(col, true));
int l = expr->getLesson();
if (l >= 0 && l <= (int) lesson.size() ) {
connect(StatListView, SIGNAL( rightButtonPressed( QListViewItem *, const QPoint& , int ) ),
this, SLOT( slotRMB( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int ) ) );
void StatistikPage::setupPixmaps()
// create pixmaps with bar charts of numbers of grades
int height;
GradeListItem lvi (StatListView, 0);
height = lvi.height();
for (int entry = 0; entry < (int) fsc.size(); entry++) {
QPainter p;
QColor color;
QPixmap fpix (SIZE_GRADE, height);
p.begin( &fpix);
p.eraseRect (0, 0, fpix.width(), fpix.height());
p.setPen( black );
if (fsc[entry].num != 0) {
int num = 0;
for (int j = KV_NORM_GRADE; j <= KV_MAX_GRADE; j++)
if (fsc[entry].grade[j] != 0)
int maxw = fpix.width() -PIX_SHIFT -PIX_SHIFT -1;
int w = maxw;
int widths [KV_MAX_GRADE+1];
for (int j = KV_NORM_GRADE; j <= KV_MAX_GRADE; j++) {
if (fsc[entry].grade[j] == 0)
widths[j] = 0;
else {
if (num <= 1) {
widths[j] = w;
w = 0;
else {
widths[j] = QMAX(MIN_COL_WIDTH, fsc[entry].grade[j] * maxw / fsc[entry].num);
w -= widths[j];
int x = 0;
int x2 = 1+PIX_SHIFT;
for (int j = KV_MIN_GRADE; j <= KV_MAX_GRADE; j++) {
switch (j) {
case KV_NORM_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(0); break;
case KV_LEV1_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(1); break;
case KV_LEV2_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(2); break;
case KV_LEV3_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(3); break;
case KV_LEV4_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(4); break;
case KV_LEV5_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(5); break;
case KV_LEV6_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(6); break;
case KV_LEV7_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(7); break;
default : color = Prefs::gradeCol(1);
if (widths[j] != 0) {
x2 += widths[j];
p.fillRect(x+PIX_SHIFT, 1, x2-x, height-1, color);
p.drawRect(x+PIX_SHIFT, 1, x2-x, height-1);
x = x2-1;
else {
p.fillRect(PIX_SHIFT, 1, fpix.width()-PIX_SHIFT, height-1, Prefs::gradeCol(0));
p.drawRect(PIX_SHIFT, 1, fpix.width()-PIX_SHIFT, height-1);
QPixmap tpix (SIZE_GRADE, height);
p.begin( &tpix );
p.eraseRect (0, 0, tpix.width(), tpix.height());
p.setPen( black );
if (tsc[entry].num != 0) {
int num = 0;
for (int j = KV_NORM_GRADE; j <= KV_MAX_GRADE; j++)
if (tsc[entry].grade[j] != 0)
int maxw = tpix.width() -PIX_SHIFT -PIX_SHIFT -1;
int w = maxw;
int widths [KV_MAX_GRADE+1];
for (int j = KV_NORM_GRADE; j <= KV_MAX_GRADE; j++) {
if (tsc[entry].grade[j] == 0)
widths[j] = 0;
else {
if (num <= 1) {
widths[j] = w;
w = 0;
else {
widths[j] = QMAX(MIN_COL_WIDTH, tsc[entry].grade[j] * maxw / tsc[entry].num);
w -= widths[j];
int x = 0;
int x2 = 1+PIX_SHIFT;
for (int j = KV_MIN_GRADE; j <= KV_MAX_GRADE; j++) {
switch (j) {
case KV_NORM_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(0); break;
case KV_LEV1_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(1); break;
case KV_LEV2_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(2); break;
case KV_LEV3_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(3); break;
case KV_LEV4_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(4); break;
case KV_LEV5_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(5); break;
case KV_LEV6_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(6); break;
case KV_LEV7_GRADE: color = Prefs::gradeCol(7); break;
default : color = Prefs::gradeCol(1);
if (widths[j] != 0) {
x2 += widths[j];
p.fillRect(x+PIX_SHIFT, 1, x2-x, height-1, color);
p.drawRect(x+PIX_SHIFT, 1, x2-x, height-1);
x = x2-1;
else {
p.fillRect(PIX_SHIFT, 1, tpix.width()-PIX_SHIFT, height-1, Prefs::gradeCol(0));
p.drawRect(PIX_SHIFT, 1, tpix.width()-PIX_SHIFT, height-1);
// setup rows with pixmaps and strings
vector<QString> lesson = doc->getLessonDescr();
QString s;
GradeListItem *plvi = new GradeListItem(StatListView, 0);
plvi->setPixmap (TB_FGRADE, from_pix[0]);
plvi->setPixmap (TB_TGRADE, to_pix[0]);
s.setNum (tsc[0].num);
plvi->setText (TB_COUNT, s);
plvi->setText (TB_LESSON, i18n("<no lesson>"));
StatListView->insertItem (plvi);
for (int i = 0; i < (int) lesson.size(); i++) {
plvi = new GradeListItem(StatListView, i+1);
plvi->setPixmap (TB_FGRADE, from_pix[i+1]);
plvi->setPixmap (TB_TGRADE, to_pix[i+1]);
s.setNum (tsc[i+1].num);
plvi->setText (TB_COUNT, s);
plvi->setText (TB_LESSON, lesson[i]);
StatListView->insertItem (plvi);
void StatistikPage::slotRMB( QListViewItem* Item, const QPoint & /*point*/, int col)
if( Item != 0)
slotPopupMenu(((GradeListItem*)Item)->getLesson(), col);
void StatistikPage::slotPopupMenu(int row, int col)
struct stat_counter *sc;
if (col == TB_FGRADE) {
if (row >= (int) fsc.size() ) {
kdError() << "row >= fsc.size()" << endl;
sc = &fsc[row];
else if (col == TB_TGRADE) {
if (row >= (int) tsc.size() ) {
kdError() << "row >= tsc.size()" << endl;
sc = &tsc[row];
KPopupMenu *header_m = new KPopupMenu(i18n("Number of Entries per Grade"));
header_m->insertItem (i18n(KV_NORM_TEXT) + "\t" + QString::number(sc->grade[KV_NORM_GRADE]) );
header_m->insertItem (i18n(KV_LEV1_TEXT) + "\t" + QString::number(sc->grade[KV_LEV1_GRADE]) );
header_m->insertItem (i18n(KV_LEV2_TEXT) + "\t" + QString::number(sc->grade[KV_LEV2_GRADE]) );
header_m->insertItem (i18n(KV_LEV3_TEXT) + "\t" + QString::number(sc->grade[KV_LEV3_GRADE]) );
header_m->insertItem (i18n(KV_LEV4_TEXT) + "\t" + QString::number(sc->grade[KV_LEV4_GRADE]) );
header_m->insertItem (i18n(KV_LEV5_TEXT) + "\t" + QString::number(sc->grade[KV_LEV5_GRADE]) );
header_m->insertItem (i18n(KV_LEV6_TEXT) + "\t" + QString::number(sc->grade[KV_LEV6_GRADE]) );
header_m->insertItem (i18n(KV_LEV7_TEXT) + "\t" + QString::number(sc->grade[KV_LEV7_GRADE]) );
header_m->exec(QCursor::pos()+QPoint(10, 0));
#include "StatistikPage.moc"